
Showing posts from January, 2011

Bad Month

I would like to put the month of January in a trunk an throw away the key!  Not where my families concerned, but with all the crazies in Arizona.  This month started on a Friday morning when we had some strange activity going on in and around our much that we figured out that we were being cased to be robbed.  Not by one man, but by multiple men.  One guy after another checked every inch and detail of our location...the people inside, the bathroom, the offices - everywhere.  Most of us came into contact with these men which triggered the uneasy feelings and thankfully since we are a small bank we know every customer and when someone that we don't know comes in we all put our feelers out.  The cops were called and unfortunately after 2 attempts of chasing them down, they were unable to catch these so called criminals.  We wrote down 3 license plates and all of them were fake, go figure .  All parties involved didn't hide their faces which was strange.  To make thin

Family Day

With all of us being sick lately we have done nothing but be cooped up in the house!  We may be crazy, but we're desperate to try anything to get everyone healthy again!!  We decided that we needed get some fresh air so, we headed to the zoo and despite the lingering colds some of us have, we had a blast and was well needed by all!!!  Kaila and her tree stump --- sorry she's not sharing, she says it's all hers!  Side note --- Koala's sleep about 18-22 hours a day...when we arrived to see them, this particular Koala decided it was time to play and was awake as can be!  This rarely happens so, we were all excited!! The boys being boys... Our attempt to get a shot of all 3 kids :o) I love their faces, they seem very in to whatever it is they are looking at! We had a very yummy lunch...the boys were so proud of themselves sitting at the big boy table :o) After lunch we headed to the petting zoo --- the boys did not touch a single animal because the "germapho

15 Months

It has been so crazy this past month that I haven't talked about the boys turning 15 months (back on Nov. 22nd) :o)  This is a very fun-crazy age!! I use to hear from some people (without twins) that it gets easier as they get older...I'm pretty sure they were smoking something because it is pure insanity these days! I ran into a mom coming out of Target one day who has twins (who were turning 4) and I asked her, "Is it always this crazy?!" So sweetly, she replied "Yes. But you just go with it. " Not that any of my friends have it super easy, but having twins is entire thing of it's own and it was nice to finally talk with another mom of twins and know that our life is pretty "normal" :o)   There are definitely benefits to having twins, but having 2 the same age sometimes equals --- aaahhh!!  So, I'm not going to lie when I say, I especially like it when it's quite... A couple of their favorites at 15 months are...  Walking

1st Hair Cut!

They finally received their very first hair cuts! Now I know, it's not that big of a difference, but Daddy wanted to cut their hair (it's a Majorek family tradition). And as you can imagine, 1 year olds do not sit still long enough to actually get a good cut..but they are still way cute! Tyson did really well while getting rid of his "mullet"... That is, until it was time to clean him up...   And Lincoln...well cutting his hair was like "taking away his power" as Rob put it... He fought us with all his might at the beginning, but then finally gave in... And actually, he didn't mind the clean up so much... It's still pretty long and I'm trying to work on getting Rob to cut it shorter, but he just won't give worries, I'm not giving up either!

Happy New Year!

I don't think I have ever been this excited to start a new year, but after this past month I am ready for 2011!! It's been a crazy month, let alone a crazy year so I am definitely ready for new beginnings :o) We had a wonderful New Year's celebration and we really didn't do much, I guess that's why it was so fun!  If you know my husband you know that he's not a huge celebrator, but he was this year in a very kid kind of way :o) It started off a little rocky, we attempted to go out to dinner...we had a gift card to Outback so what better way to eat when it's free!  So we thought.  The wait was over an hour and a half, we called Z-tejas they were at a 3 hour wait!  I don't know why I didn't say anything about every where being busy, I knew but wasn't thinking!! The only place with no wait was Red Robin and I'm so glad we went!  Kaila was stoked cause it's her favorite place and the boys had so much fun and were really well behaved!!