What adventure is calling your name this year? What is pulling at your heart, begging you to reveal it, nurture it, achieve it? If you aren't sure... Start with this questions, "what breaks my heart?" Once you answer that question, move on from there to discover if there is anything in your neighbourhood, community, city that you can do to help alleviate that sense of pain.
If animals are your thing, try volunteering in a shelter.
If children are your thing, try offering a free story time at your local library.
If Single Mom's are your thing, try offering a small group at your church to support them in their needs.
If missions is your thing, find an organization and donate, volunteer, host a garage sale to raise money, or plan a mission trip and go.
If real adventure is what you seek, look outside of yourself, and see the world in it's need and embark on an adventure that will change your life. Adventure to me is getting out of my comfort zone and doing something that changes me... which in turn changes my world.
Adventure awaits... in whatever form it looks like, embrace it.
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