Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Book?! Yes, a Book!

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What? I illustrated a book?! Yup I did! It has always been dream of mine to write and illustrate children's books. I am kind of obsessed with them, I have a large collection of children's literature in my own personal library, because I believe books are part of what shapes little people, and whenever I can, it is an honour to give books, to read books, and now to illustrate books.

It all started one day when a new girl showed up in my Vietnamese language class, we were all introducing ourselves and I said I was an designer, artist, illustrator, graphics whatever (I still don't know what to call myself) generally I verbally spew whatever word comes up first, and then keep adding to it- which gets me in trouble sometimes, because then people assume I can do whatever they need- and if it comes to art, usually I can... but I don't always want too, and I often just say, "oh wow that sounds like an awesome project, I hope you find the right person to work on it with you... I don't think it's for me".

I'm always quite leery of who I work with, and what I get myself into, I don't like to be tied down, and I am very particular with whom I share my creativity with. (I've had lots of experience working with creativity draining people...and whomp, whomp, whomp... it kinda kills you a slow death...)

But this day, Christina introduced herself as a Children's book writer, and then she pipes up "Do you want to illustrate my new book" and I said "yes". That yes so easily rolled off my tongue, it surprised me.  But as you know my word for the year was Trust... and I knew that I needed to walk through whatever doors opened... and apparently this one had just opened. I honestly figured at some point we'd laugh about it, and she'd move on and find someone else. She didn't.

And so the rest is history, and we've created a beautiful book, that resonates with me, because it is all about my Husband's birth place, we don't have children of our own to share it with (you can read more about that all throughout my blog, or get the gist on the about me page- which is literally, about me). This book is a fun story of two children who travel... this time to Vietnam and see the sights, experience weird food, and have a blast while doing it.

I'm really excited to introduce you to Aya and Bobby a brother and sister who discover the sights and sound of foreign lands. You can check out their story and read about Vietnam and Thailand here. (more countries, cities, and sights are in the works!)

And if you'd like to purchase your own copy of this very special book, you can do that through Amazon. I am super proud of the work Christina and I have done,  and I cannot wait for you to read it!  If you read it and love be sure to leave an amazon review for me!

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Aya and Bobby Discover Vietnam  ~ Land of the Ascending Dragon ~
Aya and Bobby Discover Vietnam
~ Land of the Ascending Dragon ~
Aya and Bobby Discover Vietnam  ~ Land of the Ascending Dragon ~
Aya and Bobby Discover Vietnam
~ Land of the Ascending Dragon ~

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wood You Be Mine?

"WOOD you be mine?" said the woodchuck.
"I wood, I wood, I wood!" said I.

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LostBumblebee ©2015 Wood You Be Mine 1 :: FREE PRINTABLE :: PERSONAL USE ONLY.
LostBumblebee ©2015 Wood You Be Mine 1 :: FREE PRINTABLE :: PERSONAL USE ONLY.
LostBumblebee ©2015 Wood You Be Mine 1 :: FREE PRINTABLE :: PERSONAL USE ONLY.


Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time getting to know a teeny tiny bit about me. I hope you're enjoying the free printables and the tidbits of inspiration along the way.

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All LostBumblebee® Prints ©2009-2019 Melissa Dawn Baker Nguyen (Basically to Infinity and Beyond)

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