Showing posts with label To Do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label To Do. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

To Do Today!

It's getting closer to the holidays, and my to do list just keep getting longer (!)  I'm sure I am not the only one!

I created this little doodle "make today ridiculously amazing" as an inspiration to myself, because sometimes the entire day gets away from me and I've done nothing but work- oy!

This is a cute little to do list on an 8.5x11  (2 per page) - easy peasy to print on your desktop printer and fold over, or cut and enjoy!

Now go make today RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING :)

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I've share previous to do lists in the past, take a peek here >> The Big Kahuna!

LostBumblebee ©2014 To Do, TODAY! Free Printable Personal Use Only

Facebook Cover Image- Not for print- web version 72dpi

Monday, April 28, 2014

Today, to do.

My to do list for the day... yours?

Happy Monday!
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LostBumblebee ©2014 Grind Brew Drink Repeat #freeprintable -for personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Grind Brew Drink Repeat #freeprintable -for personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Grind Brew Drink Repeat #freeprintable -for personal use only

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Big Kahuna !

I know myself pretty well, and I am a list maker. But if I have a list that looks impossible to finish, I get myself overwhelmed and then my 'go to' is to take a nap, leave the house, or curl up on the couch and pout. So when I found a to do list that made sense to me, I wanted to share it.

I like to tackle 1 Big Kahuna a day, 3 kinda big things, and 5 little things. I can organize my entire week by printing off bunch of these and dating them accordingly:

1 Big Kahuna:
- A Blog Post
- A new graphic design project
- etc.

3 Kinda Big things:
- invoice clients
-finish a project
-organize the office
-meet a client
-teach a class

5 Little things:
- go get the mail
- make supper
- load and unload the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, etc.
- finish reading that article I started last week
- clean the bathroom

Disclaimer: Sometimes my 1 Big Kahuna is to take a nap without feeling guilty :) 

Because you have helped me so much in my journey of creativity,  I wanted to say thank you by sharing this, I hope it helps you get organized as much as it has helped me!

Share the love,

-I'm not sure which one will print better on your home printer, so I've attached both RGB and a CMYK colour sheets :)

LostBumblebee ©2014 To Do List FREE PRINTABLE
CMYK 8.5x11

LostBumblebee ©2014 To Do List FREE PRINTABLE
RGB 8.5x11


Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time getting to know a teeny tiny bit about me. I hope you're enjoying the free printables and the tidbits of inspiration along the way.

Just a little reminder: *Please note all free printables and images are free for Personal Use.

They may not be used for resale or commercial use without written permission. >> If you are using these images on your website or your blog you must link back to

Please visit our INFO page.

Thank you :)


All LostBumblebee® Prints ©2009-2019 Melissa Dawn Baker Nguyen (Basically to Infinity and Beyond)

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