How did November sneak up on us so fast? How is it that Christmas is almost here? How is it that our time in Vietnam is coming to a close? How is it that I signed an illustrating contract for 3 books? (I cannot wait to share this with you guys!) How is it that I do not know what is coming and as the time draws closer... I am still breathing, standing in the hallway, waiting for a door to open? How is it that everything is going crazy fast, and I am experiencing under all of the crazy a calm sense of peace...
...because my word for the year is Trust. Trust. So many ups and downs this year, emotional highs and lows... when I look back on 2017 it will be one for the books. But through all of this, Trust is my word. When you get the word Trust for the year... you know it will take all of the courage you can muster to trust.
Throughout this year, there have been many opportunities for me to flex my trust muscles, and it usually looked a lot like me with tears streaming down my face, fists balled up, quietly whispering, "But why... I know I don't need to know... but why... can't You at some point just tell me....this isn't how it's suppose to go, this isn't what I want, I know You know best, but can I have an opinion? I know Father, you know best, I know that... but can't we just... ok... I love you, and I trust you. "
I am not the only person in the world whose life looks messy, whose ups and downs feel like the highest highs and the lowest lows... I know that some of you are out there trusting, hoping, praying... don't ever give up! Continue on this journey of trusting Him. I know that throughout the entire journey of my life, His ways are better than mine... yet I still question. I'm doing that less now... but I still do.
There is a country song, that has the line "oh I thank God, for unanswered prayers" as I look back on my life's journey, I can whisper those words unapologetically. I admit that I thank God for unanswered prayers, and I thank God that I can trust Him.
This verse has been a song in my heart this year...
Let me hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for I trust in You. Teach me the way I should go for I lift up my soul to You.
Psalm 143:8
As this year comes to a close... this verse will be on my desktop, to remember... I trust Him... and I know He will show me where to go, which path to take, and I can have confidence in Him to know, He's got this... I can let go, and let God...
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