Showing posts with label psalms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psalms. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018


Starting week two of this new awesome year, and I am sure that many of you are feeling like me... I've already blown it.  I've not done enough, I haven't read enough, I haven't created enough, I haven't eaten well enough, I haven't been to the gym enough, I haven't been who I planned on being... enough. Enough. 

When your heart gets overwhelmed by comparing, listening to the negativity in your head, too many tv ads telling you are not enough, then we need to say "enough!".  Enough. 

Let the new day wash over you like the waves of the ocean and know that you are enough.

When you heart gets overwhelmed turn to the one who stills the seas, calms the roaring waves, and whispers... enough. You are enough. 

On this beautiful blustery winter day, quiet yourself enough to hear God whisper, you are enough... 
because you are, just the way you are.

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LBG ©2018 MDBN Roaring Seas Free Printable Personal use only,
LBG ©2018 MDBN Roaring Seas
 Personal use only |
LBG ©2018 MDBN Roaring Seas Free Desktop Background - WEB 1280x800 Personal use only,
LBG ©2018 MDBN Roaring Seas
Free Desktop Background - WEB 1280x800 72dpi (not for print)
Personal use only|

Sunday, November 5, 2017


How did November sneak up on us so fast? How is it that Christmas is almost here? How is it that our time in Vietnam is coming to a close? How is it that I signed an illustrating contract for 3 books? (I cannot wait to share this with you guys!) How is it that I do not know what is coming and as the time draws closer... I am still breathing, standing in the hallway, waiting for a door to open? How is it that everything is going crazy fast, and I am experiencing under all of the crazy a calm sense of peace... 

...because my word for the year is Trust. Trust. So many ups and downs this year, emotional highs and lows... when I look back on 2017 it will be one for the books. But through all of this, Trust is my word. When you get the word Trust for the year... you know it will take all of the courage you can muster to trust. 

Throughout this year, there have been many opportunities for me to flex my trust muscles, and it usually looked a lot like me with tears streaming down my face, fists balled up, quietly whispering, "But why... I know I don't need to know... but why... can't You at some point just tell me....this isn't how it's suppose to go, this isn't what I want, I know You know best, but can I have an opinion?  I know Father, you know best, I know that... but can't we just... ok... I love you, and I trust you. "  

I am not the only person in the world whose life looks messy, whose ups and downs feel like the highest highs and the lowest lows... I know that some of you are out there trusting, hoping, praying... don't ever give up!  Continue on this journey of trusting Him. I know that throughout the entire journey of my life, His ways are better than mine... yet I still question. I'm doing that less now... but I still do. 

There is a country song, that has the line "oh I thank God, for unanswered prayers" as I look back on my life's journey, I can whisper those words unapologetically. I admit that I thank God for unanswered prayers, and I thank God that I can trust Him.

This verse has been a song in my heart this year...

Let me hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for I trust in You. Teach me the way I should go for I lift up my soul to You.  
Psalm 143:8 

As this year comes to a close... this verse will be on my desktop, to remember... I trust Him... and I know He will show me where to go, which path to take, and I can have confidence in Him to know, He's got this... I can let go, and let God...

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LostBumblebee ©2017 MDBN Psalm 143:8 TRUST, Free Desktop Background, Personal Use only. Church use permitted.
LostBumblebee ©2017 MDBN
Psalm 143:8 TRUST,
Free Desktop Background 2560x1600px (not for print)
Personal, Church, School, Office Use Permitted

Monday, May 1, 2017

...And knows them all by name.

Do you ever feel like a tiny spec in a big wide world... Wondering if what you are doing even matters...

Guess what? It really does matter, who you are, that thing you do, it all really does matter. You matter. The day you were born the world changed. It changed forever. You being here has changed and altered the entire course of history and the future. YOU matter.

I am knee deep in the Psalms, and I can't seem to get enough... those little nuggets of gold... this little nugget of gold.

He counts the stars and He knows them by name... Do you know how many stars are out there? Do you know they all have a name? Do you know God knows their names, and even more so, He knows your name.

Yup Jenn, He knows your name. Sarah, He knows your name.  Stacy- He knows. Sandy- He knows you. Jessica He knows your name. Kyla, He knows your name. Chris, He knows your name. Terri, He knows your name. Jason He knows your name. Cybil, He knows your name. Anna, He knows your name. Ryanne, He knows your name. Starla, He knows your name. Roxanne, He knows your name. Van, He knows your name. Elizabeth, He knows your name. Jeanne, He knows your name. Marie, He knows your name. Bree, He knows your name, He knows you. Matt, He knows your name.

He knows Your name... you are not insignificant in this giant universe... He knows your name.

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LostBumblebee ©2017 Psalm 147 He counts the stars and knows them all by name, free printable, donate to download, personal use only, home decor, prints, printables, art work, galaxy, stars, sayings, bible, bible verse
LostBumblebee ©2017 Psalm 147 He counts the stars and calls them all by name |
 donate to download | personal use only |

Friday, April 28, 2017


I've been reading through the Psalms lately, how beautiful are these soul cries. I used to think the Psalms were all happy and uplifting style verses, all pretty and wrapped up in a nice little bow. As I read through them, and I read them out loud- I'm not ashamed to admit I was totally wrong. Not about all of them, but a lot of them are desperate cries for help... kind of like the cries that I make, just in different words... mine sound a little like this, "God, you've gotta do something, because this is impossible, and nothing I can do will ever make it better". "Oh God, I need you, this is insane". "Seriously God? you think I'll survive this? cause I feel like I'm going to die... You do it".

As I read these over, I can hear a 4 year old telling her dad... "no, you do it" and sometimes- ok often, I am that 4 year old throwing my hands up and saying "God, you do it. I can't"

These lyrics are serious cries from a desperate soul, one feeling overwhelmed, scared, angry, frustrated, happy, excited, anxious... yup sounds a little bit like me sometimes. But reading through them, I am finding nuggets of gold, little heart songs-just for me- and you,  how can I possibly not share?

Here is one of my favourites at this moment in my life...

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LostBumblebee ©2017 MDBN, Psalm 73-26, God Strength of my heart, home decor, free printable, donate to download, personal use only,
LostBumblebee ©2017 MDBN
Psalm 73-26, God is the Strength of my Heart
Personal Use Only  |

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Give Thanks.

Gratitude, always. There is always something to be thankful for, you've just got to look for it, celebrate it,  and give thanks for it.
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I know we haven't even made it through Thanksgiving yet, in Canada -> this weekend and in the USA-> end of November- But if you are starting to think about Christmas- make sure to check out my Christmas Cheer Advent Calendar here >> CHRISTMAS CHEER << or my CHRIST in Christmas advent Calendar here >> CHRISTmas << 

LostBumblebee ©2014 -MDBN- Give Thanks To the Lord Psalm 107:1 - Free Printable - Personal Use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 -MDBN- Give Thanks To the Lord Psalm 107:1 - Free Printable - Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 -MDBN- Give Thanks To the Lord Psalm 107:1 - Free Printable - Personal Use Only

Friday, May 9, 2014

My Mom.

So Moms, they know everything right?
The older you get the more you know this is true.

I was talking to my mom about life, how I am feeling about babies (and the lack there of in our little family life), and she said out of the blue;

"Miss, do you think you have a pride issue... maybe you are telling God what you think is best instead of thanking Him for the things you have, instead of trusting that his plan and his timing are perfect..."

Ten years ago, this would have been the beginning of a world war, now, not so much... my heart has issues- sometimes I do think I know what is best, sometimes I forget to trust God with my life, my family and my heart... She was right.  Mom was right. Mom is often right. When you have a mom who trusts God with everything, a Mom who spends countless hours on her knees praying for you, a Mom who would give anything for you... When she speaks, you listen, your heart perks up, because she not only speaks the truth of experience, she speaks God's heart... and she speaks to my heart.

Mom, I love you. This account happened today- the fact that it was just in time for Mother's day is serendipitous, not planned and not orchestrated.... but timed perfectly by my heavenly Father in whom I must place all my trust, because His ways are perfect, His plan is perfect...

I feel like I am starting my gratitude journey all over again, I got lost somewhere along the way... but I know how to get back home, I know who to trust, and I know who to thank...

Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

This is where I'm at today ... Where are you? How are you doing? 

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A few more reminders that Gratitude is the right attitude :) 

My Mom's Favourite of my Prints: Gratitude! (she even gave this one to her doctor... as a reminder that Gratitude turns what you have into enough!)
Start each day with a grateful heart:
Count your blessings: 

LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only


Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time getting to know a teeny tiny bit about me. I hope you're enjoying the free printables and the tidbits of inspiration along the way.

Just a little reminder: *Please note all free printables and images are free for Personal Use.

They may not be used for resale or commercial use without written permission. >> If you are using these images on your website or your blog you must link back to

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Thank you :)


All LostBumblebee® Prints ©2009-2019 Melissa Dawn Baker Nguyen (Basically to Infinity and Beyond)

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