Showing posts with label me myself and i. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me myself and i. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The kind of DATE I will never forget....


A year older and a year wiser..

More chance for another Ramadan and hopefully another opportunity to self-cleanse..

The greatest gift this year, is to celebrate my birthday on the first of Ramadan 2025…

for the first time in my living life..


Thank You Allah for the date and date... didn't mean that kind of date.. 

what I meant by date...

date 1-tarikh

date 2- kurma

date 3- person

date date and date....Get it? 🤣

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Mehnah lidah...

 Mengapa bertanya jawapan taqdir yang tidak diketahui?

Teruskan berjalan dengan usaha dan redha dengan tetrtib aturan tuhan..

Mulut yang mencaci dan merendah itu lumrah dunia,

Usah menjadi mangsa kiblat dunia, demi membahagiakan mulut-mulut yang tidak menghantar kita ke syurga..

Rancang dengan apa yang ada di tangan

Bukan yang kita angan-angankan

Kita membina cita dan harapan

Bukan mimpi dan igauan


Bacaan pilihan:

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Telling your age, without telling your age...

Owning a Facebook,
is like confessing your aging age..
Instagram, would minus a few years or so, of your age..

To NOT own a TikTok account, on the other hand, means...
You live deep in the jungle alongside one of those long-lost ancient tribes..


p/s: if you have blogs, add 10 more years of whatever age people predicted, when they know you have facebook!


This was NINE freaking years ago with Kak Aina back in Shah Alam.... gosh.. I am that OLD!!


Teruntuk Langit Yang Bercanda by JIWA

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sumpahan Favourite

Semua orang, ada minat pada sesuatu dalam membuat pilihan..

"Favourite".... term nya

Semua orang ada baju favourite

atau kasut favourite

atau t-shirt favourite

atau beg favourite

in my case,

tudung favourite… tudung sekolah lama… pakai pi kerja, dan pj dan weekend..

tapi tak perasan pula terlalu kerap guna..

Mak kata

“Dah takda tudung lain ke nak pakai? Tukar la tudung lain pulak”

“Mana ada selalu mak…”

Dialog setiap kali pakai tudung ni..

hingga suatu hari dengan taqdir Allah


Bila mak tau tudung tu hilang......

~malas nak habiskan cerita~

p/s: kalau suka berpada-pada. Kalau mak kita fed-up… nanti kena sumpahan hilang 🤣



Mak, Siapa Allah? by Siti Aminah

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Apex of Embarrassment


What are the things we’re embarrassed about the most?

Our past and young naive self, trying to fit in whatever world we were once, in…

My older self now, finds my past-self to be quite Embarrassing...

Going through my very own old blog entries, makes me laugh at my own stupidity..

Yet it held great memories that I have almost forgotten…

stupid, but precious

we’re not born clever…

our failure makes us clever,

to not repeat the same mistakes again..

Thank you, my stupid young self… for everything


Mendakap Kesedihan Dengan Al-Quran by Imran Zaki

Friday, August 13, 2021

Cr@zY thing people wish for~


I miss this bag... dah koyak...
Does anyone wants to buy me a new Targus?

Semua orang nak jump back to the old time, and mend things that couldn't be mended..
Reminiscing the past is not wrong.. it helps us to reaffirm our feelings of being who we are, and as a muslims, TO BE GRATEFUL about it...

I'm scolding myself right now, as I'm reminiscing and not benefiting from doing so...
Wishing to reduce a few pounds like old days
 but not acting on it!

Do not just react..
Act hooman!

p/s: this entry is my therapy, and just a self monologue..
do take the value, the anger was for me..


Thursday, May 28, 2020

'the legendary hateful lectures of love'

Being teenagers, we often have the ego of trying out new things and getting into new crowds whilst having the confidence to have self-control over everything at all times....

Except when we're in deep trouble... with no way out..
It's the only time we admitted that we're just some timid little kittens that needed any wise adult figure to step up, to defend and save.....

or the other way around at home [yikes]

And this is when the 'legendary hateful lecture' that you have been spending your entire life dodging away from, manage to really struck you, pierced into your eardrums, tremoring your neurons, permeated into your hard brain to suck up all the wise nutrient, and broke the ego dam built since the first day you hit puberty...

And now, managing teenagers really jogged the old memories of being one of them..
This is the moment when you parrot back words of your mom and teachers on 'the legendary hateful lecture' that had once pierced through your ears...

no....... your heart...

and accepted them as love, and not hatred

p/s: Love you, who loves me...


You Are Loved (Softcover Edition) by Mizi Wahid

Friday, June 30, 2017

Bayan Linnas and La Tahzan, of Ali-Imraan


Eid Mubarak,
Felt cheerful to share. Might sound mundane, but still, I am enthusiast to type it all out...

So a book written by Dr.Aidh Al-qarni was one of the best selling copies in the world when I was doing my degree. It was called La Tahzan. I was and is, still, one of the forever fan of it. The book was thick, so don't ask about the price. But still, it was the best selling books for quite some time. Up to an extent, the publisher break it into a mini thin numbered-encyclopedic version, to make it more affordable for every ‘sengkek student’ like me to own one. 

I would call it a master-heart-piece. Touching the sinners hearts with beautiful words. I was quite obsess with the word ‘La Tahzan’ in those old days, and spent quite some time to look up in the Quran to seek which verse consist of that particular word and manage to happily memorized it until today. Sound silly, but it becomes my personal  soul-treating verse that cures the sadness in my heart. I bet it affect others whom read it in the Holy kitab as well. 

It was Suratul Ali-Imran verse number 139

ÙˆَÙ„َا تَÙ‡ِÙ†ُوا ÙˆَÙ„َا تَØ­ْزَÙ†ُوا ÙˆَØ£َÙ†ْتُÙ…ُ الْØ£َعْÙ„َÙˆْÙ†َ Ø¥ِÙ†ْ ÙƒُÙ†ْتُÙ…ْ Ù…ُؤْÙ…ِÙ†ِينَ
So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.

I came across it again this morning, and started writing as all the previous eight year’s memories flashes back. But this time, I was pleased, even more with what I read.

You know, I often curious about where ‘Bayan Linnas’ words came out from, too. In which surah and verse. I am a non Arabic speaker whom in love with some unique articulations of beautiful words in the quran.  

So I dig in the quran and web, to seek ‘Bayan Linnas’ and it’s meaning .... just like what I did previously with ‘La Tahzan’(childish grown ups huh? lol). 

I couldn’t find it, or I must have missed it out... 

So this morning, I came to notice that the verse that consist of ‘Bayan Linnas’ was there right before ‘La Tahzan’.  It was Ali-Imran verse 138. 

Ù‡َٰØ°َا بَÙŠَانٌ Ù„ِلنَّاسِ ÙˆَÙ‡ُدًÙ‰ ÙˆَÙ…َÙˆْعِظَØ©ٌ Ù„ِÙ„ْÙ…ُتَّÙ‚ِينَ

This [Qur'an] is a clear statement to [all] the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of Allah .

What a cheerful, small, but precious present....

Note to self: We missed out small things, not because it is small....  It’s simply because we aren’t looking for it...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Spirit of INFIRU

Masing-masing berjuang dengan cara sendiri..... 

Tubuh, pasti letih,
Tenaga, pasti habis,
Idea mungkin kering,
Hati, mungkin sedih,
Wang, mungkin kurang,
Sokongan mungkin hilang,

 Berbekalkan semangat INFIRU...........


p/s: It matters not, whether our pain is seen by others or not... Allah's acceptance of it matters the most!

Oleh kerana Islam mendidik kita berdisiplin dengan ibadah wajib, maka uruslah urusan dunia sebaiknya dan dengan disiplin yang sama. Pasal kita ni pum pam pum pam letih, duit habis, untuk benda sia-sia. 

*sepuluh jari tunjuk muka sendiri*

Sekian dimaklumkan....

Salam syawal!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Aku Sudah Jatuh Hati

بِسْÙ…ِ اللَّÙ‡ِ الرَّØ­ْÙ…َÙ†ِ الرَّØ­ِيم

Secara rasminya ingin mengumumkan hati ini sudah jatuh terjelupuk, tergolek berguling-guling hingga menangis dan ketawa.... jatuhhhhh~

Rare design dia!
Dengan ini, secara rasminya pada tahun 2017, saya mahu mengisytihar diri ini sudah jatuh hati dengan bidang pendidikan walaupun energy di tahap 5% waktu balik sekolah. Mohon tidak tertipu dengan gambar hiasan diatas. Selingan sahaja, asbab designnya pun mencairkan hati nan banyak kolestrol ni. 

Ironinya di zaman persekolahan dahulu, jemu bebenor dengan sekolah. Rasa dah tak sabar nak beredar dari tanah kelahiran ini untuk menghirup udara diperantauan. Nak jadi guru? Jauh api dari panggang, kerana pengalaman praktikal di sekolah dahulu bukanlah pengalaman yang indah. Menitis air mata melayankan sikap pelajar yang sedang meniti alam dewasa. Sikap dan lagak anak-anak muda yang sungguh memeritkan hati banyak melatih para pendidik untuk bersabar, dan membentuk suatu social skill baru untuk menghadapi mereka. Hati sudah bulat, tidak sabar dan tidak tahan!!

Tidak sungguh menyangka bahawa rancangan Allah menghantar diri ini ke tampuk para pendidik SEMULA  berstatus sandaran beberapa kali dan kemudian part-time tutoring, membuahkan rasa cinta akhirnya. 

Bukanlah dari golongan hebat pandai, cuma nikmat mendidik itu, memang luar biasa! 

Betul, tak tipu!

Dahulu mungkin dalam hati ini, jangkanya mendidik itu hanyalah sebuah profession yang boleh dilakukan sesiapa sahaja, namun, dari masa ke semasa, tanpa disedari semacam ada satisfaction yang tinggi sekiranya metod-metod baru yang digayakan ketika mengajar mula membuahkan hasil dan mencapai objektif DSKP... 

Macam menjalankan kajian makmal gayanya~

Beberapa minggu lepas saya mula lebih tersentuh dengan hadith ini:

Dan kemudian, beberapa hari lepas, tersentuh lagi:

Kita merancang, Allah juga punya rencana....

Ada yang bekerja sealiran dengan jurusan pendidikannya,
Akan tetapi, ada juga yang beralih arah.....
Guru sejarah saya juga berkelulusan Undang-undang, akan tetapi bergitu dalam minat mendidiknya...

Moral entry hari ni mudah....
Matlamat hidup, mesti mahu perhatian daripada Allah.... hadirkan sikap ini tidak kira apa jua profession yang diceburi....

Hatta profession menjual ais krim calong sekalipun! Uih sedapnya!

Mode: buru ais krim bermula esok!

Moga Allah beri kita kekuatan untuk "walk the talk"...


Monday, May 4, 2015

Belajar Melihat Melalui Yang Hodoh.................

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah, dan Maha Bijaksana,

Entry kali ni untuk brainwash:


Senarai benda yang tak syok yang pernah di temui dalam kehidupan...

1. kemalangan
2. pergaduhan
3. pengkhianatan
4. kesusahan hidup
5. tekanan bekerja dan belajar
7-100...... macam-macam

Outcome dalam pembinaan sahsiah daripada point diatas:

1. behati-hati dan lebih kenal ragam kenderaan di jalan raya
2. mengenal hati-budi bukan sahaja kawan dan saudara...malahan Ummah!!
3. berhati-hati dalam memeilih orang yang dipercayai
4. bersyukur diatas nikmat walau untuk sepotong roti, atau secolek belacan... sedap woo
5. belajar kemahiran hidup....hahaha
6. eh eh eh..... serius.... eh...
7-100.... kuat mahir semangat dan lebih produktif......

Purpose Akhirat-dari point diatas juga:

1. redha tak motor kopak bila kemalangan?
2. bersedia tak memaafkan jika sahabat tersilap kata mahupun perbuatan?
3. bersabar tak dalam berlapang dada demi ukhuwwah walaupun pernah dikhianati?
4. redha atau tidak dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi setelah berusaha untuk meneruskan hidup?
5. sejauh mana berusaha sebelum tawakkal dalam menentukan urusan rezeki?
6. cinta Allah mengatasi segalanya atau cinta manusia?
7-100 : sejauh mana akhlak sebagai seorang muslim dipertahan dalam menempuh karenah manusia dan dunia?

Pengajaran entry ni:

Kita benci yang buruk, susah, menyampah, berat dan macam-macam lagi masalah yang menerpa. Namun, indahnya sekolah kehidupan yang Allah cipta, mendidik kita membina sahsiah yang lebih utuh dan hebat.....SYARATNYA, matlamat Akhirat mesti sentiasa yang pertama.... baru graf emosi kita stabil semula.... sekian untuk kali ini...

Belajar melihat melalui yang hodoh.........

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


In The name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful...

New year is coming, and I am still..... here, breathing healthily, getting older, but not taller, fairer and yet fatter.... etc.
Great!  Alhamdulilah...
Still writing some papers to complete some research, and some proposals to pursue a Master.
Sometime my brain refuses to process..... ended everything up with a snore......

So... yeah..... I'll keep my blog updated with my research progress.... stay where you are dearest blog..

p/s: please do ignore this post... I am really talking to myself, and to myself only..... [=..=']