Showing posts with label lol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lol. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The kind of DATE I will never forget....


A year older and a year wiser..

More chance for another Ramadan and hopefully another opportunity to self-cleanse..

The greatest gift this year, is to celebrate my birthday on the first of Ramadan 2025…

for the first time in my living life..


Thank You Allah for the date and date... didn't mean that kind of date.. 

what I meant by date...

date 1-tarikh

date 2- kurma

date 3- person

date date and date....Get it? 🤣

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Me and Cr*p Telly

Not a tv person, but once watched, I can easily be carried away by it...

Pernah tengok 'Kampung People' dulu, tapi, like always - not following and not interested to..

Of MCO days off and family time 24/7, we have daily tv time, after isha/taraweekh, and I got hooked on 1-2 serial drama.

Kampung People....
 Comedial, cynical and pact with values and lessons from typical malay life.

Malam ni tengok watak Bobby, anak Pak Norbik...
Kaki pau di sekolah. Yummy yang baru join pun kena pau.

Sejak Abang Jafar bagi amaran (dengan kening) supaya Bobby tidak ganggu Yummy dari luar pagar sekolah, Bobby tidak ditakuti oleh semua orang lagi.

Bobby yang dulu ditakuti, kini tidak dilayan peras ugutnya kerana mereka lihat Abang Jafaar yang bantu Yummy lebih kuat...

Bobby buang partner lamanya dan memujuk Yummy untuk memburu wang peras ugutnya -guna nama Abang Jafar.... Menjanjikan Wang yang bnyk...

Yummy makan rayuan dan mula berpaling tadah, memeras hatta rakan-rakannya juga...semua jadi takut kerana nama Abang Jafar digunakan..

Make it short--- akhirnya kantoi, kena marah Mommy [part ni serius kelakar]..

Value: Politics and tricks....

Bobby left his loyal supporter as he needed Yummy's partnership. Yummy lost his good and sincere friends for the money he chased (upon his partnership with Bobby). Money driven betul si Yummy ni.

KBAT: How will Yummy face 'friends' that he have wronged to?

p/s: I have once met an obsessed individual turning his back on some of his family members and relatives, telling them how wrong and lost they were of not seeing the truth fought by the 'party' he was in. After some years, the party he is in, declared a partnership with the party he hated the most......

Not talking about parties or sides here....
But to swallow your pride to stand in front of the people you have once hurt....
feels like what the Malay saying "Jangan menepuk air di dulang"

 Don't get me wrong, this is not a cynical entry. It is just a valuable life lesson. 

Note to self: Telling this harder to myself to keep this lesson in mind before inflicting my personal political opinions to any public talking that is not meant to be a political discussion.