Showing posts with label Patch Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patch Updates. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Au Ra Eyes

 I went and played around with the character creation again. I wanted to go with the male Au Ra but I might consider the female. Who knows. I have 2 months to decide.

This is what my lalafell looks like. (Well 99%)

And what it will look like if it "grows up". (And somehow becomes a dragonkin)

There's two ways of playing around with the eye colour and limbal ring colour. Dark outside or dark inside.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Mangoes on their ears (Heanvensward Benchmark)!

Benchmark for Heavensward is released today. Everyone is trying out the new Au Ra customization. I must say I like the Xaela more than the other one. Its more exotic. The scales and horns really match with the dragoon armor. Though that means all you can play is dragoon. o_o

New Au Ra Hairstyles are much nicer than what we have now. It feels smoother and more anime-ish. Light doesnt like this face for females, he says it looks like mangoes on their ears. :S

Im thinking of playing the male Au Ra. This hair is so Bomb. Its what I expected for Elezen but they turned out to be limp pale sticks. Now these are more muscular and taller, and look mean. :)

The other races get 2 new hairstyles each for male and female. The classic dad hair, the poofy ponytail for males. And braids and high ponytail for females.

Then the Benchmark itself. Its not really an issue for my PC to handle FFXIV, but I tested it for fun, and to watch the cinematics. At first I didnt set it to my full resolution, and full screen mode, but the results are nearly the same.

Seeing that Lala WHM makes me wonder if I play a male Au Ra, how am I going to pull off that new AF robe....

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Patch 2.55

Patch 2.55 is underway. Most of the changes were to Chocobo racing, and more main scenario quests, Postmoogle Hat, and a new Trial with a huge dragon. Continue on if you have completed the main story.***

This new trial was the cheese. And by cheese i mean stinky bad cheese. We had no idea what to do at first so we wiped like 3 times then we got gud.

Of course, I didnt manage to get the scene where Nanamo *ahem*. I was so utterly shocked I shouted in my FC chat, and later realised not everyone has seen it yet. I know, I couldnt contain my sadness, huge spoilers. T^T They showed a new LB which looked like a Holy. And many people died. It was a sad day.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

2.5 Data Mining from Bluegartr

Mounts. The Gold Pony is yes, the one you get from obtaining all primal mounts. I think it looks quite odd. Im quite excited about the other 3 though! :D

Minions, some more over on
This is the page I found it on, please go over there to see more. :)

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Fan Festival Tokyo Screencaps

Me & Light were at the Tokyo Fan fest on Day 1, so we were there for the keynotes. I shall update on the festival when I get back! But meanwhile, the keynotes was spectacular! :D

Firstly, the new playable race: 

Au Ra

Its like a type of dragon-human race. The males are much taller and bigger built that the females. I thought the males looked super cool (although its like Elezens finally went to the gym), and the females look like another type of mi'qote, which was quite alright i guess.

I told Light next they'll have some Lalafell-Rabbit hybrid race. That'll be super cute. You heard it here first. :P

Dark Knight

We've already know that the DK will be coming soon, and its a Tank class, wielding a 2-hand great sword. But look how intimidating an Au Ra looks in it! It just fits.


Everyone was speculating the new class would be a healer that uses guns. Afterall, Yoshida did show a gun in the previous key note. We all thought it would be a healer.

What a facial! I think everyone totally did not expect this. Astrologian. ahmygerddd....look at that Artifact armor..and the globe..with the spinny wantttt...

The cards are too pretty...<33
Though I'm pretty sure Astro will be like a scholar-type. It doesn't feel like it will have burst healing like a White mage. But I'm definitely trying this one out first.


And we all were wondering if Yoshida will end it right there. I was thinking "Hmm? Hes not going to show the gunner class?" Out walks this man holding a toy gun, and tadaaa...Machinist.

I'm sure people with gun fetishes are excited..not so much for me ahaha.
You can hear it in the audience, everytime the gun bangs once, the audience will be "OOOAHH"
Not kidding you.

They even have their little turret!

Thats it for the new race, classes stuff. Next shown was Alexander. Light knows what this was before Yoshida said it. Tsk, little nerd. Its going to be the new raid after coil. So, wooo!

More flying mounts? Yes Please!
This is the new dragon mount, which comes with the Collector's edition, along with another Griffin mount, a dragon figurine, Cecil helm, Kain minion etc. Guess their CE sales have just skyrocketed.

All images were taken from:
Images do not belong to me.