Showing posts with label 3DS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3DS. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Ace Attorney Dual Destinies DLC Case

I had clean forgotten about this DLC until my friend told me about it. So I bought it from the e-store. Its well worth it. ^v^ Should definitely get it if you are itching to play Ace Attorney.

Full of cute animals.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Bravely Default and Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

I finally got around to buying Bravely Default last week and have been playing it whenever Im not raiding. It has grown to be quite addictive. I just reached Ancheim, which is the second town in the game. Meaning new jobs to unlock :D

(The above was posted like months ago)
I kind of stopped playing after I got defeated by the ninja and Klint. What an annoying pair. Keeps stealing my potions and healing back! >:( So I had no choice but to search online for help. I then used 3 black mages and just focused on the ninja. Klint will run away when one of them reaches half HP. And it worked. After months I beat it. -_- Thats not the worst part. The next one is the fat chairman AND KLINT. god...I just shut down the game and decided to not play it anymore. 


I like this one! Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright. You get to switch between Layton and Wright, best of both worlds. The story itself is very riveting, almost to completion now after a few days. :)

Cute animals everywhere.

The artwork for the puzzles has improved a lot, it feels like.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Dual Destinies Last Chapter [A lot of Spoilers]

I finished Dual Destinies quite a long time ago but was lazy plus kind of forgot about my screencaps in Miiverse. Haha..Anyway, if you are interested to get the game, definitely do! But if you havent tried the previous Ace attorney games, I reckon you should do so first so to get a clearer view of their story.

Anyhoo, this arc is at a space center! Lots of robots and sci-fi themes. I shall not delve too much into the story in order not to spoil too much.

Apollo's Best friend since they were little. This arc is also related to Athena.

Man. Could he appear any later??? I was so looking forward to seeing Edgeworth in all the chapters but yea, he only appears in this last one. Bummer.

You...dont say. I'll leave this to your imagination.

So who is the real Phantom? :)
Im playing Bravely Default right now, hopefully will keep up with the screencaps.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Ace Attorney Dual Destinies II (spoilers)

I just finished the 2nd turnabout a couple days ago. I felt they animated this shifty tanuki very well.

Knew this sucker was guilty. I had felt he would become a scary-evil, like Thalia. That girl scared me. But he was a mushy blubber after he was convicted. Pshaw. And doesnt this just look like the Joker?

And then on to the third, Turnabout Academy. How would you react with two handsome attorneys in front of you? :3

These 2 are very similar to Wright & Apollo arent they?

And....guess who is back. :)

Ok thats where I'm up to. Still waiting for Edgey to pop up. Sigh~

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Ace Attorney Dual Destinies I (spoilers)

I started playing this a few days ago..and am on case two right now. Case 1 involves Juniper Woods, a friend of Athena's. And this scary looking bomb expert called Ted Tonate. (haha)

There's a new feature from Athena called the Mood Matrix, which kind of allows you to sense the emotions in the person's tone of voice. It's pretty cool. Case 1 is usually happening in court so its a shorter one. 

On to 2, which is a flashback. I'm playing the part of Apollo now. I really liked Apollo's ability, it feels more interesting than the Magatama one. 

*fans self* Even Apollo cant resist Phoenix in a suit. 

One of the witnesses in this case & Trucy's friend. You can see the 3D-ness of that charm plastered on my 'head'. Though charms aren't probably translucent.

The creepy-creeptomatic Man-woman. Just screams GUILTY doesnt he. -_-"

Aww..Athena has the cutest face emotes.

And, the new jailbird Prosecutor, Simon Blackquill. Im sure you've seen him in the promos already. I havent advanced far enough to see more yet.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Cant wait for Fall.


May 13, 2013 — Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today confirmed that Phoenix Wright™: Ace Attorney™ - Dual Destinies will be available to purchase digitally on Nintendo 3DS™ across Europe and North America in Fall 2013. 

In addition to new faces, many of the past characters are coming back, including Apollo Justice ones. Time to buy a 3DS.

They really did a good job of making it 3D. Not at all shabby & squarish as other fail 3D games out there. But perhaps that was improved due to the new platform. 

Just when fangirls like me cant stop fangirling over Edgeworth...
BAM, Edgeworth in glasses. Thank you Shu Takumi.

Simon Blackquill, new mysterious prosecutor who...evidently looks like a skunk.

Through my search of Dual Destinies, I found out that there's Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 as well. 

(exactly my face when i found it out)

Maybe because its still in the midst of translation. UGH and possibly only completed til the first case. Double URGH.

I am so mad because it looks so interesting but I cant play it.

Also, Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton, also on 3DS. That I kind of knew of but brushed it aside. Now, I am wanting to play it too. Artwork will be done on Capcom's side, so thats a relief.   

Notice how weird Layton looks next to Phoenix, hahaha.. English version TBA while Japanese are already gleefully playing it dammit.

Official Site for Ace attorney 5: