Showing posts with label Exploring Eorzea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exploring Eorzea. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Its so dark in Azys Lla

Friday, 3 July 2015

The Dravanian Hinterlands and Idyllshire

I finally came to this place today, which was where the quest chain took me. The architecture here reminds me a bit of Mesopotamia. I cant decide if I like Zenith or here

With my new baby Unicolt. ^v^
I squealed (yes i believe i did) when i saw it in the patch notes.
Next to get the Lesser Panda cum Raccoon thing.

Haha this set...I cant even. It literally screams NUN.

Monday, 29 June 2015

A Knight's Calling

This part was emotional for me. T^T Im sure you feel that way too.

Sacrifice for the greater good.

I like how this part makes me seem like I reborned into Dark Melon. It was unintentional though. I went to check out the new hairstyles one day.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

The Pale Rider

I could see it for so high up while flying and thought "What! Is that a person or the hunt?"

A headless horseman.

Heavensward: Royal Levin (Huge Spoilers)

These are bits and pieces of stuff. :) This was the giant fate that happened, I kind of died because I was standing right in front of it and I couldnt go back into the map. The things I do for screenshots..

Nanamo.... T^T Yukataa
Im so glad it didnt end that way.

I like the new skill stance more now, haha!
It says "YA-SHA!"

The range of Assize is really huge.

A look at the weird Shikaree's set for a healer.