Showing posts with label Minions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minions. Show all posts
Sunday, 7 August 2016
5 Days free login / Yokai Watch 2016!
So we came back for free login week and the Yokai Watch event. This event will run til 3rd Oct.
Did moogle beast tribe quests as well, to get this mallow mount. That will have to wait.
Unlocked this mount after getting all the yokai minions. Did a lot of Fates!
This shows how small a lalafell is to other races..
And for the heck of it, completed the Hildebrand quests.
Below shows all the minions, and 2 of the weapons i got. Cant be bothered to get all the weps since no use for it and i have no inventory space.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Helio there
Someone has the carby plushie minion already. SO JELLY. Where is the blue one though..
*EDIT* I just saw the blue one!
Plus the Twintania mount
While I was on my last few exp for level 59 AST (yes this class is such a chore), I did some fates in Churning Mists. This is the new DD fate, and its so cool. Two big dragons fighting with each other.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Friday, 3 July 2015
The Dravanian Hinterlands and Idyllshire
I finally came to this place today, which was where the quest chain took me. The architecture here reminds me a bit of Mesopotamia. I cant decide if I like Zenith or here
With my new baby Unicolt. ^v^
I squealed (yes i believe i did) when i saw it in the patch notes.
Next to get the Lesser Panda cum Raccoon thing.
Haha this set...I cant even. It literally screams NUN.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Oh my starry eyed surprise
Wee got it on the 10th Totem, so now I can buy another thing with it.
Light gave me a Lesser Panda he bought for cheap! haha....<3
Always thought it looked like a raccoon.
Astro LB3! Holy shit I want itttttt...I would level an AST for this LB...but still, I prefer to have power heals.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Welp. I realised i still have so much screenies from the PREVIOUS patch that i havent posted. Im a serial screenie taker.
Im hoping the manderville quest wont be over. I love it! ^ Lol at my lala's face.
This was our first Full FC World of Darkness run! Everyone was issued a sailor uniform. SeeD privileges. :)
The monument made from a fragment dropped in T13. Not our house btw, its FFXIV's, in Mist Ward 1.
Nanamo sits on your head.
All the colours.
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