Showing posts with label Armor & Weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armor & Weapons. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 August 2016

5 Days free login / Yokai Watch 2016!

So we came back for free login week and the Yokai Watch event. This event will run til 3rd Oct.

Did moogle beast tribe quests as well, to get this mallow mount. That will have to wait.

Unlocked this mount after getting all the yokai minions. Did a lot of Fates!

This shows how small a lalafell is to other races..

And for the heck of it, completed the Hildebrand quests.

Below shows all the minions, and 2 of the weapons i got. Cant be bothered to get all the weps since no use for it and i have no inventory space.

Monday, 7 March 2016


Just cleared Sephirot ex yesterday. I must say it is a very fun fight. I like it because its similar to Titan. The cane dropped from the clear yesterday. I wonder why I am so lucky with this. I never have wished for my weapon to drop in raids partly because tanks and dps need it more?

Anyways, we were consistently getting to phase 3. But shit happens. We even had it at 1% but enraged. That is always the rite of passage.

I should write this down in case i forget about this stupid but hilarious run:
Since we had no BRD for a run, we decided on mumble that melee will lb. But Bazu didnt know & decided that he will lb. Which was a bad idea. He didnt realise his lb3 covered the whole arena. And the adds all died at the same time which made us all die. Plus the meteor blinded us all during yesad.

well, everyone had a good laugh at that.

In other things, we have a living arch in the garden now. I took so long trying out ways to fit it in the garden! x__X
Alas, i think this is the best configuration no? :)

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Seize the day

Not raiding = resting time.
Look how ugly that miqote is! hue.

I love it when Flames and Adders go head on with each other.
But its not fun when its our turn to be sandwiched between.

Field Commander's Coat for this guy, dream come true.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Oh my starry eyed surprise

Wee got it on the 10th Totem, so now I can buy another thing with it.

Light gave me a Lesser Panda he bought for cheap! haha....<3
Always thought it looked like a raccoon.

Astro LB3! Holy shit I want itttttt...I would level an AST for this LB...but still, I prefer to have power heals.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Patch 2.55

Patch 2.55 is underway. Most of the changes were to Chocobo racing, and more main scenario quests, Postmoogle Hat, and a new Trial with a huge dragon. Continue on if you have completed the main story.***

This new trial was the cheese. And by cheese i mean stinky bad cheese. We had no idea what to do at first so we wiped like 3 times then we got gud.

Of course, I didnt manage to get the scene where Nanamo *ahem*. I was so utterly shocked I shouted in my FC chat, and later realised not everyone has seen it yet. I know, I couldnt contain my sadness, huge spoilers. T^T They showed a new LB which looked like a Holy. And many people died. It was a sad day.

Saturday, 7 February 2015


Hats from WoD. I like big fancy shmancy hats.

I finally got a Bluebird! The prices were so high before the RMT banning. Now theyre dropping steadily. Next, Nutkin & Fat Cat.

Caught the Rainbow today in Eorzea for a brief moment.

People running to an S Rank. I just find this so nice on the desert with all the running mounts.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Fat chocobo head

This fat chocobo head, so incredibly adorable! I need to wait for my sub some more. Thats Muj.

Every Lala likes to sit in a Roe's lap.

I finally figured out how to get to the top of this arch. :D

Super rad Dragoon PVP armor. theres two of them... u_u"

Its an Odin Showdown.

Tremor Bow.