Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 August 2016

5 Days free login / Yokai Watch 2016!

So we came back for free login week and the Yokai Watch event. This event will run til 3rd Oct.

Did moogle beast tribe quests as well, to get this mallow mount. That will have to wait.

Unlocked this mount after getting all the yokai minions. Did a lot of Fates!

This shows how small a lalafell is to other races..

And for the heck of it, completed the Hildebrand quests.

Below shows all the minions, and 2 of the weapons i got. Cant be bothered to get all the weps since no use for it and i have no inventory space.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Happy Hatchingtide

I was trying to capture a nice angle for this but the shadows dont agree with me. This will have to do.

Sunday, 28 February 2016


I came back. :) Just yesterday. And a day of free login in December. Now to do the plethora of quests and dungeons.....

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Will you be my valentwine

I cant recall if the decorations this year are the same as last years, but its the month of luurrveee! This year these bonfires can be bought. They are outdoor furnishings.
And we even get a Paramour Barding! Its awfully cute.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy new year of the Goat! or Lamb

Been waiting for this Tender Lamb minion for ages! Finnaaallyy ^o^
I had tried killing sheep outside Limsa to see if it dropped, that was..quite naive.

Awww, flocks of cuddly sheep.

Poor little lamb, exhausted after helping everyone.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Starlight Starbright

The Starlight celebration has started! Its snowing in Eorzeaaaa.
To start the quest , go to Lavender Beds.

The new starlight tunics this year.

The quests requires you to go to all 3 residential areas. You can do these every day for the fallen stars. The colour of the tree you click on will garner the respective colour of your star. This yellow trimmed tree will give you the yellow star.

Each Ward will have only one colour of each tree on their lot.

Finishing the quest chain will give you a sugarloaf hat! :D

You can check the vendors nearby for the items you wish to get. Most of the require the green star. Hoary the Snowman will need red, yellow and blue.

He tips his hat! Awwww cute... x_x