

I had the urge to make marshmallows again before it got too humid, so I asked Chip if he had any special requests. He said 'peanut butter'.

The only recipe I found quickly was on Bakerella's site. So I took my tried and true recipe, used some ideas from Bakerella, and added some pb while the sugar was still hot and whipped up a batch.

Intense peanut butter flavor! Not very fluffy marshmallows.

I borrowed the marshmallow book from the library, just for more inspiration, and got set to try again. And then the humidity came. I had to put my marshmallow making on hold until after summer was over.

So round two had a little less pb and I coated the final product with powdered pb mixed with powdered sugar.

Man, the lighting in this shot makes them look sickly...

The pb taste was still intense, which is great, since I reduced the amount of pb in the mallow mix. Unfortunately, these were also decidedly 'unfluffy', which is the hallmark of a perfect mallow. In fact, these look even less fluffy than attempt number one! 

So it's back to the drawing board. I have two more ideas to try and will see if either of those methods give me the results I want. Stay tuned!

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