The main idea for the weekend was to discover who we are, and that means who we are as identity, not as reputation. It also means going a little deeper into your idea of who God is and how big you think He is. Chances are, you're not going big enough.
The whole thing went really fast and most of us got enough sleep to function pretty well!
We had some fun outside of the seminars and main sessions. There's always something unique at whatever hotel we've been assigned to...
Saturday morning we woke up to snow! The last time we saw snow was before Thanksgiving, so we were pretty excited. After the morning session and before lunch, the teens stayed outside and had a snowball fight. Sorry, no pictures of that...
Saturday night we went to Noodles & Co. for supper and rather enjoyed the bathroom signs.
The girls sat at one table and the guys at another, so I don't really know how this happened... I'm going to guess it's all on Kevin.
[note: video coming soon]
Something that struck me on Monday was that group feeling we all experience at Districts is nothing new. There's a lot of talk at the Sunday morning session about how the teens have to go back to 'real life' and school and how tough it's going to be.
My Bible passage for yesterday happened to be Exodus 24: Moses, Aaron and the people meet together and worship God before Moses gets the 10 commandments. There is incredible unity and everyone promises to honor and obey God in that moment. Then Moses goes up the mountain to get instruction and the 'real world' hits the Israelites. A few chapters later we read about the golden calf and 'wonder how on earth?'
But if you've ever attended a camp or a weekend conference, I think you can relate. And I don't think we as a Church talk about this enough--we like to focus on 'mountaintop experiences', but what about the ones where we're at the foot of the mountain and surrounded by other believers? These are just as powerful and I think a very important reason why we should attend church and participate in Bible studies, no matter what our age.