Chip likes Halloween and decorating, so that certainly was a factor.
I also know a post on the YSS blog spurred it further.
So Chip popped by Love, Inc to check on what they had in stock for dolls and thus began the project. I came home from Zumba Saturday morning to find him starting on the hair, thinking he just got one to experiment. But, no, he had a whole pile of dolls!
He thought to start with linseed oil to stiffen the hair, but that proved to be messy and her hair took forever to dry. So he moved onto glue next, but I bet one could just spray paint a doll's hair and it would get to that zombie look in no time with fewer steps.
Chip took charge of the project and did most of the painting (I didn't do any extras to the faces, for example) and hair arranging. I did fine tune the dresses a bit, though tried not to overdo. I think that's where this project can go south quickly--keep things simple!
I also look forward to the elements making them even more zombie-like.