Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tender Mercies Tuesday- in the Eye of the beholder (yes it is Wednesday)

Oldest has been trying out several brands of contacts- he has astigmatism in the right eye-  but it has improved to where he doesn't have to have a contact specifically for that.  Which is great- but has made fitting him with a different type a bit tricky.  We have been trying since the first of March (remember?  I took him in the day after finding out he was sick with pneumonia again).

Anyway- finally found a keeper, but when I called, the soonest we could get in was June 1.  Today.  I picked an early appt because I have to work.

The doctor came in and made some small talk- remember I live in Small Town and you generally end up knowing people on many levels around here.  He grew up with the DR, one son played soccer with Outpatient, another son had a mutual little crush on Middle a while back. Anyway- he asked about the wedding and how things had gone, etc.

He looked at me as he was turning off the light to begin the exam- and stopped short.

As soon as he was done with Oldest- he stuck me in his chair, blinded my poor hurting eye with light- and told me I have celulitis.  He gave me a prescription for an oral antibiotic and an optical one, told me if I get a fever or start seeing double to get to the emergency room. And that if Oldest had it- he would be in the hospital for 3 days!!!

So- I got into a doctor and got a prescription without have to do anything.  I might mention that I made the appointment for Oldest over two weeks ago.  Just saying.


Mickie and Matt said...

WOW! That is wonderful. Hopefully with that you'll be good to go in a few days, who knew your eyes were getting so terrible! Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Nancy Face said...

What a wonderful blessing that you received treatment in such a timely manner!

Lana said...

Glad you got seen