Showing posts with label St Patricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Patricks. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week in Rewind

Well-  still sick sick sick-  although Oldest got to return to school.  Middle missed one day, and I have felt like garbage warmed over, and Youngest has finally succumbed to the hacking cough.

We did very little hockey this week-  Oldest of course was off the ice completely, and we had Middle take a break for most of her practices to give her lungs a little rest, but she had games this weekend and she played awesome-  especially for how sick she was-  she would come off the ice,  cough until she threw up- then skate some more.  Her coach sat her as much as he dared-  but when she is one of the best defense- what do you do?  She just is a really smart player and they rely on her a lot.  I wish I could have recorded both of her games- but maybe next week I will remember the tripod.

The Bantams did well in their games-  it was kind of funny to see Oldest pacing on the bench. I better rephrase that-  they managed to save a victory from the claws of defeat in the first game when they played crappy- and then they pulled their heads out of the sand and played hockey the second game and won easily.

Pee Wees won the first one-  but lost the second one, in large part because we had several players spend a lot of quality time in the box with the result that we spent a large chunk of time playing 3on 5 in the second period and they got two goals in that time.  Middle took that pretty hard-  but it is hard to play with only three against 5- especially as long as they did.  She feels like she lets her team down if she is ever scored on- no matter the circumstances.  The last goal scored was a two on one breakaway-  she was all alone trying to skate down two of their players-  and she played it really great, keeping close to the skater with the puck and keeping tabs on the second skater- ready for a possible pass-  the goalie just didn't get the shot stopped.

It was not a good game- both with players making stupid penalties and crappy fans on the other team- so I got pretty upset and left the game to watch from the team tunnel.

But-  The leprechaun made it to our house on Thursday and it didn't snow even though it threatened to. 
My sister in law, T, and her family were here for her MIL's funeral, so although the reason wasn't fun, it was still nice to see them a little because we usually only see them once a year.

And tonight, I made brownie covered Oreo's.  They were not a success so you won't see those on the wedding food list.  Bummer.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

Cool- first pic of Oldest without his glasses on the blog (notice his complete lack of molars STILL)

As you can see, the leprechauns got a little more rambunctious than usual-

Okay- not really- It was Crazy Hair Day for Red Ribbon Week (Drug Prevention)

May the Luck O' The Irish be with ye :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day

As the luck of the Irish (stretching it a tad) would have it- the leprechauns came to our house and turned the milk green, hid green shirts for the kids, and instead of making a path of gold- they threw gold all over the main part of the house. The leprechauns can be quite mischievious!

Today- I am grateful for my mom, who made it a point to celebrate holidays and make memories. It has carried down to the next generation, and my patients live for the various holidays.

I am in a weird place, emotionally. I have been rather teary for the past while, and missing my outpatient. Holidays, I guess, do that to me, or there is something else, I am not quite sure. I am grateful to know that we have made it to 6 months and ONE WEEK until he returns to this continent. How I miss his large personality and enjoyment of life. I doubt the leprechaun made it to Brazil this year.