Showing posts with label Valentines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentines. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tender Mercies Tuesday- On this day in history

It was Valentines Day in 1986.  I was working at the Campus Craft and Floral shop at BYU (it is no longer what it was- that is for sure).  A floral shop anywhere on and around Valentines Day is pretty crazy, but a Marriage Crazy College???  We had tried to simplify things for us by having those very smart young men and women who PRE-Orders their flowers and/or balloons pick their orders up in the hallway door- right by the barber shop.  I was given that work detail- to blow up and make balloon bouquets, and hand out the orders as well as prep deliveries.  I was so glad I didn't have to work out in the actual shop, where the line wrapped around twice and went out the door into the foyer of the ELWC (that doesn't even remotely look the same anymore either)

During that crazy busy day, we would leave when we had classes and then hurry back to work.  Most of the time we left out one of the back doors so as to avoid the crush in the store.  I do know that I went out into the store front on two occasions that day-  once to get an arrangement out of the fridge for someone, and once to go to a class.  Tender Mercy Alert.

During one of those times, the DR was in the shop, buying flowers for his girlfriend at the time.  Of course I didn't see him that I know of, and if I had- he would have blended in to the mass of humanity trying to get romantic gifts for their sweetie last minute.  Whichever time it was, he saw me, and he noted what I was wearing, and noted that I worked there and was not just someone in there to shop.

One week later- Sue, a girl I worked with, came up to me and asked if I would be willing to go on a blind date with a friend of hers.  I had no objections.  Seems he had seen me on Valentines Day, and was able to describe me to her- "She was wearing a red jumpsuit"-  Sue knew exactly who he meant and had kindly looked up my work schedule for him.  Before you get the wrong idea-  the DR and the girlfriend had broken up immediately after Valentines- and Sue  was trying to help him get right back out there.

Saturday- the DR tried valiantly all day to connect with me (no cellphones in those days-  we are THAT old), and finally managed to at 5:00 pm- hoping for a 6:00 date.  I did say yes- then I didn't know what to do because I forgot what his name was.  Awkward.  I was saved by my very best friend who kindly answered the door, and inquired for his name so he could sneakily share that information with me.

Things were a tad strange because I still lived at home, had a curfew (seriously, DAD???  12:00 in college?)  AND my dad had a strange rule that we couldn't go out of town for date.  I lived in Provo- and Orem was considered out of town.  Obviously, I didn't mind that rule very well.

Dinner at the Spaghetti Factory, then we went to this other girls home ( I have mentioned her before-  she was the best friend of the girl who waited for the DR on his mission). Then getting ME the BABY home by my oh so adult curfew.

Despite all of that- Here we are- 26 years, 2 dogs, 4 kids, three across state line moves, four across town moves, 8 years of infertility, living with each set of in-laws- unmarried and married, as well as untold other moments of drama.

It hasn't been roses and chocolate all the time-  but it has been often enough.

I love you, DR of my heart and soul.  You have made me a much better person, and I am in awe- still- at the events that took place to bring us together at the right time in both of our lives.

Thanks for the roses and chocolate covered strawberries.  They are beautiful and delicious.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We were able to be home in our own house for Valentine's day for the first time in several years.  Oldest was more than a little excited to have our traditional Fresh Fruit Crepe Dinner.

Even the crepes got into the spirit of the holiday!

A few days ago, Oldest came home with a Valentine from 4 girls - they like his hair, and want to know what conditioner he uses because it is so soft (they have been feeling his hair?)  It was so funny- and made even funnier by letting a couple of the parents read it-  ha! (Casey, Jamie, Catelyn, and Kristin)

We had a fun night together and were so happy to have a minute to sit down together and celebrate our love for each other and the happy news that my niece is now officially engaged.

Middle had a fun day- she had made many handmade valentines for her friends, dressed up for the occasion and came home with a rose, singing valentine card, and a ring of her own.  So-  Lac and LOL-  Middle says....


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Once again, we are not at home on Valentine's day so no special breakfast or dinner :(

And my personal valentine is across the state in Small Town.

And Sophie.

And my baby valentine is halfway across the state.

And my outpatient valentine.

At least I have two of them with me- that is better than none.

Hope you have a great day- I am off to decide what to do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up- Extended Weekend- Time Out

Our Valentine Weekend "Time Out" began on Thursday- although not exactly how you might think. It began with the DR and I trying to figure out how to deliver a valentine delivery to the Outpatient's Best Friend. Easier said than done- seeing as she no longer lives in our town, and she wasn't coming home for the weekend and we didn't have her address, and her parents weren't home. (Eventually got in touch with her dad.) Enter one of the DR's accounting clients. A florist in that town. Who was an angel (or cupid) and made a rather late notice delivery to Best Friend. Extra Thanks to our partner in the spy business- S- who alerted us to her departure from college town.

We then escaped from town, patients sluffing school and- GASP- Hockey, for-

Dentist appointments. Exciting.

Then - we had reservations for the Draper Temple Open House. I think that Satan didn't want us going. He made it very difficult. But we persevered, and made it , and managed to have a good experience despite his efforts.

We- as in the DR and I- went to dinner with Lunch Lady and PB&J. It was nummy- but the DR made the confession- that even though he had jumped through a few hoopes to get VALENTINES to Best Friend- he spaced off ME- oh well, I am fine- I wanted him to go with us to the Temple and he did, although it is Tax Season, and there is no time for him.

Then- THE MAIN EVENT- as far as the Patients were concerned. Grandma Bunnie has a grandkid Valentine Breakfast- only my patients never get to go! Not this year!!!! They had a wonderful time- and Grandma always makes things so special.

We had been greeted with a snow storm that morning- so we were vacillating about driving home- and the DR won out- so poor Lunch Lady had her Valentine Dinner crashed by annoying in-laws. (Not that I don't love spending time with them- I just like getting up in my own bed. Especially on a payroll weekend).

We bought the Youngest her first set of Real Scriptures- now that she is 8 and all- then She and I made a surprise visit to S- who is one super talented young man- I want his painting- but he is keeping it-

The Patients loved their Valentine surprises. For the Girls- I had someone make Hockey Jerseys and pants just like theirs for their American Girl Dolls- TOO FUN! Oldest got a couple of Bionicals- which he still likes at 12- We let the Carrotsticks and Patients make their own sundeas and DR gave me chocolate covered strawberries. I gave the DR chocolate kisses with caramel- his favorite- I also had found a CD- the title was- It's Not Love Until It Has Been Through A Storm. The sentiment alone was worth buying the CD. It is love that gets us through the trials of life. Infatuation just can't hack the real stuff. Then we played cards- and I didn't lose- so that was good.

We had a good evening, and drove home Sunday in time to for the DR to sing in a Men's Choir for Ward Conference- I don't know about you- but there is just something about men's voices! I love listening to them- and it was beautiful. Also- I had to teach my class- another reason to be home on Saturday night.

We had a low key evening- and with no school this morning- a later than usual wake up- 7:00 the oldest was in my room- thanks- now go away- but I had to get up and do the payroll stuff. It has been a long day- I am tired, but even though there is no school, we still have hockey and dance- as well as piano practicing, and homework. So- I had better get off of here and get moving or there will be no dinner.

Hope you had a great weekend- Me- I had a diet coke with lime- heavy on the lime :)