Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Oh Dear- April disappeared too-

So much for keeping up with even monthly postings-  but if you could see in my head- you would understand why.

So-  April brought soccer, which is way less time consuming than hockey.  It also brought a work change as we added LOL to the workforce- alleviating half of my hours and taking a big load of daily pressure off my shoulders.  It brought a few other events too.  Like a root canal from which recovery seems far too distant.

I returned home from getting Middle back from her California adventures- and turned right back around and headed out to our dentist and then turned around again to get home and within an hour and a half had the trailer loaded up and headed out to camp for Easter weekend.  It was an interesting trip to say the least.  Total dust bowl thanks to our super dry winter and spring.  There were places when my van thought it was expected to be a dune buggy.  And the DR and I worked almost the whole time thanks to his hot spot.  The wind blew like crazy too- so wind and dust.  But Saturday was nicer than Friday- and the DR and I got a minute to ride 4 wheelers- kids went to the dunes-  and Youngest was granted at least part of her heart's desire which was a few horseback rides. The Easter Bunny managed to find us in all that dust.  The patients were spoiled as per usual.  I must have a talk with that rabbit.

General Conference was amazing- so much food for our spirits- I was on the road so much but tried to listen to as much as I could- just couldn't take notes like I wanted-  but I did HEAR so much more that I usually get to because I was ALONE!

Life moves so fast that before I knew it- the TaVaci Spring concert was upon us-  and Youngest had been assigned a solo, which in her teacher's words-  had her name ALL OVER IT- and boy howdy- did she rock it!  She sang part of R E S P E C T-  and she sold it with gusto.  Tons of laughter and applause with overflowing compliments afterwards.  I videoed it-  but then Middle was messing with the camera and recorded over part of it.  (tad cranky about that !!!)  I know there was more that happened- a lot which I won't be blogging about-  getting fed up with our school district for one thing- that would be a whole blog of its own.

I may end up editing this later if my mind gets jogged.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Easter Weekend

We started off our spring break with a quick camping trip. And I do mean quick. I was there for about 7 hours and managed to get a pretty good sunburn. The DR stayed up with the inpatients while I came back home to chaperon Outpatient and LOL who came out for the weekend.
Oldest likes crawly things. This is his first time catching a horney toad.

15 plus foot slick rock drop- and yes- he is carrying a baby
That is indeed an 8 month pregnant lady in thigh high water

The inpatients take it in stride.

And I missed out on quite the hike.  I feel bad about that, but not too bad.  This pic is nearly all part of the DR's extended family who either live in Small Town or their parents do- and not even all of those who live in Small Town made it.  Missing a brother, a cousin, and their families and an aunt. There were lots of dogs along, and several babies getting carried by the daddies, and one very pregnant momma to be.  The DR thought that was a little crazy and I was soooo thrilled with the super filthy clothes that came home - but they had a blast, added to by the happy surprise of finding a few treat filled eggs left behind by another group (whom we know personally so it was safe to enjoy the treat).

Bring on the egg dye!

Youngest made a Hippie Muscle Man which we did not get a picture of.  But rather than waste her creative juice, she got even more creative and re-created it out of plastic eggs.

Middle got creative!

Oldest went for the "color the whole egg black with a sharpie" look.

Outpatient and LOL tried a Tie technique to dye some eggs- which required a trip to DI to purchase silk ties.  One of them was so dusty inside- LOL and I were a tad grossed out.

You wouldn't believe how ugly some of the ties were that made these eggs.