Showing posts with label just for fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label just for fun. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fill in the Blanks- TQ Super Activity

August 12/13, 2011

While the Girlies were home in Small Town, the menfolk stayed in (Oldest) or traveled out to (the DR) the Wasatch Front for the Teacher's Quorum Super Activity.  They were able to participate in baptisms in the Jordan River Temple, then went to Momentum Climbing or whatever it is called to climb and hopefully earn their montaineering merit badge. They stayed in a hotel and swam, ate, and did some shopping.  The next day they returned to Momentum to finish up.

Luckily, Oldest was feeling up to all of that, pudgy face notwithstanding.

He earned his badge and had a great time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Too Much Fun!

We had such a fun activity for Activity Day! We are starting to work on learning to be good babysitters. We started out with covering basic good information on what things to know and do. I have handed out questionnaires to several of the young moms in our ward, but since many have not got them back to me yet, we will go over those another time. After we went over some basic rules and ideas, then we had a couple of fun and crazy activities.

I went and bought a package of preemie baby diapers, and gathered up Middle and Youngest's Bitty Baby twins and various diaper changing supplies. I also bought a few bottles of baby food. I was really nice and bought applesauce so it wouldn't be too yucky. We had the girls divide into two teams and pick numbers to see who would be doing what. Two girls each sat down with two of the dolls and then we blindfolded them and they raced to see who could change both babies diapers the best and fastest. It was so funny to watch!

Then came the baby feeding challenge. Two girls wore kitchen towels (not big enough, as it turned out) for bibs and their partners were blindfolded and had to feed them all the food. Lots of laughter and applesauce all over my kitchen. The girls liked it so much, they all wanted a turn, so I had to promise them we would do it again another day. It was funner than I even had hoped it would turn out.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Scatter Sunshine

After hearing the weatherman refer to Small Town as Siberia during one weather report. Then another time hearing him wonder out loud if there wasn't some way to send us a little sunshine. Then my loverly Ode to Fog ( I am sure that had some influence), Grandma Bunnie decided that she could indeed send me some sunshine. So this is what she came up with. Something yellow. Something Spring. Something loverly. Something happy.

Currently the only thing yellow outside except for some snow. And speaking of snow- Anyone want some? I have oddles and am willing to share!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Fabulous 50's

For the past several months, the activity day girls have been preparing to have a Daddy Daughter Sock Hop. After 4 reschedulings, they were finally able to have their fun activity. I did tag along for the photo op- and to help with other miscellaneous stuff, like clean up.

The girls (and even their partners) had a FABULOUS time- just ask them.

The older girls learned a fun Hand Jive dance- choreographed and taught by the fabulous Robin, they made darling poodle skirts, and they made cute decorations including a pretend record player and a bunch of 45's. I put together a 50's playlist and made them a cd. They had a get to know you activity, and floats.

Robin then taught the group how to do the Stroll, and the Swing. Youngest isn't too great at being led (like her mother), and Middle danced with one of the leaders husbands until Youngest decided she needed a turn with a younger man than the DR. It was super fun for everyone, and I know from personal experience that the girls will never forget this night. I still remember my Daddy Daughter dates.>

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A Success?

The first guests showed up at 3:00 pm for a party that started at 8:00 pm.

The last guest finally left the Looney Bin at noon (well, not counting a cousin who is still here at 5:30).

Does this mean the party, which was scheduled only until 8:00am was a success?

Does the mess in and around my house, yard, and trailer from 11 girls- ages 8 through 12- signal that they had a good time?

They played a game we called Elephant Trunk Wrestling-

They ran Three Legged Races with their Crazy Sock Twin

They played DI Dress Up Musical Chairs- Hysterical-

Had Cake and Ice Cream, Pop and Presents-

Followed by making these fun bracelets- (Youngest modeling her fabric of choice)

Finally getting them to settle down before 2:00 am- with a breakfast served at 8:00am-

I am beat!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Flat Stanley- or Patient- whichever

For many parents of second graders around the US (at least), there comes a time when you get introduced to Flat Stanley. If you don't know who Flat Stanley is, you haven't had a second grader in the last 6 or so years. For your benefit, I will briefly explain.

Flat Stanley is a character in a series of books, who gets flattened by a huge bulletin board in his room, and gets sent by mail, among other adventures.

So, every other year since Oldest was in second grade, we have the opportunity to send a Flat Patient into the world to experience the sights and wonders. Let me recap how successful this has been.

Oldest decided he wanted to send his to Florida to visit the Artist and Betty, along with cousins. Time went along, and we heard nothing. Finally, about 2 months later and some inquiries, we finally get a picture with Flat Oldest at the beach, and very interesting dialog about how white Flat Oldest's skin is, his pointy teeth must mean he is a vampire-wish I could find that picture (Note: if you have it - and you know who you are- can you send me it?).

Middle decided to send Flat Middle to a friend in Canada. Flat Middle was never heard from again. I would like to point out that I tried to discourage Middle from sending Flat Middle across the border- who knows what those border patrol people might do. She may be in Gitmo for all we know.

Now, Youngest decides that she wants to send Flat Youngest to...... BRAZIL! Of course she does. She wants to send her to the Outpatient where mail can be a bit iffy at best. Well. Tried again to discourage patient from sending Flat Patient out of the country. No go. So I emailed the Outpatient, reminded him of what Flat Patient was, and made sure he understood that if he did not have time to mess with it- then tell me up front. He said- Sure thing- send her down to where it is warm. Flat Youngest was happily boxed up and on her way to meet the Outpatient, having never before had the pleasure. That was in February. Today, she finally got out of the box. Wow, that must have been some major excitement for her.

She got to visit the Temple with the Missionaries!

She played in the FOUNTAIN???? Where was the Outpatient while she was doing that, I would like to know.

And, she got taken to lunch by a group of handsome, righteous young men. LUCKY! Although, I didn't think they were supposed to take young ladies to eat. I hope she enjoyed herself because she only got one day of freedom.

I would like you to notice that she was appropriately dressed in a white dress and shoes. More specifically, a white baptism dress. Because Youngest was about to be baptised when Flat Youngest was born. Six weeks ago.

Hopefully, she will be on her way back to us soon, because school gets out in about seven weeks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tender Mercies Tuesday

I have mentioned that the Outpatient was a little difficult to get here. His heart didn't work correctly for about 4 months before he was born and he went into heart failure while in-utero - the doctors took good care of us, did everything they could think of to keep him alive and inside for as long as possible. So long in fact, that they finally evicted him 9 days late.

Before he left for Brazil to serve as a missionary, the Best Friend and I could not get him to focus on the tasks at hand. Like packing and cleaning up his messes. Every time I turned around he had a soccer ball. Apparently he felt the need to practice for this.....

I can't even adequately express my gratitude to my Father in Heaven that I have a healthy, active, show off of a son dribbling in Brazil- for all the amazing blessings of tender mercy that were bestowed on me and him to get him to this point

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day

As the luck of the Irish (stretching it a tad) would have it- the leprechauns came to our house and turned the milk green, hid green shirts for the kids, and instead of making a path of gold- they threw gold all over the main part of the house. The leprechauns can be quite mischievious!

Today- I am grateful for my mom, who made it a point to celebrate holidays and make memories. It has carried down to the next generation, and my patients live for the various holidays.

I am in a weird place, emotionally. I have been rather teary for the past while, and missing my outpatient. Holidays, I guess, do that to me, or there is something else, I am not quite sure. I am grateful to know that we have made it to 6 months and ONE WEEK until he returns to this continent. How I miss his large personality and enjoyment of life. I doubt the leprechaun made it to Brazil this year.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Good Food Friday- late- Snowmobiling edition

Take 4 adults, 1 teen girl, 2 preteen boys, three 10-yr olds, two nearly 8 yr olds and one nearly 7 year old. Add 7 snowmobiles (one is a putt putt)and a snow tube. Throw in a bit of snow for good measure, Head Nurse "supplies", and what do you get?

You get 13 people ready for hot chocolate all at the same time.

How does one accomplish such a task you ask?

Well, you buy a large pump thermos, and make 3 batches of hot chocolate in your cocomotion machine while you are counting and sorting by size your 15 pairs of snow pants, countless mittens and hats, and making your list to buy cups when you fuel up.

My favorite brand is Stephens, mint or hazelnut are my personal favorites- make it a little strong so that they can add cold water because it will still be plenty hot. 8 oz cups, and with one pump, you can fill up the cup and have everybody served in a couple of minutes.

As for the Cocomotion machine, you can keep that on the counter and buy those snowman "peeps" or the mint stars and have a fun marshmallow addition.

It is kind of funny how good things taste when someone else makes them for you (or you make them ahead of time).

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Thank You Mickie for this prestigious award. I would like to thank the little people who made it all possible- you know who you are. Oh, wait. This isn't the Oscars? Geesh, what a waste of dramatics.
As a recipient of this award, there are rules to follow. I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to several others!

The questions are as follows:
1. Where is your cell phone? Which?
2. Where is your significant other? TV
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? Chemo
5. Your father? injured
6. Your favorite thing? reading
7. Your dream last night? stressful
8. Your dream/goal? eternity
9. The room you're in? Dining
10. Your hobby? computer
11. Your fear? heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? grandma
13. Where were you last night? hockey
14. What you're not? patient
15. One of your wish-list items? basement
16. Where you grew up? Utah
17. The last thing you did? work
18. What are you wearing? shorts
19. Your TV? old
20. Your pet? Sophie :) :)
21. Your computer? FOUR!
22. Your mood? worried
23. Missing someone? YES!!!!
24. Your car? minivan
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? TARGET
27. Your summer? busy
28. Love someone? many
29. Your favorite color? several
30. When is the last time you laughed? recently
31. Last time you cried? frequently

I would like to pass along the bloggy love to:

1- Amyrinkus
2- Mare
3- Beck
4- SmAsh

I have quite a few blogs that I love, but I am mostly a lurker or a not too frequent commenter- so if you come here- and you would like to play, leave a comment to let me know you did. And you Washingtonians- let me know who you are. I loved it when I lived there for four years in Auburn. And D- we need to get you a blog!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Past and Future Tag

My SIL had this one on her post today- made me think, and I decided- Why not?

20 Years Ago-

1. Was my official due date with the Outpatient-no, he was not cooperative even after my Mom and the DR made me walk the mall on my swollen feet/legs for hours.
2. I was working for Computerland, which lead to my working as a sales assistant for the top salesman, which then led to me managing the store-
3. The DR was working towards finishing his degree at BYU.
4. We were unknowingly headed for a huge trial in our family.

15 years ago-

1. The Outpatient was getting ready to turn 5.
2. My sister had just given birth to her third and I was in the middle of infertility treatments.
3. I had a tubal pregnancy which required emergency surgery while I was at my sister's to help her with her kids- oh the chaos!
4. The DR and I began discussing adoption. It would be another year before we started the paperwork.

10 years ago-

1. The Middle Patient was 1 month old.
2. The Oldest Patient was 1 1/2, his adoption finalized a year earlier, and he had given us a huge scare when he fell down my in laws laundry hole to the basement floor.
3. The Outpatient was getting ready to turn 10, and met his best friend for the last 10 years.
4. We had lived in our house for one year!

5 Years ago-

1. I was recovering from a hysterectomy, which my super sister came to be my personal nurse.
2. The Youngest Patient was 2 1/2.
3. Several members of my family were having mental health crises- it was without a doubt the darkest and hardest times of our lives.
4. The Outpatient finally started to grow- and eventually got taller than his momma.

3 Years ago-

1. The Outpatient was not my friend- until November, when he broke his wrist playing hockey. Then he became my friend again.
2. The oldest patient had been baptised the past winter.
3. We got a puppy for Christmas- her name is Sophie-
4. My youngest patient was starting her last year of preschool.

1 Year ago-

1. My Outpatient had graduated from High School, received and accepted a call from the prophet to serve a mission in Brazil, and we were rapidly approaching his departure date, and he had just gone to the Temple for the first time.
2. My sister was in the middle of her first round of chemo for breast cancer, and had been in a very bad car wreck in April.
3. In February, my baby sister had been hit by a car while riding her scooter to work- I got to take care of her baby for a week while she was in the hospital.
4. My father had surgery on his leg in June, the DR's dad had three different heart procedures done in one surgery- very scary, and then my dad ended up with a dead gall bladder, which caused a major medical emergency for him as well.

This year-

1. I am almost as heavy not pregnant as I got when I was pregnant- NOT GOOD!
2. We are almost to the 1 Year mark for the Outpatient. And I am becoming a pro at mailing packages to Brazil.
3. Other than the Sister's shoulder- the family's health is much improved over a year ago.
4. The oldest Patient is in middle school, Middle Patient is in 4th, and the youngest is in 2nd- while the Outpatient is almost 20!!!!! No teenagers for a few years.


1. I worked all long day.
2. I almost completely assembled the middle patient's dresser.
3. I wrote my oldest son- miss him still- not getting easier, really.
4. I worked all day long- oh, did I already mention that?


1. I registered the girls for dance, went to the grocery store, and bank.
2. Checked three kids' homework.
3. Laundry- I actually got three loads done- Hurray for my limping dryer.
4. Walked laps for 1.5 hours


1. Kids start back to piano lessons
2. Dr leaves for Seattle trip
3. Shop the case lot sale
4. Walk and work-

Next Year-

1- Youngest will be baptised- how did that happen?
2- Outpatient will be almost home!!!
3- Outpatient will be almost home!!!!!
4- several new family members-, oh, and did I mention the Outpatient will almost be home?