Showing posts with label A peek at my life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A peek at my life. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

2 0 1 4

Like last year I figured I would write up some of my resolutions here on the blog.
 It actually helped me to have them written in simple one word concepts. 
I would like to continue to do the things from last years list but I'm adding a few more.
So here is the list for 2014!

In general get rid of clutter/stuff/junk/excess that keep my thoughts from being occupied with what really we move a lot so hoarding shouldn't be priority.

I would like to spend more time in the Bible and to pray more. I know a few prayer warriors that are truly inspiring and I would love to become like them someday. And you've gotta start somewhere!

A typical new years resolution. But I figure I'm getting awfully close to the end of my twenties (yikes) and my metabolism isn't getting any better. Although I won't be eating only celery sticks for snack, I should still shape up and be making smarter eating choices not only for me but my kiddo's. 
Plus I would like to run the same race as last June so I need to get my butt in gear. And to kick start this resolution I signed up for Zumba and Phusia dance fitness classes!
...and I've (shameless plug alert!) also been drinking Javita coffee so I'm well on my way.

Less Tech
In general spend less time in front of the Tv (unless I'm crafting), computer, and phone. Make more memories without these techy things involved! I'm also considering taking a facebook and pinterest break. I have a love/hate relationship with both of these social media's.

Anyways I hope 2014 is going well for you thus far. Mine has!
And I have high hopes that this year will be a great one!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

let's talk coffee

As you all know I am a coffee addict so when I was approached by my Auntie about a new gourmet instant coffee I brushed it off because I am what some might consider a 'coffee snob'-- prefer dark roast, buy whole beans, freshly grind them, two pots a day....yadayada

Anyways good thing my Aunt was persistant, she got my mom and grandma hooked and now me too.
After seeing this video I was definitely more intrigued.

My first sample of the energy coffee was amazing, I'm definitely someone who could take a nap every day but Javita Energy and Mind took away that urge to lay down. I had places to go, people to see, things to do. 
I felt great!

Since signing up I've been taking the Burn and Control and I've really noticed a drop in my cravings, I simply don't over eat and I don't snack constantly. So far I have lost 3 pounds and hubby thinks I've been looking smaller in the stomach. I never did do before measurements, oops.
This is all from just switching my morning coffee!!

If your interested in losing a few pounds, increasing your energy, or just simply drinking a better cup of coffee packed with good healthy stuff,
head on over to my website:

It could change your life!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Small town girl in the Big Apple

I don't know what it is about holidays but I feel like I need a couple of weeks to regroup.
 So I have just been chilling with my girls, prepping for T's birthday next week and not doing much blogging, obviously. 
I have some upcoming crafty posts but first off, I wanted to share about my New York trip.

Are you ready for picture overload?
Ok. GO!
Times Square. We went there daily.

Hottie Henry Cavil was mega size everywhere as superman. The ads have persuaded me, I need to see this movie.

We ate breakfast here every morning. SO GOOD!

The Rockefeller Center, definitely a highlight!

Alice in Wonderland statue in central park.

Carnegie Deli classic cheesecake, dessert in the park.

Guy Fieri of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives at Taste of Times Square.

I hollered 'Guy, this is off the hook!' He looked and we shared a moment, haha.

At Tiffany's

Grand Central Station

There is so many more pictures I could show you.
 (between the three that went we had over 1200 pictures, yikes!)

And we did A LOT of stuff, to name a few:
Times square, Top of the Rock, Central Park, 2 Broadway plays (Mama Mia and Nice Work), Shopping on 5th Ave, The Museum of Natural History, A couple of bus tours, Staten Island ferry, Carnegie Deli, Grand Central station, Taste of Times Square event.

All in four and a half days, it was a crazy/busy/fun/tiring/awesome time.
We didn't take a cab ever. We mostly walked it with the subway being our back up.

I would definitely go back, there is still lots I would love to see and see again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

lovin this.

In the mail a few weeks back I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a parcel I had been waiting for. 
You know how much I like Instagram (hence all the Insta-pics)...
 well there is a company who will take your Instagram photos and make really cool stuff with them. 
When I originally saw Little Pink Monsters post about Printstagram, I knew I had to order.
 I couldn't help myself!

I decided to order the tiny books. 
A group of three with 25 photos in each.
I picked 75 pics total and they were randomly put in each book.  Kind of a fun surprise to see which pictures were in each book. They have magnetic closure so they stay together nicely and since I don't want to lose them they are stuck on the fridge, bonus!

I also got this,

Awesome right?! 
I love looking at it and I can't wait to hang it up at the new place.
I titled the poster 'our year in pictures 2012'. 

So, have you found any thing lately that you love? Please share.

P.S. As for some fine print...This post was in no way sponsored by Printstagram or Social Print center. Just wanted to share something with you that I thought was super cool!