DH was quite successful making purchases yesterday morning, now we never know what the menus will be for the next days except of course pasta or rice!
He managed to find almost what was on the "wish" list. So we had fish and vegetables. Today "raclette" -cheese raclette.
En ces périodes compliquées, nos courses furent un succès et les menus virtuels se trouvèrent réellement dans nos assiettes.
Lors de notre séance de jardinage hier, les pavés disparus sous l'herbe du jardin ont été retrouvés grâce à l'archéologue maison !
We did a lot of work in the garden those past days, preparing the vegetable garden, cleaning flowerbeds, I found my "coeur de Marie" (lyre flower) was ready to grow and some mushrooms under the leaves!
As DH and DD2 were cleaning the terrasse, they looked for some pavers "lost" under the grass for years. Felt like some kind of "archeologist" and our "home Indiana Jones" finally found them as this picture proves.
We had some chat which our grandchildren, playing some letters games together and Capucine shown us drawings and the new calendar she made with her mum. It's hard for kids to stay at home and she cryed because she wanted to go to school and she don't understand why she can't.
The homework for her brother is well organized by his teacher, lessons and homeworks are sent by email and each pupil writes every day some toughts and comments their day. The teacher is collecting them to make kind of a class book to keep the class spirit living.
Ecole et devoirs à la maison pour les petits enfants et bricolage avec maman pour ce superbe calendrier fait main.
The pattern of the kite he chose to make is a tie...
Le ciel de l'Italie ne verra pas notre cerf-volant peut-être le ciel cassien si le montage se passe bien.
Our neighbour's cat appreciates we are confined at home, she hears me open the shutters and arrives a few moments later on the window sill for a little visit.
Darjeeling apprécie que ses voisins soient confinés, cela lui offre plus de câlins et une visite matinale dès que les volets s'ouvrent.
If you look for some hobby, remember there are three "Tour de France" on the blog, you can still visit the country and discover some new places if you missed them before.
The first started in March 2015 with embroidery and sewing theme
The second started in February 2017 with books theme
The third started in June 2019 with toys/game theme
I'll be happy to read / answer to new comments.
Les tours de France organisés sur le blog avec de petites énigmes pour vous faire deviner des villes et leurs spécialités sont disponibles selon les liens ci-dessus. Une promenade "passe-temps" pour voyageurs confinés.
Voilà quelques nouvelles en attendant de vous retrouver bientôt avec des photos de Beauval. Portez-vous bien.
See you soon for my next post on Beauval Parc. Stay safe.