
Showing posts with the label months

Its finally December-What has happened to tolerance?

My thoughts on the past year Every month this year I have written things that I consider important but I want to end the year with something that I think is growing and will become much more of an issue in 2017 — Intolerances I wrote a post on intolerances earlier this year, however very few people read it ( LINK ), I wondered why—has intolerances become acceptable across the broader community or did I touch on a topic that raises too many questions for Christians. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:18) As mothers we need to teach our children to be tolerant — to love one another, to care for one another, to reach out to others.  As Christians  being tolerant means being loving and considerate of others who differ from us. Being tolerant means being patient and forgiving of others' errors. However, it doesn't mean being tolerant of evil or deliberate wrongdoing, nor does it mean we must  believ...

My thoughts for November: The big decision

PHOTO CREDIT:  Quentin Chester My thoughts for the coming month: Making difficult decisions BIG decisions . . . we all have to make them from time to time and most of us don't enjoy them. This month — November is a big month for some of my readers, voting in the US election. For some it is clear cut, for others they simply won't vote and then there are those who are still struggling to decide who to vote for. I agree, this one is really hard and I am thankful I don't have to vote or even think about who to vote for. As I wrote back in September, you have no reason to be afraid. It might sounds strange to non-believes, but all you have to do is " Trust in the Lord in all things " and all will be ok. This is a lesson of faith. Remember,  God’s plans and purposes are fixed, and His will is inviolable. What He has purposed, He will bring to pass, and no government can thwart His will. We must grasp the fact that our government cannot save us, even ...

My thoughts for October: Nothing lasts forever so use it!

My thoughts for the coming month Nothing lasts forever. The new car won't be new for very long, the clothes we buy don't last, the appliances in our kitchen seem to die so much faster these days. Nothing lasts except the Word of God. When I was young I was given the most beautiful candle. It was just too good to use, so I never burnt the candle and over time it got dusty, lost its lustre and in the heat of summer began to sag. In the end I had to throw it out. Sadly I never got to enjoy it when it was beautiful. Are you the sort of woman that hardly ever uses the best china or wear particular piece of jewellery because is too precious to wear? Do you have a sitting room that is just too good from the family to use, it is only for visitors? Do you have a special dress that hardly ever gets worn as its only for special occasions.  I think we all have items that are beautiful but never enjoyed.   Nothing lasts forever so why keep these things hidden away ...

My thoughts for September: Deciding the next US president

My thoughts for the coming month:  T he Bible speaks very clearly about the relationship between the believer and the government. We are to obey governmental authorities, and the government is to treat us justly and fairly. Even when the government does not live up to its role, we are still to live up to ours.  Americans are heading for an election where they will decide the 45th President.  One person wrote the following comment on my blog back in July " I strongly believe America won't make it through her (Hilary Clinton) presidency if she gets elected ".  Yes, America will make it through the next presidency whether that be Clinton or Trump — why, because God is IN CONTROL and HE will determine the outcome not matter what we do — we may not like it, but it isn't our will. Sometimes God places us in situations that we don't like or agree with which can result in much distress—including governments who do no...

My thoughts for August: Taking care of yourself

source My thoughts for the coming month:  Its August and its cold. Those living outside of Australia probably don't realise we get snow—quite a lot in a good year. Whilst the city I live in rarely gets a direct hit, our mountain rangers are often covered in snow, such as in this photo. This month I wanted to focus on YOU . Yes, you because you are important You are a busy woman—you probably care for a husband, children, maybe older parents and some of you go off to work to help your husbands. You give so much of yourself to others and I sure you forget to look after you. If  you don't take care of yourself, in time you will get so worn out and weary your ability to care for others will be affected. Taking time out for yourself is not selfish  — its all about revitailising your mind and body so you can care for others the very best you can. A car doesn't keep on running, it needs petrol (gas), the tyres will need replacing, it will need trips to...

My thoughts for July: Concerned about others

John Sloan My thoughts for the coming month: Concerned about others How concerned are you about others? Do you think about the needs of strangers, such as the homeless, the poor, the sick, the elderly, the minority groups. Most people don't think about them very much at all, unless they are right in front of them and even then, they are willing to step over a homeless person and "not get involved". We live in a society that thinks a great deal about themselves but spends very little time concerned about others. Even Christian women will say that your priority is in the home so don't overstretch with other activities—but the Lord tells us to take care of the less fortunate in society which means you need to leave your homes and do something. You have a responsibility to help those in need.  Both the USA and Australia will be voting in a new leader (we voted on Saturday 2nd July)—for those who vote, do you think, when selecting the next party into power...