
Showing posts with the label Handmade

SAHM's handmade store

Dear blogging friends,  My dear cousin Betsy has been very busy knitting and as a result she has set up a store at selling her handicrafts. She loves knitting and has decided to use her talent to make a little money for her family!  Betsy is a young mum of two gorgeous children which she has just started to home school. She is a busy lady as keeper of her home, a wonderful helper to her husband, but also takes care of her sister and father. Please visit her website (below) and see what she has been knitting. Betsy not only knits beanies, but has ventured out to make head-bands, a cute little mouse and a ball ideal for a young child.  Betsy is happy to make customised orders, she made me 10 dish-clothes which I love using when doing the dishes.  However, if you request something customised, please give Betsy plenty of time to knit as she fits her knitting in when she is not ma...