Random word: castle

I am starting something new this year and I have to thank Mary for this brilliant idea!! I will be using a word generator to pick a word to write about. If you would like to try it yourself, here is the link to the word generator that Mary recommended. Todays word is Castle. ***** Castle: a large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and often a moat. Usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble. My home is not as big as a castle and it isn't surrounded by a moat (which of course would be heaps of fun but rather impractical), but I do like to think it is a place that protects us from attacks and shields us from the worlds violence and sadness. However this is becoming much more difficult. There was a time when our homes provided all the defence we needed against outside intrusions and influences. We could locked th...