
Showing posts with the label meals

What time is dinner?

The other day on my Facebook page I asked my readers what they called their midday meal and their evening meal. It was interesting how it varied and not necessarily by location or country, often determined by what their parents called these meals. The history of mealtime is fascinating, so when I stumbled across a secondhand book called " Dinner with Mr Darcy"  (by Pen Vogler) which included a chapter on mealtime during Jane Austen's life, I was quite excited. What we know today about mealtime, isn't really that old or very traditional - rather a continuous change that has been occurring for centuries and continues to change as we speak.  I thought it would be interesting to share some of the changes that have occurred over the centuries and hope that you find it as exciting as I did!! You could call this a very brief (and rather confusing) history of mealtime!! All I can say, I am glad I live in an era that eats 3 meals a day and simple courses! The Ro...


Thankyou for all those comments about meals - you now have me motivated to make at least one new meal per week.  I will try one tomorrow and let you know how it goes. _____________ Fireproof: Last week I wrote about the book "Fireproof" and I said it was quite good but not great.  I have now watched the DVD and really enjoyed it - if that is the right word.  It does make you think about your relationship and and how you behaved to your spouse - see a couple fight makes you think twice before you have one yourself. I have bought "The Love Dare" and really enjoying - it contains many thought provoking ideas - much  of it is standard counseling however with Christian perspective which is the important part.  Last night I read the chapter on Kindness and realized at times I am not kind or behaving in a Christian way  - in particular in the heat of a disagreement. Kindness is love in action "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, ...