
Showing posts with the label cars

The cat, a garage and the car

I just have to share a story with you . . . its about a cat, a garage, the family car and a music speaker. On Tuesday evening my husband shut the garage door as he does every night.  We went inside and had dinner, watched a little TV and went to bed at 10:30pm.  Most nights Charlie (below) comes inside and sleeps in her little pink bed.  However with our warmer summer weather she has been staying out at night mouse hunting and then sleeping on the bench by the front door. When I awoke at 6am on Wednesday I opened the lounge room blinds but noticed that Charlie wasn't in her usual spot, but thinking she was still busy hunting, I went off and got ready for work. At 6:45am I took the garbage outside, still no Charlie.  I thought this was odd as she is always home by this time as she is ready for breakfast.   Whilst outside I opened the garage and out ran one very sad cat . . . DH had locked Charlie in the garage and she couldn't get out all night. So wha...

Cat, crafts and car

Cat - our cat is mad - as we don't have a cat door she bangs on the front screen door to be let in. However on occasions it becomes game - she doesn't want to come, but loves jumping on the door. Up till Saturday I had never seen what she does - and to my amazement she did it in front of me as I was testing my new phone camera!! Picture 1 is Charlie thinking about jumping and picture 2 is the jump back to earth! Sometimes she reaches the top of the screen door then jumps. Crafts - I have been crafted out this weekend with a trip to the Annual Craft Fair, along with women from all over the region (bused in from far and wide and mostly over 50!!). If you want to know how to spend a lot of money quickly and not have a lot to show for it, visit a craft fair. Expect handmade cards for the next year. Nick, I made yours on Saturday evening!! Car - last week Tristan lost most of the oil in his car (not that he noticed) - Steven feared the worst - however once he started working ...