Showing posts with label reunion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reunion. Show all posts

Monday, December 08, 2014

mommies reunion whole day berjalan with my geng mami-mami! that was last two weeks punya cerita (29/11/14). miahaha! i take leave just to meet my two bff mommies. i have known them for ten good years. from single to double ^__^
so much cerita yet so sikit time for us to spent time together. huhu

yes, of course most of the stories is about our kids. i love to hear story from both of them since they have older kids and mine is still a toddler..teehee
senyum-senyum saja sa dengar cerita pasal anak-anak dorang. 

and this is what me & mary got from our dear friend jess (from labuan with love). ehehehe...i heart cukulat very much! thanks ya mummy jess!