Showing posts with label daily story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily story. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2015

o christmas tree! o christmas tree!

today is the 23rd day in the final two months of year 2015. wah....sungguh pantas masa berlalu....and in 32 days more we will celebrating Christmas!! and that's mean I will be utilising my annual leave to the max! great is that...I'm planning to take leave from 24th Dec'15 til 3rd of Jan'16 ^___^ double the happiness, the hubby already got his annual leave approved same as mine... I will submit my leave application next month..gerenti dapat punya coz every year it's my time to holiday.. ooh lalala, 11days of happiness!

can't wait for the long holidays..

on the other side, 
this is our office 2015 Christmas tree!
decorated on last week..hihi... teruja bah!
p/s: we have new colleagues, not new but transferred from the other group.
last week we had to bid farewell to one of our colleague and again
a potluck farewell was organized by us colleague 
but this time only meant for our resort group..

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

throwback stories

hehehehe.. ini macam pun ada ^__^
yang penting ada memories dalam The Inbox.

throwback #1
My mum 53rd birthday
sorry mum, we weren't with you during the tiup lilin session on your birthday.
i planned to bake her a birthday cake during the weekend but i've no time to bake -__- 
Mum, I wish you'll have a healthy life and may God bless you always!
Love you so much mum!

throwback #2
 happy malaysia day! 
we went to bukit padang with the kids in the morning to hirup udara segar and ambik gambar ini budak-budak (gambar masi berada di dalam kamera >.<) gosh! how time flies. punya cepat dorang membesar especially my sumandak. tahun lalu masi lagi gulik-gulik atas tilam. sekarang belarian suda.. hmmm...itu gambar di atas di ambil pada waktu malam... oh my jaden! oh my thia!
throwback #3
cuti-cuti + dating 
me & hubby was on leave (planned) the next day after malaysia day. banyak urusan yang mau diurus masa tu. we went to jpn utc to change my hubby's i/c. selepas itu kami pigi shopping (ngeh ngeh ngeh).  i had my face threading session after meeting my lovely friend to get the ole-ole from korea yang suda lama kana jeruk di tempat dia. haha...baru ada masa mau pigi ambik ba...i really really like the spoon, seronok mau pakai. dan pendrive itu adalah tersangat comel..haha..

throwback #4
attending charity dinner smk datuk peter mojuntin
we dropped our kids at my mum house (nda rajin mau bawa the kids pigi dinner). this pic were sent by my dad and the kids were well behaved. macam bikin kasian pula tingu muka si jaden ba... macam yang lepas kena marah trus dia pi 'tapuk' (sembunyi) sana belakang my mum..hihi

throwback #5

 cakk mtb jamboree
saja mau kasi masuk dalam blog abis kadang-kadang the hubby pandai limpas di sini ^___^. yes, the hubby kana demam berbasikal suda. anyway, it's actually good for his health tapi saya sangat penat jaga anak alone-alone. menguji kesabaran juga tapi sekarang ok suda sikit la. practice makes perfect! 

 throwback #6
birthday celebration (at office)
we celebrated my colleague - Su's birthday a day earlier from her actual birthday (24th sept) since the actual day was a public holiday (hari raya qurban). our suprised birthday yang sangat2 menjadi.. haha...
dan kek itu sangat sedap tapi saya lupa suda apa nama dia.

throwback #7
birthday celebration (at mom's house)
happy 3rd (aira) & 1st (oden) birthday to my niece & nephew. both sibling were born in the month of september. 
the cakes were yummylicious!! 
kami anak-beranak lambat datang that's why no pictures of my babies during acara tiup lilin. for now saya senang suda sikit mau jaga tu sumandak. no need to berkepit saja sama dia. tapi supervision itu harus. tapi tu malam saya kasi lepas saja dia. lagipun dia berlegar-legar di dalam rumah saja. si jaden tak payah cakap; dia pandai cari way suda sendiri.. 

sekian...throwback post untuk hari ini ya ^__^

Saturday, September 05, 2015

hey september!

hahaha.. can't wait for the best season of the year! i'm dreaming of a white christmas..........kalau kira pakai minggu macam nda lama lagi kan..hihi... 

ok, i have no idea untuk story2 ba ni tapi saja mau update my blog. mau blogwalking pun banyak blog yang selalu saya singgah kana 'banned' oleh IT di sini opis...*sigh - unlike*

ba, mari la kita tingu our first hasil from the newly purchased oven (aiseymen..haha). terus macam memberi semangat untuk saya belajar membaking tapi at the same time nervous la pula (bule ka begini?). ada ba tu kawan saya yang pembakar semangat (u know who u are *wink*). waduh waduh...seronoknya ada oven baru... (harap nda hangat-hangat tai ayam la)

abaikan itu gambar tempat letak oven baru. teda tempat sesuai at the moment ba....hahaha. resepi ayam pangang ini adalah resepi si mr. husband yang ditiru dan dimodified dari internet ^__^ punya sedap pula kalau panggang-memanggang ni. 'beautiful' itu rasa macam yg chef shearson selalu cakap dalam tv 5 rencah 5 rasa dia. but........ ada sikit macam kurang masak la. haha. nda apa bule diperbaiki lagi di masa hadapan. first time la katakan (kebaruan...miahahahha).

today my boy jaden have to follow bapanya pigi kerja coz my mom went to futsal tournament (antara kelas ibu2 - PKK klu nda silap) somewhere don't know where. hihi. nasib he well behaved according to his bapa la. oh ya, every saturday i sent my boy to my mum's house ba that's why la dia terpaksa ikut bapa dia pigi kerja coz no one to jaga him today...

ok la, ini malam mungkin.....saya akan mencuba untuk membaking kek. saya mau cari dulu resepi paling simple yang saya bule ikut/buat. anyone care to share your delicious recipe?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

nanny story

Thia got a new nanny. Effective the month of May. It was such a short notice given by Thia's previous nanny and I was feeling worried. Worried as in where the hell I can find another good and trusted nanny for her. I can accept and understood her reason why she can't take care of Thia anymore. I am so thankful for her for taking good care of Thia for almost four months.

But thank God! Thia finally got her new nanny in just one week after asking for my cousin's wife and with the help of my Aunt to be her new nanny. My last choice is to put her in nursery but nasib la my cousin's wife agreed to be Thia's nanny. And I really appreciated it since she too has a toddler to take care of (2 y.o). It's not an easy task to take care two active toddlers you know. Thank you so much Helen ^__^

Anyway, Thia's really anxious and frightened on her first day at my cousin's house. Crying out loud when I left her to works but only for a while as her nanny said. It continues for almost one week. Now, she's more comfortable and familiar with the house already. Thank God! I hope this is her last 'nursery' before went to kindergarten in future.

Monday, May 25, 2015

a visit to hair salon

semangat rambut baru! yeah! rambutku pendek sekali lagi. lately the weather had drive me crazy. macam overheat suda ni. hmmmm....

therefore, we all had a new haircut last week. me, papa jaden and jaden. jaden suda biasa kena potong rambut and he's not making any cranky behavior during haircut session.
next hair cut day will be end of this year (for me). teehee!

Monday, April 27, 2015

back to work


macam lama oh nda update blog oh... 
baru balik dari cuti sakit ba ni.
satu minggu cuti sakit.
kerja pun berlambak.
sekarang baru dapat update blog.

ok la.
hope you all have a pleasant day ahead ya.
me still standing strong after the operation (will blog about it later).

til then, terima kasih kepada yang menyinggah ya!
(kalau ada la yang menyinggah) ^__^

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

wordless wednesday #13 2015

it's been raining two days a row (night time).
syukur la nak. after almost 3months with no rain.
however during the day, it was hot.
really hot!

Monday, April 13, 2015

healthy lifestyle

i wanna have a healthy lifestyle!!
lama suda i didn't do real exercise oh.

actually, jaga anak, do house chores pun kira exercise juga ba.
tapi not that really can shed away few kilograms.
last i checked (jan2015) my weight is around 63kg.
hmmm... now i don't dare to weigh myself.
i got comments from few friends, 'ada isi lagi ka?'
i'm not offended but that was a sign for me to take care of my body (i think).
there's no motivation to exercise at home coz most of the time jaga baby.
what about exercise before sleep u may say? nahh... 
i went to sleep with my little thia since she still breastfeeding kan.
baby sleep, i sleep also ^__^

so yesterday we went to stadium likas jogging track (oh how i miss to jog!).
i brought the whole family. me, hubby, jaden & thia 
(quality time with the kids!).
we manage to walk and finished 1 round of the jogging track.
with me holding my little thia and jaden was with his papa.
we walked side by side. it was a fun walk with jaden.
macam-macam perkataan keluar dari mulut dia. 
tapi itu tangan harus dipegang if not dia pandai melencong 
mau pigi terjun tasik.
oh ya, there's a new jogging track there 
(lama suda kali kana buat tapi i baru tau yesterday, poor me)
as usual the track was crowded with people of all ages.

i need to get back my ideal weight. if not pun kasi tone up my body.
especially bahagian perut. hehehe... 
but in the meantime, i have to eat proper meal juga..
ini lagi problem saya ni. saya kuat makan. huh!

maybe i can try this. jom sama-sama try test :)

p/s: ini malam harus timbang berat. 
need to have a journal of weight loss...hmmm... we'll see about that.


Monday, April 06, 2015

hello april!

Happy Easter 2015!
i know it's late but i wanna wish juga ^__^ 
last week was the holy weekend for the Christians.
i got a new table calender! 
previous calender was so unattractive to look at. 
bikin teda mood mo tingu2 haribulan :)
terus teda mood mo kerja juga. bule ka begitu? ehehe
i am so in love with this picture.
my darling's design thru Photogrid Apps if i'm not mistaken.
not bad eh...

lately, Thia was so sensitive. 
kena marah sikit suda mau menangis.
if i am away to get something or hilang dari pandangan dia, 
misti dia menangis. way tooooo manja!

hmmm.. i need to jot down my babies development.
ok, till next post ya!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

End of 1st quarter of 2015

wow..time flies! so are you ready for gst? hehehe...soalan cepu emas di akhir suku pertama tahun 2015. nothing much happened during these times. oh, except for my health issue la. thank god that i don't need to do a major operation down there. but there are few risks to be taken care after the operation (which will be done in 21 days from today). i do hope that everything will be alright and may all the bad cells be removed from the cervix.

on the other hand, my hubby was sicked since last week. combo sickness = flu + sore throat + cough + sore muscles. my jaden is in the pink health (thank god!) however my thia got flu and her tapak kaki got blistered (+ air) from the garlic i put in her sock overnite. dengan harapan her flu go away. last time i did put double sock but last week i did not. i just kept the garlic in a tissue and put inside thia's sock at nite. dang!!! so mommies, do not this to your babies ya. makes sure you use two socks. one yang jenis berlubang and one yang biasa. she still got her flu but ada kurang sikit suda la flu dia after i used this petua. 

talking about thia, soon she will turned one and i haven't prepared anything for her birthdayparty (the theme, venue, foods & drinks). and since the gst is coming i guess we will celebrate her birthday in moderate ways. yang penting ikut bajet bah and maybe just invite close family and friends. we'll see ^__^

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

wordless wednesday #11 2015

yesterday, we (hubby and i) had an appointment with the gynae specialist at hospital likas. sempat lagi kami sesat mencari the new building which the clinic located. it's to discuss the treatment for the colposcopy result which i got on the 13th mar, 2015.
this was my Pap smear result (15 Jan 2015)
our no is 8016. and this was taken at about 2pm.
Ladies, have you done your Pap smear test?

Monday, March 23, 2015

I survived!

it was a long weekend.
let me tell u the story of the supermom during the weekend.

Day 1 - Friday 20th
My hubby woke up super early (400am) to get things ready. He masak bubur for Thia, cuci botol susu Jaden, kasi sedia my tapau and gathered his fishing tools. Lepas tu saya bangun to take my bath at 445am coz nanti nobody will help me to watch the kids when I take my bath. Hubby pulak at 5am will be picked up by his brother to go to pasar KK where their ship parked for the 3 days 2 nite deep sea fishing trip.

After mandi, I continued to sleep..hehe.. Tetidur juga sampai 630am. The kids awake and I layan je karenah dorang until 7am (macam nda mau pigi keja pula). After that baru la saya bersiap sedia untuk pigi kerja. But it's not an easy task to handle a toodler and a baby alone. Fuhhh... Some more, I had to bring all their stuff to their nanny house. Jaden lagi betabiat di awal pagi. He terus-terus jalan pigi rumah my Thia's nanny. Pandai-pandai dia mau jalan pigi rumah nanny dia sendiri.. aduh.... I had to bring him back to our house because I didn't sempat kunci pintu gara-gara pigi kejar dia (after I sent Thia to her nanny). After all was settled baru la I sent Jaden to his nanny house. 

After work (5pm sharp saya keluar dari ofis), I tapau makanan for dinner (malas masak punya kes). I reached home, do some cleaning, lipat kain, take a bath and lastly baru la I ate my tapau. At about 6pm I went to fetch my kids. Jalan kaki jerr...

At home, we're just lepaking at our room. Layan karenah dorang sampai la dorang penat. Thia slept at 740pm. And then continue to layan Jaden lagi...I don't know what time he's asleep coz I tertidur..dia pun mungkin tidur sendiri sambil nenen2. I think around 10pm he's asleep. 

Jaden was asking me "bapa mana? mana bapa?" When I replied him dia pigi memancing, menangis la pula ni budak. So I have to give him another answer. Simple answer... "bapa belum balik lagi" Baru dia paham (sikit) dan dia nda menangis with that answer. Come tomorrow I don't know if the answer bule pakai atau tidak lagi.

End of day 1 :)

Day 2 - Saturday 21st  
I've set my alarm clock at 510am to wake me up early to get ready Thia's porridge and washed Jaden's bottle and take a bath. But I woke up 10mins to 6 :) lagipun si Thia balik-balik minta nenen. I quickly went downstairs to prepare everything before they woke up. I managed to brush my teeth and washed my face while the porridge been cooked. And luckily few minutes after I finished washing Jaden's bottle and while monitoring Thia's porridge, kedengaran suara Jaden menangis mencari mami dia dan diikuti oleh adiknya. Apalagi terpaksa la saya naik and calm them down. After waiting another 15mins for the bubur to masak, I stayed with the kids before went to take a bath with Jaden. Nasib ada anak buah tolong jaga Thia sekejap while we're taking our bath. 730am we went to Thia's nanny. Now every Saturday, we send them both to Thia's nanny since Jaden's nanny can't jaga him on Saturday. Luckily, Jaden was ok with them. 

After work (1pm) I go tapau roti canai kosong & roti telur for my lunch. Sampai rumah I fetched Jaden and left Thia with her nanny. I decided to let her stayed at her nanny until 530pm since I'm afraid that I can't handle both of them at home. Eh, cakap 'Supermom?' hehe.. So, it was only me & Jaden on one hot Saturday afternoon. Me and Jaden ate roti canai for lunch but Jaden nda makan banyak la. After that, I got my boy to take a nap. Memang his routine tu every Saturday but have to ayun him in order to get him to sleep. While he was sleeping I'm preparing for our dinner dish. Ala, masak sup ayam mixed with celery and carrot ja for dinner tonite. I finished cooking at about 3pm. I wanted to sleep but I can't. So, I continued to watch my favourite series "The Vampire Diaries'. Sampai la dekat-dekat jam 5pm. I have to wake my boy since we have to take bath & pick up my sumandak at 530pm. After picking her up, we have our early dinner. I managed to get Jaden to eat his dinner and when he was full (read: don't want to eat anymore), I continued eating the remaining food. I ate my dinner upstairs and then stayed with the kids and layan their karenah until they fall asleep. Thia was having a flu but luckily she's sleep soundly by 830pm. I wanted to use the idea of putting garlic in the sock (saw this petua in the FB) to keep the flu away. By 930 or is it 10pm I fall asleep with Jaden still nenen2. I'm guessing we're both fall asleep at the same time..hehe.

Oh and today, Jaden was asking about his father whereabouts once only and the same answer still working *thank God!*

And we're done for Day 2 without the Hubby/Father.

Day 3, Sunday 22nd
We all woke up at 7am **sigh**. Thanks to Jaden (ggrrrrrr)! Today their dad will be coming home! Yippeee!!!! I can't wait for him to be at home with us.. hehe.. And to see the hasil tangkapan. At about 8am, I went downstairs to get ready bubur Thia and masak mi goreng kesukaan si Jaden. In order to do that, I have to give Thia to my bro-in-law (errr..more on my ipar yang volunteer. Saya malu ba minta tolong terang-terangan..ahahaha...ayat ka lagi ni). When all are ready, I get Jaden to eat the mi goreng and at the same time I had my breakfast. After breakfast, it's Thia time to momom bubur.. yeay!! And I let Jaden to wandering around the house since yesterday no play day for him about 930am I bathed both of them in a baby bathtub. Sudah la Jaden besar panjang, I have to squeezed them both in that.. What to do la..hehehe. After mandi, it's time for Thia nap and also Jaden. I put them both in the ayunan and Thia terus diam-diam and langsung tidur. On the other ayunan, Jaden; after habis nenen botol terus nda juga dia mau tidur jadi saya malas mau paksa dia, I let him go play at his playroom. So I take this chance to have a bath. A quick one. Thia only slept for one hour and it's Jaden turn to take his nap. Luckily, he falls asleep in the ayunan with botol susu but only for an hour sleep juga..pfffttt.. Saya target suda dia untuk tidur dua jam or more :)

And the hubby is on the way back home already. They reached pasar KK at about 12pm and only reached home at about 130pm. Happy tahap gaban! The catch was not so much comparing to his last fishing trip. Anyhow, boleh la...half month supply of fish ^__^ Yang penting my hubby satisfied dapat pigi memancing di laut dalam. 

That's that!
Am I a Supermom?? Well.......I am :)

Thanks for dropping by ya!

Friday, March 20, 2015

it's Friday and i'm gonna be supermom

sebelum cerita supermom, mari layan cerita saya untuk ini minggu.

last week i got my ole-ole from Bali.
thanks so much to my bro & sis-in law who went there recently.
love the fridge magnet & the baju/short for Jaden & Thia very much..
keychain & bottle opener are so 'wow!' ^__^ 
saya rasa memang berlambak kat pasar di Bali tu kan?  

last Sunday pulak, Jaden had his hair cut.
sekejap panjang oh his hair. tebal pula tu.
to cut cost, the father did the barber thing. nasib ok juga.
not perfect but can keep Jaden hensomboi la..ehehehe...

on Tuesday nite we all went to 1B to meet Pororo and friends.
tapi sedih, rupanya itu event was held during morning pulak.
i saw my anak buah pictures with the two of the mascot.
Pororo and Petty
kesian my Jaden nda dapat tengo live itu cute mascot. 
and then when Jaden mula suda buang tabiat,
terus la kami jalan-jalan sukat 1B.
sebenarnya we're looking for the kids section.
ala, yang tempat main games tu ba....
jalan punya jalan, tejumpa la 'Boboland'. punya la si Jaden kesiokan.
sampai all the kereta, train, plane dia pigi naik.
jakun ^__^
we were there about half and hour. kasi puas hati my Jaden.
penat juga la tunggu dia. itupun belum lagi dia puas main.
adoi...penat lagi dukung my Thia...

and this weekend,
i will be a SUPERMOM.
since the hubby had
it's gonna be a long weekend............. 
me with the kids.........

Saturday, March 07, 2015

part time once in a blue moon

so damn tired!

but i do enjoyed working at our boss's cny open house (05/03/15). mingling with the other staffs, serving soft drinks (and also the beer) to the guests was fun. but at the same time macam mau patah itu pinggang juga la ;) yes, that was the task given to me and the other staffs; serving drinks to the guest. a never ending story coz the beverage kena topped-up saja. especially the beer! for the soft drinks we put it in the glass (styrofoam) before we serve it to the guest. we had our dinner earlier before we start serving. yummee foods! and the lion dance started as early as 630pm and people were coming already. i think we started to work at about 7pm.
and follow up by the young and talented drummer from the st. james primary school (every year they were invited to perform at the boss open house). and then more lion dance performance but since we had to serve drinks we have no time to enjoy the lion dance. lagipun macam biasa jak.. ahahaha.. kenen... 
it is about 1100pm that the beer completely finished. fuh! tinggal soft drinks saja lagi. punya la penat mau tunggu itu beverage habis..haha! itupun there's still guests yang came to the bar to ask for the beer. i'm sorry.... no beer already! actually we want to go home early but we were told to wait until all the guest went back home (and also the tung tung chang to end their performance). selagi belum habis lion dance show, itu guests masi lagi terpacak tingu tu lion dance. pfffftttt... ba jom lihat pictures yang sempat saya ambil malam tu..tidak dapat gambar banyak2 since bertugas. nanti kedapatan pula curi tulang...ahahaha..
pokok limau harus ada
orchids? no la. flower.............. hihi...
the ceria sumandak in pinks :)
the pink ladies in action (wajah kepenatan semuanya)
the last lion dance performance of the nite
the last angpow i got for this cny 2015 (like like like)
and i was home at 1am, have a quick bath (with air panas) and sleep soundly, not! i wake my thia to breastfeed her (my breastmilk was leaking time on duty, resulting my baju wet like macam kena tuang air saja...adoii). terus dia nda mau tidur ba. same goes to my jaden! he's awake and refused to sleep. hmmm... last i checked the clock was at 230am. mungkin ada la dekat-dekat jam 330am kali dorang tidur tu including me... huh! what a day for me. besoknya have to go to work lagi....

Thursday, March 05, 2015

happy chap goh mei

 The Lanterns Festival
Lima belas hari selepas Tahun Baru Cina merupakan hari Chap Goh Mei disambut sebagai menandakan berakhirnya perayaan Tahun Baru Cina. Pesta Chap Goh Mei disambut dengan mengadakan upacara sembahyang secara besar-besaran, di mana colok besar akan dibakar dan juga diadakan makan besar bersama keluarga. Bunga api dibakar dan tanglung dinyalakan bagi meraikan Chap Goh Mei. info from wikipedia

Later, we had to work (volunteer tapi yang kena bayar punya la) at our boss cny open house. it's my first time jadi pelayan tetamu a.k.a tukang serve minuman, jaga makanan, etc during our boss's cny open house. but i don't know which tasks that i will be given later. teehee..

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

wordless wednesday #6 2015

on valentine's day ~ dinner cooked by the hubby! YUMMILICIOUS... but i ate my dinner alone since no one looking after the kids (both are sleeping).  
yes... HE keep me functioning each and every day!

dear all,


happy holidays peeps. be safe!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

ceria & meragam

thank God demam si Thia sudah hilang.
completely back to normal body temp.
and tidur malam pun lena suda.

but but but...

Jaden pula yang meragam seawal pagi jam 330am.
minta buat susu, minta ayun, minta handphone.
habis cas hp, ayun-ayun, nda dapat tidur, minta lagi buat susu second round (panas suda sa ini time).
and then ada third round minta buat susu, merengek minta tukar pampers lagi! this time bapa dia yang buat and then kawan dia tidur di katil dia.
pastu baru la aman. last-last dia tetidur atas perut bapa dia..huh!
and what time dia tetidur pun nda sure suda..mungkin ada la dekat2 jam 5am kali tu... perggghh!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


yeah, last sunday we go jalan-jalan. Jaden was so excited kalau ada mau jalan-jalan. he won't take a nap if he knows we gonna go jalan later. malar mau bawa jalan saja.

after breakfast, we bersiap sedia to go jalan. the plan was to go to tg.aru kasi tengok Jaden the aeroplanes landing and take-off :) and then go grocery shopping at sunny supermarket. after that, we will go directly to my colleague's wedding at luyang. 

and off we go to tg. aru famous stop for watching the plane landing/take off. we stayed for few minutes but no sight of plane, so we jalan to the beach. and we just limpas there. kesian Jaden macam mau pigi jalan2 pula at the beach. next time kio son. mommy promise. and we go back to the previous place. luckily, there's a plane just in time for landing and one plane is taking place to take off. nice! 

we don't stay lama there coz Jaden mula mau lari-lari. so we go grocery shopping. pun ASAP punya shopping. haha. in my opinion , bagus juga bawa budak time shopping since we don't have much time to look look and see see apa barang lagi mau beli. kalau stay lama-lama, anak pandai meragam. so it's good to list down what you really need to buy and then grab the things, pay and 'chow'. ahahaha..ya that's happen to us last sunday. 

the kereta is penuh with barang2 and since there's a lot of time before the wedding reception we decided to go back home first hantar tu barang-barang. ingatkan mau bawa my little Thia to the reception tapi cuaca macam mau hujan jadi dia kana kasi tinggal at her grandma house. 

the wedding day was okay, not too hot not rainy day also. the FOOD was marvellous sedap and the manisan tradisional bugis are sedap sehingga menjilat jari. kena makan manisan dahulu baru boleh makan nasi. first time oh sa attend wedding bangsa bugis ni. i still terbayang-bayang ba lauk pauk time wedding officemate sa ni..hehehe!

okay, habis cerita yang hari minggu.

yang ni gambar throwback! time ni Jaden baru mo belajar jalan.

Friday, November 07, 2014

kerana sebiji android

my hubby mengamuk yang hari rabu. hanya kerana sebiji android. that android is for our Jaden to play game during his makan time coz to encourage him makan banyak :) boleh ka begitu? hihi

ok back to my story. my hubby letak tu android atas esbok since habis bateri and Jaden pun suda hampir siap makan. saya lepas makan macam biasa la cuci piring and botol-botol susu budak. selesai tugas memang sa terus go mandi and then naik atas, nda turun-turun lagi (we're living on the 1st floor of the house). hubby siap cakap lagi dia lupa tu android di atas esbok. i thought he went down and get it. tau-tau dia lupa. jadi bermula la episod kehilangan. on wednesday evening baru dia tercari-cari android itu. siap bagi amaran lagi to those who stayed in the house. sampai bad mood ba dia. i said to him 'tula ko cuai'. dibalasnya 'itu android teda kaki juga mo jalan'. isshhh...bikin panas! later he went to his nephew house pigi meluah perasaan.. haha.. when he got back, 'tadaaaa!' ada suda tu android atas esbok. magic kan? jadi dia pun cooled down suda. 

pengajaran : jangan simpan barang berharga sesuka hati walaupun di rumah sendiri. tapi susah juga ba tinggal with orang yang panjang tangan ni. this is the second time kejadian curi-mencuri ni. yang first dulu chocolate cadbury yang kana curi..bagus-bagus di dalam esbok.. hmmmm...