Showing posts with label life as a mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life as a mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

throwback stories

hehehehe.. ini macam pun ada ^__^
yang penting ada memories dalam The Inbox.

throwback #1
My mum 53rd birthday
sorry mum, we weren't with you during the tiup lilin session on your birthday.
i planned to bake her a birthday cake during the weekend but i've no time to bake -__- 
Mum, I wish you'll have a healthy life and may God bless you always!
Love you so much mum!

throwback #2
 happy malaysia day! 
we went to bukit padang with the kids in the morning to hirup udara segar and ambik gambar ini budak-budak (gambar masi berada di dalam kamera >.<) gosh! how time flies. punya cepat dorang membesar especially my sumandak. tahun lalu masi lagi gulik-gulik atas tilam. sekarang belarian suda.. hmmm...itu gambar di atas di ambil pada waktu malam... oh my jaden! oh my thia!
throwback #3
cuti-cuti + dating 
me & hubby was on leave (planned) the next day after malaysia day. banyak urusan yang mau diurus masa tu. we went to jpn utc to change my hubby's i/c. selepas itu kami pigi shopping (ngeh ngeh ngeh).  i had my face threading session after meeting my lovely friend to get the ole-ole from korea yang suda lama kana jeruk di tempat dia. haha...baru ada masa mau pigi ambik ba...i really really like the spoon, seronok mau pakai. dan pendrive itu adalah tersangat comel..haha..

throwback #4
attending charity dinner smk datuk peter mojuntin
we dropped our kids at my mum house (nda rajin mau bawa the kids pigi dinner). this pic were sent by my dad and the kids were well behaved. macam bikin kasian pula tingu muka si jaden ba... macam yang lepas kena marah trus dia pi 'tapuk' (sembunyi) sana belakang my mum..hihi

throwback #5

 cakk mtb jamboree
saja mau kasi masuk dalam blog abis kadang-kadang the hubby pandai limpas di sini ^___^. yes, the hubby kana demam berbasikal suda. anyway, it's actually good for his health tapi saya sangat penat jaga anak alone-alone. menguji kesabaran juga tapi sekarang ok suda sikit la. practice makes perfect! 

 throwback #6
birthday celebration (at office)
we celebrated my colleague - Su's birthday a day earlier from her actual birthday (24th sept) since the actual day was a public holiday (hari raya qurban). our suprised birthday yang sangat2 menjadi.. haha...
dan kek itu sangat sedap tapi saya lupa suda apa nama dia.

throwback #7
birthday celebration (at mom's house)
happy 3rd (aira) & 1st (oden) birthday to my niece & nephew. both sibling were born in the month of september. 
the cakes were yummylicious!! 
kami anak-beranak lambat datang that's why no pictures of my babies during acara tiup lilin. for now saya senang suda sikit mau jaga tu sumandak. no need to berkepit saja sama dia. tapi supervision itu harus. tapi tu malam saya kasi lepas saja dia. lagipun dia berlegar-legar di dalam rumah saja. si jaden tak payah cakap; dia pandai cari way suda sendiri.. 

sekian...throwback post untuk hari ini ya ^__^

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

for the first time

i'm proudly say that i actually can bake.
nervous juga oh mau bake a cake for the 1st time.
balik-balik tanya my bestie about some of the instruction.
budak baru belajar kan.
(gossh! i sounded macam baking is a difficult things oh kan..)
ngeh ngeh ngeh

i'm loving it!
one of my mommy-mommy wishlist ticked.
ada lagi few skills yang saya mau belajar in future :)
but saya mau improve dulu skill membaking cake ni.

ba mari tingu apa yang saya bake pada hari minggu yang lalu.
 ya itu dia some of the bahan-bahan yang diperlukan and
few of my baking tools.
dan juga salinan resepi (hasil carian di google) harus ada sebagai bahan rujukan (yang balik-balik kana baca.. hihi)
it's time to masak kek.
abaikan baking paper yang kena letak dalam loyang itu (lol).
menurut my bestie, loyang yang diguna pakai nda sesuai.
ok noted, next time i use loyang yang sesuai k :)
the end product.
i supposed to monitor until the cake masak.
tapi tau la ni first time, ragu-ragu lagi coz mau ikut resepi konon.
resepi bilang bakar 1 jam atau sehingga masak. 
(saya bakar sampai 50 minit, 180c)
suda tu teda pula stick or toothpick to check the cake.
nasib last minit pi korek laci baru dapat tu toothpick.
see...hangus suda itu kek.
but it's ok for the first timer ba kan.
next time can improve lagi as my bestie said.
and i'll make sure my baking tools is complete.
(oh digital weighing scale cepat la kau sampai...) 

 thanks to my lovely assistant ms brenda & mister husband kerana telah menolong saya membikin kek pada hari itu. 

Friday, July 31, 2015

no excuse!

macam seronok! hahaahaha... ok, i'll take the challenge. 
malam ini kami akan berkumpul dan timbang berat masing-masing for those yang ikut serta (terbuka kepada ahli crdr ja). our own version of 'THE BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE' will begin today and ending on 31 Oct 2015. mungkinkah ada perubahan antara para peserta dalam masa tiga bulan? kita nantikan pada bulan oct nanti ya!
oh ya, lupa pula ganjaran ^.^
yuran penyertaan (betting style..hahaha) = RM50

first prize = RM30 x peserta
second prize = RM15 x peserta
third prize = RM5 x peserta

i can't wait for my transformation!
(kalau ada la...... hahahahha)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

a month ago

wah... punya lama i don't updates my blog... too busy with current work loads..

ok la, let me share my experience on my operation a month ago. actually it's just a minor surgery but still have a risk though.

well, i was instructed to admit at Hospital Likas on 19th april 2015. and the doctor that follows up with me has been calling me to remind me to be at the hospital on that sunday (before the operation). tanya what time i will be going to the hospital. macam la saya mau melarikan diri nda mau admit at the hospital. teehee. on that day itself pun he called about 9am to ask my whereabout. pfffttt. saya datang juga ba pigi hospital. bukan jauh pun. 15mnt boleh sampai (if not jammed la) and it was sunday memang la nda jammed ba.

ok drama sekejap. hahaha.

we left for my mum after getting the kids ready (eat & bath, packing clothes for my lil' girl, etc). actually we want to bring Jaden along but scared that he will not be permitted to go inside the ward since the ward deals with cancer patient kan. huhu. tambah saya sedih. so, we dropped them at my mum's before we went to the hospital. my little Thia cried. sedih lagi.
we arrived at about 10am in the hospital and was directed to go into bilik 17 bed no19. after that kena soal siasat by doctor and then kena masuk benda ni lagi (see below pic). ouchh! punya panjang itu jarum dia about 4cm. and then the doctor pakar came in and told me my time of operation on 20th april. i'm her third case and will be operated around three to four o'clock in the evening (sigh!). terpaksa la bermalam lagi di hospital. i was hoping that the operation will be in the morning so that i can go home in the evening. huhu.

during that day, i've noticed that the visiting hours is not that strict like those in the wad bersalin. visitors come and go but not many visitors came to the ward. my hubby went back home at about about 1pm and my lunch for that day was super yummy - nasi ayam kantin hospital likas..ngeh ngeh ngeh. betul ni. nanti kalau kamu ada masa pigi la try (if you happened to go to hospital likas la). it was raining cats and dogs in the afternoon. and i get really emotional coz i really missed my babies especially my Thia. since i'm still breastfeeding my breast got engorged (for the three days i'm at the hospital..fuhh!). ini lagi sakit berbanding kena cucuk jarum. huhu. in the evening my hubby together with Jaden brought dinner to visit me. nasib juga Jaden nda kena tahan from visiting me in the ward. terlepas la juga sedikit kerinduan saya to my anak. i'm so worried that Thia can't sleep at night since she will be "breastfeed-less" for almost three days.  

i was told to totally puasa at about 12midnight. no water and food to be taken. they got me dripped with liquid (idk what's the name of it.haha). nasib la nda rasa lapar sangat with the dripped on. 
before the operation and sempat selfie for my friends :)
then during the operation day, my hubby came during lunch hour and brought me some food for me to eat after the operation.  i was bored to wait for my turn to be operated. my peneman setia are my handphone and a book. but pandai boring juga layan handphone jak. 

oh, i will undergo an operation for cervical conization & hysteroscopy. you can read about cone biopsy (conization) on how it was done & its risks.

at about 330pm the nurses take me into the operation room. it was so cold and the nurse kindly put warm air into my selimut and i felt warm. i have to wait another 10-15 mins before transferred into the operation theater. and then the operation began after they gave me ubat tidur (pengsan terus!). i woke up almost 445pm and i was told to eat by 8pm only. then the nurses sent me back to my bed. i just felt a bit 'ngilu' in the lower part of my perut. but after that i just felt ordinary. no vomitting and no headache. must be the doctor give a strong medicine then. hihi. but i just resting on my bed sambil tunggu my hubby datang to visit me. when the doctors do their round checking at about 6pm, i was told that i can eat already. wah, punya saya happy! hahaha. macam berhari-hari nda makan ni. 
saya dengan berseleranya makan bread + orange juice that were bought by my hubby earlier on. and my two best BFF visited me later and i asked for bubur McD. haha. demand yo! and they came just after my hubby left at about 8pm. Thanks for visiting me, Kuan & BB! 
two hours after the operation. (breast-milk still leaking)
i have to spend another night at the hospital (am missing my babies like crazy but i kept cool). i can't wait to be discharged by tomorrow (21st april). 

the next day, after waiting almost noon baru la kena discaj from the hospital. lambat betul mau kasi tu surat discaj. haiya! 
to all friends that have wishes me thru FB, thank you so much for your concerns and well wishes. i just want to share my condition and to get my friends to be alert on their health, especially women.

women out there please do your regular pap smears ya. 
my three days view! nasib i got the bed near the window area.

 sharing is caring!

Monday, March 23, 2015

I survived!

it was a long weekend.
let me tell u the story of the supermom during the weekend.

Day 1 - Friday 20th
My hubby woke up super early (400am) to get things ready. He masak bubur for Thia, cuci botol susu Jaden, kasi sedia my tapau and gathered his fishing tools. Lepas tu saya bangun to take my bath at 445am coz nanti nobody will help me to watch the kids when I take my bath. Hubby pulak at 5am will be picked up by his brother to go to pasar KK where their ship parked for the 3 days 2 nite deep sea fishing trip.

After mandi, I continued to sleep..hehe.. Tetidur juga sampai 630am. The kids awake and I layan je karenah dorang until 7am (macam nda mau pigi keja pula). After that baru la saya bersiap sedia untuk pigi kerja. But it's not an easy task to handle a toodler and a baby alone. Fuhhh... Some more, I had to bring all their stuff to their nanny house. Jaden lagi betabiat di awal pagi. He terus-terus jalan pigi rumah my Thia's nanny. Pandai-pandai dia mau jalan pigi rumah nanny dia sendiri.. aduh.... I had to bring him back to our house because I didn't sempat kunci pintu gara-gara pigi kejar dia (after I sent Thia to her nanny). After all was settled baru la I sent Jaden to his nanny house. 

After work (5pm sharp saya keluar dari ofis), I tapau makanan for dinner (malas masak punya kes). I reached home, do some cleaning, lipat kain, take a bath and lastly baru la I ate my tapau. At about 6pm I went to fetch my kids. Jalan kaki jerr...

At home, we're just lepaking at our room. Layan karenah dorang sampai la dorang penat. Thia slept at 740pm. And then continue to layan Jaden lagi...I don't know what time he's asleep coz I tertidur..dia pun mungkin tidur sendiri sambil nenen2. I think around 10pm he's asleep. 

Jaden was asking me "bapa mana? mana bapa?" When I replied him dia pigi memancing, menangis la pula ni budak. So I have to give him another answer. Simple answer... "bapa belum balik lagi" Baru dia paham (sikit) dan dia nda menangis with that answer. Come tomorrow I don't know if the answer bule pakai atau tidak lagi.

End of day 1 :)

Day 2 - Saturday 21st  
I've set my alarm clock at 510am to wake me up early to get ready Thia's porridge and washed Jaden's bottle and take a bath. But I woke up 10mins to 6 :) lagipun si Thia balik-balik minta nenen. I quickly went downstairs to prepare everything before they woke up. I managed to brush my teeth and washed my face while the porridge been cooked. And luckily few minutes after I finished washing Jaden's bottle and while monitoring Thia's porridge, kedengaran suara Jaden menangis mencari mami dia dan diikuti oleh adiknya. Apalagi terpaksa la saya naik and calm them down. After waiting another 15mins for the bubur to masak, I stayed with the kids before went to take a bath with Jaden. Nasib ada anak buah tolong jaga Thia sekejap while we're taking our bath. 730am we went to Thia's nanny. Now every Saturday, we send them both to Thia's nanny since Jaden's nanny can't jaga him on Saturday. Luckily, Jaden was ok with them. 

After work (1pm) I go tapau roti canai kosong & roti telur for my lunch. Sampai rumah I fetched Jaden and left Thia with her nanny. I decided to let her stayed at her nanny until 530pm since I'm afraid that I can't handle both of them at home. Eh, cakap 'Supermom?' hehe.. So, it was only me & Jaden on one hot Saturday afternoon. Me and Jaden ate roti canai for lunch but Jaden nda makan banyak la. After that, I got my boy to take a nap. Memang his routine tu every Saturday but have to ayun him in order to get him to sleep. While he was sleeping I'm preparing for our dinner dish. Ala, masak sup ayam mixed with celery and carrot ja for dinner tonite. I finished cooking at about 3pm. I wanted to sleep but I can't. So, I continued to watch my favourite series "The Vampire Diaries'. Sampai la dekat-dekat jam 5pm. I have to wake my boy since we have to take bath & pick up my sumandak at 530pm. After picking her up, we have our early dinner. I managed to get Jaden to eat his dinner and when he was full (read: don't want to eat anymore), I continued eating the remaining food. I ate my dinner upstairs and then stayed with the kids and layan their karenah until they fall asleep. Thia was having a flu but luckily she's sleep soundly by 830pm. I wanted to use the idea of putting garlic in the sock (saw this petua in the FB) to keep the flu away. By 930 or is it 10pm I fall asleep with Jaden still nenen2. I'm guessing we're both fall asleep at the same time..hehe.

Oh and today, Jaden was asking about his father whereabouts once only and the same answer still working *thank God!*

And we're done for Day 2 without the Hubby/Father.

Day 3, Sunday 22nd
We all woke up at 7am **sigh**. Thanks to Jaden (ggrrrrrr)! Today their dad will be coming home! Yippeee!!!! I can't wait for him to be at home with us.. hehe.. And to see the hasil tangkapan. At about 8am, I went downstairs to get ready bubur Thia and masak mi goreng kesukaan si Jaden. In order to do that, I have to give Thia to my bro-in-law (errr..more on my ipar yang volunteer. Saya malu ba minta tolong terang-terangan..ahahaha...ayat ka lagi ni). When all are ready, I get Jaden to eat the mi goreng and at the same time I had my breakfast. After breakfast, it's Thia time to momom bubur.. yeay!! And I let Jaden to wandering around the house since yesterday no play day for him about 930am I bathed both of them in a baby bathtub. Sudah la Jaden besar panjang, I have to squeezed them both in that.. What to do la..hehehe. After mandi, it's time for Thia nap and also Jaden. I put them both in the ayunan and Thia terus diam-diam and langsung tidur. On the other ayunan, Jaden; after habis nenen botol terus nda juga dia mau tidur jadi saya malas mau paksa dia, I let him go play at his playroom. So I take this chance to have a bath. A quick one. Thia only slept for one hour and it's Jaden turn to take his nap. Luckily, he falls asleep in the ayunan with botol susu but only for an hour sleep juga..pfffttt.. Saya target suda dia untuk tidur dua jam or more :)

And the hubby is on the way back home already. They reached pasar KK at about 12pm and only reached home at about 130pm. Happy tahap gaban! The catch was not so much comparing to his last fishing trip. Anyhow, boleh la...half month supply of fish ^__^ Yang penting my hubby satisfied dapat pigi memancing di laut dalam. 

That's that!
Am I a Supermom?? Well.......I am :)

Thanks for dropping by ya!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

colposcopy test

Pap smear (and a colposcopy) is used to detect and prevent the development of cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix) by identifying cells that may become cancerous in the future. Cancer is an abnormal growth of new tissue characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormally structured cells that have a more primitive form. Detection of abnormal cells in the cervix can help prevent and treat cancer of the cervix. For more info, you may read here.

Exactly one month ago, I had an appointment with the O&G at Hospital Likas after my Pap smear result came back as abnormal (three months later after I done it at KKIA Inanam). I was referred to O&G for the Colposcopy test. I did read online about the test and I was nervous on how it will be performed. 
Waduh! Waduh! Saya baca saja ada perkataan kanser terus berpeluh sejuk saya sebentar. Luckily, I have done my Pap smear earlier and encourage those who haven't done their Pap smear better go early before it's too late. Eh, belum lagi habis cerita saya pasal experience kena Colposcopy itu hari. 

On the 10th February, the appointment was at 2pm and I'm off to the hospital just after lunch. Sampai hospital at about 1pm and only after 2 or 3 round of the parking lot I got to park my car. And then I go directly to the registration counter and for the first time appointment it was free of charge. But next appointment need to pay the fee already. The counter lady asked me to go to the O&G room which I've been to last year to see pakar juga (berkenaan VBAC). We were told to change to sarung warna hijau and buka seluar dalam for the test. Tunggu punya tunggu dari jam 2pm sampai la jam 3.30pm baru my turn. There's few of us going thru the Colposcopy test, ada yang buat Pap smear saja kali tu. Tapi kebanyakan yang orang tua suda la. Saya yang paling muda (I think) and I don't even bercerita sama dorang. Malas saya, makcik-makcik punya cerita. Saya dengar ja... Menyesal nda bawa bukun cerita or any magazine! 

When it's my turn, dup dap dup dap juga perasaan saya. I was told to lied down on the special chair and leg spread apart so that the doctor can insert a device to slightly open the walls of vagina. Before the test performed sempat lagi tu doc cakap 'this is the first and the last time you'll see your cervix' Hehe...why he said like that because there's a big monitor above that you can see everything....from the outside to the inside of the vagina. Dalam bilik tu ada 2 doktor pakar lelaki. 1 memang pakar & yang 1 macam belum pakar, the pakar explained to him bla bla bla...about my cervix condition. 2 nurse perempuan. Actually, yang satu tu memang Staff nurse, yang satu pakai baju biru - Sister. Two sampel was taken and it bleeding like hell (at least i think like that) masa tengok di monitor tu. The doc put a thick yellow-green paste on the area the sample been taken to stop the bleeding. hmmm...bikin takut juga la... Dan berakhir la suda itu test and the doc advised not to  have any intercourse for 2 weeks in order for the cervix to heal. Hehehe... baik la Doc! 

And my heart feels dup dap dup dap again today. I've received a call from the hospital that my result is out and the doc have re-appoint my appointment to this Friday the 13th which supposed to be on the 24th Mar. O M G!



Tuesday, December 16, 2014

ceria & meragam

thank God demam si Thia sudah hilang.
completely back to normal body temp.
and tidur malam pun lena suda.

but but but...

Jaden pula yang meragam seawal pagi jam 330am.
minta buat susu, minta ayun, minta handphone.
habis cas hp, ayun-ayun, nda dapat tidur, minta lagi buat susu second round (panas suda sa ini time).
and then ada third round minta buat susu, merengek minta tukar pampers lagi! this time bapa dia yang buat and then kawan dia tidur di katil dia.
pastu baru la aman. last-last dia tetidur atas perut bapa dia..huh!
and what time dia tetidur pun nda sure suda..mungkin ada la dekat2 jam 5am kali tu... perggghh!