Showing posts with label me self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me self. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Post No 11 ~ Something U Ate Today

can i skip the blog no 11? photo taken during the eating time la? mau jg kasi show off makanan yg nda seberapa tu..hehehe..anyway, i just mentioned what have i eaten today la. sorry no pics..

saturday menu :-
breakfast ~ a piece of wholemeal bread + coffee (kopiko brand - brown sugar..sedap ni)
lunch ~ yoyo chocolate + croissant choc
tea break ~ lunch sebenar :) sasau + sau nyuk (nyum nyum)
dinner ~ apple & cranberry nestum 

i tried to keep fit & diet before my wedding day ba, but makin dekat makin kuat makan cakap stress nda juga sa stress....hmm...ntah la...hope in this two weeks time bule la kasi kurang 1 atau 2 kilo gitu....hahaha....bule kai tu aahh?? klu nda bule, never mind la..yg penting sa bahagia ^_^

since this post is about food, nah..for you to cuci mata dulu la.. hmmmm, sa pula yg kelaparan nampak ni gambar....cisss! hehehehe....taken few days after valentine's day at Gunter's Gasthaus....delicious!

1 of the Set Lunch menu ~ Roti Canai ......

ba, me signing off dulu...til next post!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 7 ~ A Picture of U Last 2 Years & Now, and How U Changed since Then

2 years back, i've cut my long (very long) hair to short (very short). many of my friends said "sayang o ko putung rambut ko tu. cantik lagi rambut ko tu....." ~.~ ok, the last statement is very true tau. i didn't tokok tambah ye :) i love my hair very much!

taken on Mar'09
taken on Feb'11
changes? hmm..if i want to list down 1 by 1, it's gonna take me 3 days & nights to explain..hehe..kidding! for me, it's only the appearances changed. the personality is still very much the same. 

** baru sa perasan, i haven't change my glasses for two years's time to find a new one. but i still heart the frame la. maybe i'll change the lens only (jimat mah) **

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog 1 ~ 15 Facts About You

Cameron Highlands trip in Nov'10

to know me is to love me..ceh! :) here 15 facts about me :-
  1. i'm the eldest in the siblings of 4
  2. saya tinggal di inanam, eh..kolombong.
  3. i love being the late 70's babies :)
  4. i love to travel (who doesn't?) 
  5. i love taking photos (there's tons of pictures in my hd)

I was here ~ Mantanani Island May'10
  1. i heart nature very much! (let's recycle & say no to plastic)
  2. in love so much with Gunung Kinabalu (have climbed it since 1995 & falls in love with the trails and beautiful scenery..hehe)
  3. i love to buy story books but didn't have time to read it (tp klu datang mood membaca; nda ingat makan, minum, fb, blog..bla bla bla) 
  4. i like to do road trip with my darling which i think bonding our relationship & also my partner in crime a.k.a my besties since high school.
  5. i'm a homey person (faktor usia kali ni..hehe)

On the way back from Tambunan to KK ~ Dec'09
  1. i'm a simple person
  2. outdoor activities is my hobby; i.e camping, road-tripping (outdoor jg bah ni kan?), mandi sungai & jalan2 cari makan ^_^
  3. i cannot live without family & friends
  4. i can be a funny girl sometime
  5. not really into make up thingy :p 
my funny little nephew. he can do faces ~ Dec'09

there you go! the 15 facts that you need to know about me :) which took me ages to think about the that i got my laptop back (he's been hospitalized quite sometime-glad that all my docs & pics were safe), surely will continue to do the 30 days blog challenge..hmm..biar la expired suda. yg penting ada. cheers!  

what's next? oh! a photo of me & my family? kurik2 dulu kalau ada ya..hehe..