Wednesday, December 24, 2014

wordless wednesday dec#3

i would like to take this opportunity to wish you all
" A Blessed Christmas 2014"

from all of us;
Ann, Eldie, Jaden & Thia

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Office Christmas Party 2014

Need to keep this memories in The Inbox since every year we celebrated office Christmas party with different theme. Last year was Blue Theme, and this year were Red Theme. As our CEO said 'macam nda sabar mau chinese new year' ^___^ For the exchange gift, I got a big wall clock from my bestie, Kuan! Lucky me. And the most waited event is the lucky draw! And guess what, I got a hand mixer. hhmmmmm.... Macam nda seronok pula..since my hubby already a got it last time when they're having their away day.

Christmas tree in the office!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

from bali with love!

thanks to my colleague, mdm aisah. pigi honeymoon tapi ada pula pesanan penaja ^__^. it's for my babies & my collection were added! i'm loving it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

ceria & meragam

thank God demam si Thia sudah hilang.
completely back to normal body temp.
and tidur malam pun lena suda.

but but but...

Jaden pula yang meragam seawal pagi jam 330am.
minta buat susu, minta ayun, minta handphone.
habis cas hp, ayun-ayun, nda dapat tidur, minta lagi buat susu second round (panas suda sa ini time).
and then ada third round minta buat susu, merengek minta tukar pampers lagi! this time bapa dia yang buat and then kawan dia tidur di katil dia.
pastu baru la aman. last-last dia tetidur atas perut bapa dia..huh!
and what time dia tetidur pun nda sure suda..mungkin ada la dekat2 jam 5am kali tu... perggghh!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thia demam

Poor Thia!
Dia demam coz tumbuh gigi.
Tidur pun nda senang, sekejap-sekejap bangun. 
But thank God she still an active baby even though panas badan dia.
I gave her ubat demam yang kena bagi oleh klinik time her first jab last june.
But her body temp kejap kurang panas, kejap tambah panas.
But overall she behave well during this time. I know it was not a good feeling especially tumbuh gigi. Nda juga dia minta dukung senantiasa but when kena dukung nampak betul dia feel relieved ni. Very manja girl!
Kalau kasi biar dia ampai-ampai atas katil pun dia nda juga nangis. Rajin exercise lagi. ahaha..Crawling & coba-coba untuk berdiri (sambil pegang mummy dia or anything she can hold on to).

Nah muka Thia (yesterday). Cranky baby? Not really!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

7th months old Thia

Thia's development at 7th months
    • she's a fast crawler. suka kasi guyang-guyang badan (dalam posisi merangkak). and macam nda sabar suda mau berdiri ni (duduk pun belum pandai suda mau coba-coba berdiri)
    • suka senyum (gave her sweetest smile) to people but cry when kena ambil & dukung. aiyo..susah la mummy ini macam. she only want me & her papa, my mum & dad. 
    • menangis when ada benda yang dia pegang tetiba kana rebut. biasanya abang dia la tukang rebut barang dia. huh!
    • not a picky eater. she ate porridge mostly. i gave her a sample from neslac cereal. ada yang dia suka ada yang dia nda suka makan. but she is kuat makan.
    • suka kasi masuk anything she can grabbed into her mouth.
    • mau tumbuh gigi suda.
    • can tiru / mimik apa gaya muka yang ko buat. ahaha.
    • she still breastfeeding (i'm loving it!)
    • kurang baby talks (i'm waiting for her to say 'mummy' or 'mama' or 'papa') ehehe.. 


Thursday, December 11, 2014


yeah, last sunday we go jalan-jalan. Jaden was so excited kalau ada mau jalan-jalan. he won't take a nap if he knows we gonna go jalan later. malar mau bawa jalan saja.

after breakfast, we bersiap sedia to go jalan. the plan was to go to tg.aru kasi tengok Jaden the aeroplanes landing and take-off :) and then go grocery shopping at sunny supermarket. after that, we will go directly to my colleague's wedding at luyang. 

and off we go to tg. aru famous stop for watching the plane landing/take off. we stayed for few minutes but no sight of plane, so we jalan to the beach. and we just limpas there. kesian Jaden macam mau pigi jalan2 pula at the beach. next time kio son. mommy promise. and we go back to the previous place. luckily, there's a plane just in time for landing and one plane is taking place to take off. nice! 

we don't stay lama there coz Jaden mula mau lari-lari. so we go grocery shopping. pun ASAP punya shopping. haha. in my opinion , bagus juga bawa budak time shopping since we don't have much time to look look and see see apa barang lagi mau beli. kalau stay lama-lama, anak pandai meragam. so it's good to list down what you really need to buy and then grab the things, pay and 'chow'. ahahaha..ya that's happen to us last sunday. 

the kereta is penuh with barang2 and since there's a lot of time before the wedding reception we decided to go back home first hantar tu barang-barang. ingatkan mau bawa my little Thia to the reception tapi cuaca macam mau hujan jadi dia kana kasi tinggal at her grandma house. 

the wedding day was okay, not too hot not rainy day also. the FOOD was marvellous sedap and the manisan tradisional bugis are sedap sehingga menjilat jari. kena makan manisan dahulu baru boleh makan nasi. first time oh sa attend wedding bangsa bugis ni. i still terbayang-bayang ba lauk pauk time wedding officemate sa ni..hehehe!

okay, habis cerita yang hari minggu.

yang ni gambar throwback! time ni Jaden baru mo belajar jalan.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

wordless wednesday dec#2

my 35th birthday cake + doughnuts
my birthday present.. ehehe.. actually these pyjamas are for Jaden that arrived during my birth day :)

little ukelele player ^__^

Monday, December 08, 2014

mommies reunion whole day berjalan with my geng mami-mami! that was last two weeks punya cerita (29/11/14). miahaha! i take leave just to meet my two bff mommies. i have known them for ten good years. from single to double ^__^
so much cerita yet so sikit time for us to spent time together. huhu

yes, of course most of the stories is about our kids. i love to hear story from both of them since they have older kids and mine is still a toddler..teehee
senyum-senyum saja sa dengar cerita pasal anak-anak dorang. 

and this is what me & mary got from our dear friend jess (from labuan with love). ehehehe...i heart cukulat very much! thanks ya mummy jess!

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

wordless wednesday dec#1

my colleague is taking leave for almost 2 weeks.
 i have to take over her works.
mood >> stress!

cctv had been installed in the office. 
got one exactly behind my work station.
terus teda mood mau kerja.
mood >> lagi stress!

Monday, December 01, 2014

i'm 35th :)

yes, it's my birthday today!
i'm blessed to have my loving husband and my two lovely children.
sudah kami 'begapus' berempat tadi pagi. ahahaha!

and i'm super blessed to have friends & family that have wished me thru fb & watsapp.
nda kira la ada reminder ka, apa ka. yang penting itu wishes. hehehe.
thanks my dear friends!!
enjoy this catchy song. no birthday song. just be happy!

p/s: i just feel forever 30. can ka like that? ^__^