Showing posts with label Snack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snack. Show all posts

09 September 2014

Hummus Dip / Homus

Super healthy, super quick and super tasty! Please serve it with vegetable sticks and non-fat rice crackers.

1 can chick peas (reserve some liquid)
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 lemon, juice (to taste)
1/4 cup tahini
salt and pepper to taste
extra virgin olive oil ( as much or little as you want - I put 2-3 tbs)
1/2 tsp cumin powder
Place everything in a food processor and run it until smooth (add liquid from can, to desirable texture).
Serve in a bowl, with some oil on top and with a sprinkle of paprika (optional).


Super zdravo, super brzo i super ukusno! Servirajte sa pruticima povrca i nemasnim krekerima od rize.

1 konzerva slanutka / leblebije (sacuvajte malo tecnosti)
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
1 limun, sok (prema ukusu)
1/4 solje Tahini paste
so i biber prema ukusu
Djevicansko maslinovo ulje, onoliko koliko ga zelite - ja stavim 2-3 K)
1/2 k kima u prahu
Stavite sve u elektricnu sjeckalicu i ukljucite da se sve pomijesa i stvori u pastu. Dodajte tecnosti iz konzerve ako zelite vise tecno. Servirajte u posudama, sa malo ulja na povrsini i posuto paprikom (po zelji)

14 July 2014

Bacon and Cheese Breadsticks

These breadsticks are addictive! Be aware!

80-100 g smoked bacon, finely diced
50 g butter (I reserved lard and added butter to make up 50 gr)
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp yeast
250 g flour
60 g parmesan, grana padano or chedar, grated
3/4 tsp salt (less if bacon very salty)

Microwave bacon for 1-2 minutes (cover with a paper towel), or cook in a pan, until golden brown. (I reserved lard and used it with butter, making up 50 g of fat). Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until dough formed. Cover and rest for 30+ minutes in a warm spot.
Roll out to 1 cm thickness, then cut into sticks.
Bake for 8-12 minutes (180*C), or until golden. 

Grisini sa slaninom i sirom

Ovi grisini izazivaju ovisnost; upozoreni ste!

80-100 gr, dimljene slanine, sitne kockice
50 gr maslaca(ja sam sacuvala mast i dodala maslaca)
1/2 solje mlijeka
1 k instant kvasca
250gr brasna
60 gr parmezana ili slicnog sira, rendanog
3/4 k soli (ili manje ako je slanina jako slana)

Proprzite komadice slanine ( ili stavite u mikrovalnu) dok ne pozute blago. (Ja sam sacuvala masnocu i dodala jos maslaca da nacinim kolicinu od 50 gr). Stavite sve sastojke u posudu i umijesite tijesto. Pokrijte i ostavite na toplom oko 30+ minuta. Razvaljajte na debljinu oko 1 cm, zatim narezite na trake. 
Pecite na 180*C 8-12 minuta, ili dok ne postanu zlatno zuti.

01 June 2012

Malaysian Murtabak

I'm back...
My family and me have been 'locked' in our home quarantine for almost whole week. It all started with my hubby - he returned from work with fever, dry cough, muscle aches... It spread to all 4 of us in next few days...
We're fine now,... just keep coughing a lot!

Recipe comes from Malaysia (India has similar dish), where this kind of food is sold as 'street food'. The dough remind me  of Bosnian 'Burek' and /or Turkish 'Gozleme'.  I LOVE the taste of added aromatics

1 cup flour
pinch of salt
100 ml (+) water
1/2 cup oil (for greasing)
1 tbs oil
250 g mince (chicken or veal, preferable)
1/2 onion, diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp grated ginger
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2-1  tsp Garam Masala
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup peas (optional)
1-2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped
2 eggs, beaten and seasoned
1/2 onion, sliced
Make a soft dough from salt, flour and water. Divide in 4, cover with oil (turn to coat all over) and leave aside for 30 min.
Heat  oil, saute onion, mince and the rest of ingredients. Cook until meat cooked; check seasoning. Cool slightly.
Beat eggs in a separate bowl; slice onion.
Place non-stick pan on heat.
With palm of your clean hand spread 1 tbs oil (from bowl with dough) on a smooth clean surface. Place 1 part of dough on it and roll out the dough as thin as possible ( I do this with my oiled palms - find it easier)
Place 2 tbs of beaten egg in the middle, then 2-3 tbs of filling and sprinkle some onion on top. Lift sides of the dough  (opposite ones first) cover the filling. Carefully lift murtabak and place on hot pan  (with covered side up). Press slightly with spatula. When slightly browned , turn the dough and do the same with other side.
Repeat with other 3. Serve warm!

Murtabak - Malezijski Burek

Evo mene...
Skoro sijelu sedmicu dana sam zajedno sa mojom porodicom bila u 'kucnom pritvoru'... Sve je otpocelo sa mojim dragim, koji je dosao sa posla tresuci se od hladnoce, sa suhim kasljem i bolovima u misicima. Prosirilo se na sve 4 nas ...Sad smo u redu, iskljucujuci kasalj, koji nas jos uvijek prati.

Recept je Malezijski (mada i u Indiji slicno prave) i podsjeca malo na nas burek i Tursku gozlemu. Volim dodatak aromaticnih sastojaka, koji doprinose ukusu.

1 solja brasna
malo soli
100 ml (+) vode
1/2 solje ulja  (za 'namastiti')
1 K ulja
250 gr mljevenog mesa (piletina ili teletina najradije)
1/2 crvenog luka, isjeckanog
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnutog
1 k rendanog djumbira
1/4 k turmerika
1/2 -1 k Garam Masale
so i biber prema ukusu
1/3 solje graska (po zelji)
1-2 K lisca korijandera, sjeckanog
2 jaja, umucena sa malo soli i bibera
1/2 crvenog luka, sjecenog na rebarca
Umijesiti  mekano tijesto od vode, brasna i soli (kao za pitu); podijeliti na 4. Postaviti u posudu sa uljem (malo uvaljati svako tijesto) Ostaviti po strani oko 30 minuta.
Zargijati ulje, proprziti luk, pa dodati i ostale sastojke. Prziti i  mijesati  dok meso ne promijeni boju. Provjerite ukus. Ostavite prohladiti.
Umutite jaja, isjecite luk.
Stavite tavu sa ne prijanjajucim dnom na vatru. 
Uzmite 1 K ulja iz posude sa tijestom, i sa cistim rukama namazite povrsinu na kojoj cete raditi. Stavite 1 kuglu tijesta, razvaljajte sto je moguce tanje (ja ovo radim nauljenim rukama). 
Na razvuceno tijesto stavite 2 K jaja, zatim 2-3 K mjesavine i malo crvenog luka po povrsini. Preklopite tijesto preko punjenja (suprotne stranice najprije). Pazljivo dignite i premijesitie na tavu (preklopljena stana gore). Dok se pece lagano stisnite sa spatulom po povrsini. Okrenite i ispecite i drugu stranu. Ponovite isto sa preostale 3 loptice tijesta. Servirajte toplo!

18 February 2011

'Coxinha' - Portuguese Little Drumsticks

Very popular snack in Portugal and Brazil. Take some time for making, but very economical. Makes around 50.

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
85 g butter
2 beef cubes
salt & freshly ground black pepper
2 green onions, finely chopped
2 tbs chopped fresh parsley
700 g flour
200 g cream cheese
1 egg + 1 egg white, beaten lightly
oil for deep frying
Cut chicken breasts into 2 inch cubes, and place in a saucepan with onion, garlic, margarine, stock cubes, salt and pepper and 3 cups of water. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes or until done. Strain solids from broth, retaining broth and solids.
Finely chop the chicken to make the filling. Add the parsley and chopped green onion to the chicken.
Measure the remaining broth into a saucepan-you will need 3 cups, so make it up with extra water, if needed. Add all the flour, and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon for 1 minute until it becomes stiff. Turn out on a working surface. Allow to cool a little, but while it is still warm, knead dough until it is smooth and no lumps of flour remain. Roll out dough to about 5mm thick and cut medium sized circles.
Place the dough in the palm of your hand, place a small cube of cream cheese and a teaspoon of the prepared filling; Fold and close the dough in the shape of a drumstick (the word Coxinha means "little drumstick" in Portuguese).
Knead scraps and re-roll, and continue cutting until all the dough is used.
Dip pastries in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs.
Deep-fry for 8 minutes, or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.

Coxinha (Košinja) ili Batkići

3 pilece grudi
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka
85 gr putera
2 govedje kocke za supu
so i svjeze mljeven biber
2 mlada luka
2 K sjeckanog lisca persuna
700 gr brasna
200 gr krem sira
1 jaje + 1 bjelance, umuceno
suhe mrvice kruha / hljeba (prezla)
ulje za duboko przenje
Isjecite pilece grudi na kocke, stavite kuhati sa 3 solje vode, oba luka, puterom, i kockama za supu. Zacinite sa solju i biberom.
Kada je kuhano ocijedite. Sacuvajte tecnost, a ostale sastojke sitno isjeckajte, pa im dodajte mladi luk i persun. Promijesajte.
U brasno umijesajte 3 solje tecnosti (ako nemate dovoljno dodajte vode)i snazno izmijesajte. Ostavite malo prohladiti, ali dok je jos toplo, istresite na radnu povrsinu pa umijesite glatko tijesto. Razvaljajte na 5 mm, sjecite krugove (8cm), zatim u svaki stavite 1 kasicicu pilece mjesavine i kockicu sira. Stisnite krajeve i oblikujte 'batak' (Coxinha - košinja- na Portugalskom znaci mali batak). Uvaljajte u jaja, zatim u mrvice pa przite u dubokom ulju, dok ne dobije zlatno-zutu boju. Servirajte vruce.
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