Showing posts with label Buckwheat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buckwheat. Show all posts

15 October 2015

Sonja's 'Ajdov Ujevak' (Buckwheat Flat Bread)

I had a memorable day yesterday. I got a surprise package in my mailbox; my dear friend Sonja (from Slovenia) made a few things with her hands and sent it to me....20 000 km away! She made me cry and she made my day! Two of her amazing cards, beautifully smelling lavanda wreath, and dried WILD STRAWBERRIES from Slovenian forests. 
Thank you Sonja, you will never know what that meant to me.
Following recipe is from a cookbook, that she sent me some time ago. I make it often, as it is quick,  delicious and healthy.

3 eggs
3/4 -1 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 l sparkling water
salt and pepper
oil / butter for pan
seeds of your choice for sprinkling on top (optional)

Preheat oven to 200*C, prepare a (deep pizza) pan.
Beat seasoned  eggs, add flour and mineral water. Pour into the tin, sprinkle with seeds and bake 8-10 minutes, lower temperature to 180 *C and bake for another 10-12 minutes. Serve warm or cold (with avocado, cheese, ham, tomato..)

Sonjin 'Ajdov Ujevak' (Heljdin razljevak)

Juce sam imala nezaboravan dan. Dobila sam paket iznenadjenja od moje drage prijateljice Sonje, sa divnim, njenom rukom napravljenim, proizvodima...Poslala ga je 20 000 km daleko! Rasplakala me je i nacinila divan dan! Dvije od njenih predivnih cestitki, opijajuce mirisan lavandin vijenac i Divlje JAGODE iz Slovenackih suma! Nisam mogla vjerovati!
Hvala Sonja, nikad neces saznati koliko mi je to znacilo.
Sljedeci recept je iz knjizice recepata koje mi je ona poslala prije nekog vremena. Cesto ga pravim jer je brz, ukusan i zdrav.

3 jaja
3/4 - 1 solja heljdinog brasna
1/2 l mineralne vode
so i biber
ulje ili maslac za tepsiju
sjemenke po vasem izboru, za posuti (opciono)

Ukljucite renu na 200*C; pripremite tepsiju (piza velicine).
Umutite jaja, dodajte sve ostale sastojke,  izlijte u tepsiju, pospite sjemenkama i pecite 8-10 minuta. Smanjite temperaturu na 180*C pa pecite jos 10-12 minuta. Servirajte toplo (ili hladno) sa avokadom, sirom, sunkom, paradajzom...

03 July 2015

Buckwheat 'Burek'

It's not photogenic, but it is very tasty. Recipe is found in an old Bosnian cookbook. What intrigued me is the way it's made. The dough / pastry is not stretched in traditional way, as I expected. It is poured in layers, as pancakes; which means anyone can make it.
Have a good weekend friends and readers!

2 1/2 cups buckwheat flour (+,-)
salt and water (for pancake batter consistency)
250-400 g mince
1 onion, chopped
salt and pepper
1-2 tbs oil
Prehat oven to 200*C, prepare a baking pan (with 2,5 cm high edge -like pizza pan. Mine was 32 cm diameter).Oil it.
Mix buckwheat flour, salt and water into a batter.
Heat oil in a pan. Sautee onion. Take off heat, mix in mince; season to taste. Place empty pan in oven When hot, pour 1/3 of batter on bottom. Bake a few minutes; sprinkle 1/2 of meat mixture. Bake a few minutes again. Repeat with the rest of prepared ingredients, making sure last layer is buckwheat. That means you'll have 3 layers of buckwheat and 2 layers of mince (every layer is baked around 5  minutes ) Take out, spread some butter on top and serve.


Burek od Heljde

Fotogenican nije, ali ukusan jeste. Recept je iz knjige Bosanski Kuhar. Sta me je zaintrigiralo je 
nacin pripreme. Kore se ne razvlace, kao sto bi to ocekivali kod naziva burek, vec se 'razlijevaju'         kao tijesto za palacinke. Znaci, ovaj burek moze svako napraviti!
Dobar vikend svima!

2 1/2 solje heljdinog brasna (+,-)
so i voda (da se napravi tecno tijesto kao za deblje palacinke)
250-400 gr mljevenog mesa
1 crveni luk, cjeckan
so i biber
1-2 K ulja
Ukljucite rernu na 200*C; pripremite tepsiju (moja je bila 32 cm dijametra i sa 2,5 cm visine), nauljite ju.
Pomijesajte heljdino brasno sa vodom i solju.
Zagrijte ulje u tavi, proprzite luk. Smaknite, pa dodajte meso i zacinite. 
Stavite praznu tepsiju u rernu; kada se zagrijala, ulijte 1/3 tijesta. Zapecite, zatim pobacajte 1/2 mjesavine sa mesom. Zapecite ponovo. Ponovite ovo sa preostalim dijelovima; znaci, treba da imate 3 sloja heljdinog tijesta i 2 sloja mesa (u sredini). Svaki sloj se pece oko 5 minuta. Izvadite, premazite sa maslacem i sluzite

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