Showing posts with label Pears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pears. Show all posts

27 July 2015

Custard and Pear Tart with Steusel Topping

Opening a food related business in Australia (NSW) is not easy. There are so many regulations and tests you and your kitchen have to pass, in order to have licence.
I had an idea of baking cakes from my home and offering them to cafes, restaurants and privately. That would be my dream job...
Currently, I'm in the middle of completing my FSS course (food safety supervisor), which is one of necessary  steps in order to get my licence. Then, someone from council will have to visit my kitchen and tell me if I need to make some changes, or it would be OK to use it as it is. After that comes business registering, insurance, marketing... I'll let you know about my progress!

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water 
Custard cream-
1 3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup cream
2 yolks
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbs corn flour / starch
2 tbs custard powder
+ 2-3 pears, ripe-ones please (canned, drained OK)
¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 tbs flour
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup rolled oats
50g cold butter, cubed
Make pastry by placing all ingredients into a food processor and blitzing until dough formed. Take out, wrap in cling wrap and let it rest. 
Heat 1 1/2 cup milk, sugar and cream into a non-stick pan. Mix 1/4 cup milk with the rest of ingredients (except pears). When milk starts boiling, pour mixture into it and cook until thick. Cover with cling film and let it cool. 
Peel and core pears; slice each into 4 or 6.
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a tart tin. Roll out your pastry and place into tin. Spoon custard cream, then place pears over it. 
Place all ingredients for crumble into a food processor and blitz until crumbs formed. Place them over pears. Bake for 35+ minutes, cool then serve.

Mrvičasti Tart sa Pudingom i Kruškama 

Otvoriti biznis vezan za hranu u Australiji nije nimalo lako. Postoji mnogo regulacija i testova koje vi i vasa kuhinja morate proci, da biste dobili dozvolu.
Moja ideja je da radim od kuce, pripremam deserte i slicno, po narudzbi kafea, restorana ili privatnih lica. To bi bio posao mojih snova...
U ovom trenutku sam u procesu zavrsavanja kursa koji je neophodan step da bih dobila dozvolu. Poslije toga, neko od odgovornih lica ce morati posjetiti moju kuhinju i reci mi mogu li je koristiti kakva jeste ili cu morati napraviti neke promjene. Zatim, dolazi registracija biznisa, osiguranje, marketiranje...Obavjestavacu vas o mojim 'koracima'!

Prhka kora-
1 1/2 solja brasna
3 K secera
malo soli
125 gr maslaca, hladnog, rezanog
1 jaje, blago umuceno
1 K hladne vode
Puding krem-
1 3/4 solje mlijeka
1/4 solje slatke pavlake
2 zumanca
1/4 solje secera
2 K 'gustina' (ili sl.)
2 K puding praha vanille (1 puding?)
+ 2-3 kruske, zrele
Mrvicasta povrsina-
1/4 solje braon secera
3 K brasna
1/2 k cimeta
1/3 solje presane zobi
50 gr maslaca, komadici
Umijesite tijesto za prhku koru; prstima ili uz pomoc sjeckalice. Zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite odmarati.
Stavite 1 1/2 solju mlijeka, vrhnje i secer kuhati. U preostalu 1/4 solje mlijeka umijesajte preostale sastojke (izuzev kruski). Kada mlijeko provrije  uspite mjesavinu i mijesajte dok se ne zgusne. Pokrijte sa prozirnom folijom i ostavite hladiti.
Ogulite i narezite kruske; svaku na 6-8 komada.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; pripremite tart posudu.
Razvaljajte tijesto i smjestite ga u posudu. Ubacite puding krem, zatim utisnite kruske. 
Stavite sve sastojke za mrvicastu povrsinu u elektricnu sjeckalicu i izradite u mrvice. Zatim ovu masu prerucite preko kruski i zaravnajte. Pecite oko 35+ minuta. Prohladite i sluzite.

17 July 2014

Pear and Raspberry Bread

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us". (Alexander Graham Bell)

So true!

825 g can pear halves (or 3-4 peeled, cored pears, cooked in 1 cup water and 1 tbs sugar)
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 cups SR flour
1/2 tsp soda bb
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries


Preheat oven to 180*C; prepare a loaf pan, line with baking paper.
Chop half of pears, and puree the other half. Place pureed pears in a measure cup, top up with juice (to make up exact 1 cup of 'fluid').
Place all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix well then add egg, oil and other ingredients. Fold gently, until just combined. Transfer to pan and bake for 55-60 minutes. Cool bread slightly in pan, before taking it out.

Slatki Hljeb sa Kruškama i Malinama

"Kad se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvaraju; ali mi cesto dugo i sa zaljenjem gledamo za zatvorenim vratima, da uopste ne vidimo ona koja su se pred nama otvorila." (Aleksander Graham Bell)
Veoma istinito!

825 gr konzerva kruski (ili 3-4 oguljene kruske, skuhane u 1 solji vode i sa 1 K secera)
1 jaje, umuceno
1/3 solje braon secera
1/2 solje ulja
1 1/2 solja Samodizajuceg brasna
1/2 k sode bb
1/2 k praska za pecivo
1/2 solje malina (svjeze ili smrznute)


Zagrijte rernu na 18-*C; pripremite kalup za vekne, oblozite papirom.
Isjeckajte polovinu krusaka, propasirajte ostale. Stavite pasirane kruske u posudu za mjerenje, uspite sok / vodu u kojoj su se kuhale kruske da nacinite 1 solju tecnosti (250ml).
Suhe sastojke stavite u vecu posudu. Umijesajte jaje, ulje i ostale sastojke. Okrecite rucno masu dok se ne ujednaci. Smjestite u kalup i pecite 55-60 minuta. Rashladite malo u kalupu, prije nego izvadite na posluzavnik. Moze se zamrznuti.

14 March 2014

Sticky Date and Pear Cake

It is pear season in Australia, which means they're very cheap at the moment.
Pear cakes are on top of the list of my favourites; this-one belongs to the special group of irresistible-ones.

1 cup dates (dried)
1 cup water
1 tsp baking soda
125 g butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 large (or 2 small) egg
3 ripe pears, peeled and diced
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups SR flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
60 g butter
1/2 cup cream (35% fat)

Boil dates, water and baking soda for 2-3 minutes; take off the heat, slightly mash with a fork and let it cool.
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare 20-22 cm cake tin, line with baking paper.
Beat butter, sugar and egg until light and fluffy. Add pears, flour, cinnamon and date mixture. Mix well. Pour into the tin and bake for 50-60 minutes. Take out and let it cool.
For topping- boil all ingredients in a heavy bottomed pan. Take off and let it cool.
Take the cake out of tin and pour topping over it. Slice the cake and enjoy!

'Ljepljivi' kolac sa Datulama i Kruskama

Sezona je krusaka u Australiji, sto znaci da su trenutno jako jeftine. Kolaci sa kruskama su mi medju najdrazima, a ovaj pripada skupini neodoljivih.

1 solja datula (susenih)
1 solja vode
1 k sode bb
125 gr maslaca
3/4 solje secera
1 vece (ili 2 manja) jajeta
3 zrele kruske, oguljene i sjecene na kockice
1 k cimeta
1 1/2 solja samodizajuceg brasna
3/4 solje braon secera
60 gr maslaca
1/2 solje slatke pavlake / vrhnja (35% masnoce)

Kuhajte datule, vodu i sodu oko 2-3 minute; smaknite, viljuskom izgnjecite blago i ostavite prohladiti.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C; pripremite obruc (20-22 cm) i oblozite ga neprijanjajucim papirom.
Miksajte maslac, jaje i secer dok ne postane pjenasto. Ubacite kruske, brasno, cimet i smjesu sa datulama i lagano izmijesajte. Uspite u kalup i pecite 50-60 minuta. Prohladite.
Za preliv- prokuhajte sve sastojke, smaknite s vatre i ostavite hladiti. 
Postavite kolac na servirajucu posudu, prelijte sa prelivom. Rezite i uzivajte!

20 July 2012

Pear and Walnut Upside-down Flourless Cake

My oven's back to life!...and working better than ever. After I lost hope we'll find a spare heater, suddenly we got it. I put new heater to test straight away ...
This is a beautifully moist, flourless, 6  ingredients easy cake. I use walnuts, but any other nuts could be substitute.
Have a good weekend!

2 pears, peeled and cut into thin slices
2 tbs brown sugar
6 large eggs
1 cup sugar
125 g butter, melted
300 g walnuts, grounded
Preheat oven to 170*C (160* fan forced), prepare a spring form cake tin (23 cm); line with silicone paper.
Beat eggs with (white) sugar until pale and fluffy. Pour melted butter, mix another 30 sec on low speed. switch mixer off. Add walnuts to the mixture and fold in with spatula.
Place slices of pears on bottom of your cake tin. Sprinkle with brown sugar, then cover with walnut mixture.
Bake for 30-40 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Cool, then turn upside down and slice. Cake is beautifully moist and doesn't need anything else to serve, but if you want extra kick add custard or cream on top.

Prevrnuti Kolač sa Kruškama i Orasima (bez brašna)

Moja rerna je popravljena i radi bolje nego ikada! Kada sam izgubila svaku nadu da cemo pronaci dio, iznenada su nas nazvali i obavijestili da ga imaju. Morala sam je naravno, odmah testirati...
Ovaj kolac je divno vlazan i ukusan, bez brasna, lagan za napraviti sa samo 6 sastojaka. Koristila sam orahe, ali mozete ih zamijeniti bilo kojim drugim orasastim plodovima.
Dobar vikend zelim!

2 kruske, oguljene i isjecene na tanke snite
2 K braon secera
6 vecih jaja
1 solja secera (200 gr)
125 gr maslaca, otopljenog
300 gr oraha, mljevenih
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C (160 * sa fenom), priprenite obruc (23 cm) za kolace, stavite neprijanjajuci papir na dno.
Mutite jaja sa bijelim secerom dok ne postane pjenasto i gusto. Ubacite maslac, izmijesajte sa malom brzinom. Iskljucite mikser, zatim ubacite mljevene orahe i rucno sjedinite masu.
Stavite kruske na dno vaseg kalupa, pospite ih sa braon secerom. Uspite biskvitnu smjesu i pecite 30-40 min, ili dok ubodena cackalica ne izadje cista poslije testiranja. Prohladite, zatim preokrenite na posudu za posluzivanje. Isjecite i uzivajte. Kolac je dovoljno dobar za servirati bez icega, ali ako zelite ekstra efekat onda posluzite sa vrhnjem / 'kastardom' (tecni puding).

05 April 2011

Pear and Cinnamon Upside Down Cake - Or Bye Sydney

This is my last post before my trip to Europe.
I will try to keep you updated with my recipes, and of course a few photos from places that I'll visit.

Beautiful, aromatic cake. If low fat sour cream and spread used (Weight Watchers recipe), 10 serves give 3,5 points each.
2 teas cinnamon
2 tbs brown sugar
400 g canned pears, drained (or 3 medium soft pears)
6 tbs melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup SR flour
Preheat oven to 180*C. Prepare a loaf tin or small ring cake tin; line with baking paper. Sprinkle base with brown sugar and 1 teas cinnamon. Arrange pear halves / slices over sugared base.
Beat eggs with sugar until pale and thick. Add butter and sour cream, mix with low speed. Put flour and cinnamon on top and fold trough. Spoon cake mixture on top of pears; smooth the surface, then knock your tin on a hard surface a few times, so mixture fills spaces between pears. Bake for 50 min. Allow cake to rest for 10 min before turning out onto cake plate.

Prevrnuti Kolač sa Kruškama i Cimetom

Moj posljednji post pred odlazak u Evropu.
Javicu se sa par recepata i fotografija iz mjesta koje cu posjetiti na mome putovanju.
Ostajte zdravo i veselo

2 K braon secera
2 k cimeta
400 gr konzerva kruski, ocijedjena (ili 3 srednje mekane kruske)
6 K otopljenog maslaca
1/2 solje secera
2 jaja
1/2 solje kajmaka / pavlake
1 solja samodizajuceg brasna (1 s obicnog + 1,5 k praska za pecivo)
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; pripremite kalup (duguljasti ili prstenasti manji), odlozite ga silikonskim papirom. Pospite dno sa braon secerom i pola cimeta. Rasporedite polovice kruski preko secera.
Umutite secer sa jajima, dodajte otopljeni puter i kajmak. Mutite jos malo na manjoj brzini. Prosijte brasno i cimet na povrsinu, pa rukom sjedinite polako masu.
Prekrijte kruske ovom masom, zaravnjajte povrsinu kasikom, pa blago lupnite dnom kako bi smjesa zasla izmedju kruski. Pecite 50 minuta.
Ostavite hladiti u kalupu 10 minuta prije nego kolac prevrnete.

21 February 2011

Pear and Almond Tart

This is my first attempt. I was delighted by taste and simplicity of making it.

1,5 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water
Almond filling-
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt
4 tbs butter (60 g), softened
1 tbs flour
+ 3 pears (Williams), peeled, halved and cored
2 tbs honey mixed with 1 tbs water for brushing pears
Prepare a tart tin. Preheat oven to 180*C.
Put flour and butter into a food processor. Whiz until incorporated, add egg and water. Pulls until a ball starts to form. Take out and knead a bit. Roll out (floured surface)to a 28cm circle. Put it into a tart tin. Form 2 cm edges with your fingers. For almond filling, Process almonds and add all other ingredients. Pulse until paste forms. Pour it into crust. Slice prepared pears top it onto almond paste. Brush with honey/water mix, and bake for 30 minutes, or until slightly golden. Dust with icing sugar (optional).

Tart sa Kruškama i Bademima

1,5 solja brasna
3 K secera
prstohvat soli
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera, isjecenog
1 jaje
1 K hladne vode
1 solja badema, mljevenih
1/4 solje secera
prstohvat soli
4 K maslaca (60 gr), omeksalog
2 jaja
1 K brasna
+ 3 kruske, oguljene, prepolovljene
2 K meda pomijesane sa 1 K vode
Pripremite posudu za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici, mijesajte brasno sa maslacem; dodajte sve ostale sastojke i mijesajte dok se ne pretvori u tijesto. Izvadite, mijesite jos malo. Razvaljajte na 28 cm krug. Prebacite ga u posudu, oblikujte prstima ivice 2 cm visoke.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za za punjenje u jednolicnu 'pastu'. Uspite preko tijesta.
Kruske isijecite na snite pa ih rasporedite po badem masi, premazite medenom tecnoscu. Pecite oko 30 min ili dok blago ne porumeni. Pospite secerom u prahu (po zelji).
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