Showing posts with label Almonds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almonds. Show all posts

15 June 2015

No sugar, flour, eggs and dairy Biscuits (Apple Sauce, Banana and Oatmeal Biscuits)

These are beautiful, healthy biscuit suitable as gilt free treats, or even breakfast. Makes 14-15 biscuit.

1 1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup almond meal
1/3 cup dried cranberries, chopped
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup apple sauce (unsweetened)*
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 175*C; prepare a biscuit pan, cover with baking paper.
Grind 1 cup of oats, leave other 1/2 cup whole (or use oat as it is). Mix with cinnamon, cranberries and almond meal. Add mashed bananas and apple sauce; mix until all incorporated.  Take spoonfuls of this mixture and place it onto pan (I used ice-cream scoop). Press slightly the top of every biscuit with fork. Place in oven and bake for 20(+) minutes.
*If you can't buy apple sauce, cook 2-3 peeled and chopped apples until all moisture evaporates and apples become soft. Puree it into thick sauce (you'll need 1 cup)

Keksi sa Bananom, Jabukam i Zobenim pahuljicama (keksi bez jaja, maslaca, secera i brasna)

Divni su i veoma zdravi, a mogu posluziti kao dorucak ili poslastica bez-osjecaja-krivnje . Dobicete 14-15 keksica.

1 1/2 solja zobenih pahuljica
1/2 solje mljevenog badema
1/3 solje susenih brusnica, isjeckanih
2 zrele banane, propasirane
1 solja sosa od jabuka (nezasladjen)*
1 k cimeta

Ukljucite rernu na 175*C; pripremite tepsiju za keksice, oblozite je neprijanjajucim papirom.
Sameljite 1 solju pahuljica (u mlinu za kafu, npr) drugu polovicu ostavite kakva jeste (ili mozete sve koristiti kako jeste - presovana zob). Pomijesajte sa bademovim brasnom, brusnicama i cimetom. Umijesajte pasirane banane i sos od jabuka. Izmijesajte dobro. Uzimajte po kasiku ove smjese (ja sam koristila hvataljku za sladoled)i smijestajte na papir. Svaki keksic malo pritisnite viljuskom, zatim smjestite u rernu i pecite 20(+) minuta.
*Ako nemozete kupiti gotov sos od jabuka - ogulite i narezite 2-3 jabuke, stavite u manju serpicu i dinstajte dok tecnost ne ispari, a jabuke postanu mekane. Ispasirajte; treba da dobijete 1 solju sosa.

18 September 2014

Spanish Orange Cake

My bags are packed! Only 24  hours left 'till long awaited holiday. First stop Bangkok, then Vienna and after that Bosnia. I won't be able to comment for 3 weeks; please excuse me!

This cake is made from whole oranges. I made something similar before ( Greek Orange Cake), so I expected it to be good.  No butter and no flour, but it's surprisingly moist and aromatic. The secret is in cooked oranges!

2 oranges (organic, 280-300 g)
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
300 g almond meal
1 tsp baking powder

Wash oranges and place them in a pan; cover with water and cook for 1 hour 30 minutes. Take out, cut discard pips and process it into paste.
Preheat oven to 170*C,prepare 22 cm cake tin.
In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar until thick and fluffy. Add orange paste, almond meal and baking powder.  Fold in, transfer to cake tin and bake for 45-50 minutes.
After cooling, sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with orange skin curls.
(Mine has cream cheese icing on top)

Španski kolač sa cijelim narandžama

Putne torbe spakovane! Sutra pocinje dugo ocekivani odmor. Prvo zaustavljanje Bangkok, zatim Bec i napokon Bosna. Tri sedmice necu biti u mogucnosti komentirati na vase postove; opravdajte me :-)

Ovaj kolac je pravljen od cijelih narandzi. Pravila sam nesto slicno prije (Grčki kolač sa narandžama), pa sam ocekivala da bude dobar. Bez brasna je i bez maslaca, ali je iznenadjujuce vlazan. Tajna je u kuhanim, pasiranim narandzama.

2 narandze (neprskane, 280-300 gr)
4 eggs
1 solja secera
300 gr badema, samljevenih
1 k praska za pecivo

Stavite narandze u lonac, pokrijte vodom i kuhajte oko 1 sati 30 minuta. Izvadite, prohladite, isijecite i izvadite kospice. Ispasirajte narandze u sjeckalici.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite 22 cm obruc za kolace.
Umutite jaja sa secerom u gustu pjenu. Dodajte ispasirane narandze, mljevene bademe i prasak za pecivo. Uspite u obruc i pecite oko 45-50 minuta. Malo prohladite, zatim pospite secerom u prahu i ukrasite koricom narandze.
(Moj ima povrsinski sloj od zasladjenog krem sira)

14 June 2013

Classical Baked Cheese Cake (Donna Hay recipe)

Donna Hay is Australian 'Martha Stewart'. All her recipes are proven and always give great results. So is this  baked cheese cake, one of my favourites. Have a good weekend!

1/3 cup ground almonds (almond meal)
¾ cup plain flour
¼ cup caster sugar
90g chilled butter, chopped
330g cream cheese, softened
500g fresh ricotta
4 eggs
1 1/3 cups caster sugar
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
¼ cup lemon juice
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ tablespoons cornflour
1½ tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 150°C.
Base- place the ground almonds, flour, sugar and butter into a bowl. Rub mixture with your fingertips until it forms coarse crumbs, or use food processor for this.
Line the base of a 20-22 cm spring form tin with non-stick baking paper. Place the base mixture in the tin and press gently with  a spoon, until surface is smooth. Bake for 15 minutes, set aside.
Filling -  place the cream cheese, ricotta, eggs, sugar, lemon rind, juice and vanilla in a food processor. Combine the cornflour and water until smooth and add to the cheese mixture. Process the mixture until smooth.
Pour the filling over the base. Tap lightly to remove any air bubbles. Bake for 1 hour. Turn the oven off and stand the cake in the oven for 1 hour, leaving the door closed. Take out and cool, then refrigerate until cold and serve.

Klasični pečeni kolač od sira (Donna Hay recept)

Donna Hay je Australijska Marta Stjuart. Svi njeni recepti su provjereni, testirani i uvijek daju odlicne rezultate. Takav je i ovaj peceni 'cheesecake', jedan od mojih licnih favorita. Dobar vikend zelim!

13/ solje mljevenih badema
3/4 solje brasna
1/4 solje sitnog secera
90 gr rashladjenog maslaca, isjeckanog
Fil-330 gr krem sira, omeksalog
500 gr rikote sira
4 jaja
1 1/3 solje secera
1 kasika ribane limunove korice
1/4 solje limunovog soka
1/2 male kasike vanile
1 1/2 kasika 'gustina' (ili slicnog skrobnog brasna)
1 1/2 kasika vode
Zagrijte rernu na 150*C.
Baza- smjestite sve suhe sastojke u posudu, utrljajte maslac (ili koristite elektricnu sjeckalicu).
Postavite papir za pecenje u obruc od 20-22cm. Smjestite baznu smjesu na dno, pritisnite kasikom. Pecite 15 minuta, ostavite na stranu.
Fil- stavite sireve, jaja, secer, limunov sok ikoricu i vanilu u 'sjeckalicu'. Pomijesajte skrobno brasno i vodu, pa i to ubacite. Izmiksajte dok ne postane glatko.
Prebacite ovu smjesu preko baze; lakano lupnite po radnoj povrsin i kako bi mjehurici zrake izasli. Pecite 1 sat, iskljucite rernu i ostavite 'cake' unutra jos 1 sat (zatvorena rerna - ovo ce omoguciti ravnomjerno zagrijavanje/hladjenje, tj kolac nece popucati po povrsini). Izvadite, dodatno prohladite, pa smjestite u frizider, dok ses sasvim ne ohladi. Sluzite i uzivajte!

21 February 2011

Pear and Almond Tart

This is my first attempt. I was delighted by taste and simplicity of making it.

1,5 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water
Almond filling-
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt
4 tbs butter (60 g), softened
1 tbs flour
+ 3 pears (Williams), peeled, halved and cored
2 tbs honey mixed with 1 tbs water for brushing pears
Prepare a tart tin. Preheat oven to 180*C.
Put flour and butter into a food processor. Whiz until incorporated, add egg and water. Pulls until a ball starts to form. Take out and knead a bit. Roll out (floured surface)to a 28cm circle. Put it into a tart tin. Form 2 cm edges with your fingers. For almond filling, Process almonds and add all other ingredients. Pulse until paste forms. Pour it into crust. Slice prepared pears top it onto almond paste. Brush with honey/water mix, and bake for 30 minutes, or until slightly golden. Dust with icing sugar (optional).

Tart sa Kruškama i Bademima

1,5 solja brasna
3 K secera
prstohvat soli
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera, isjecenog
1 jaje
1 K hladne vode
1 solja badema, mljevenih
1/4 solje secera
prstohvat soli
4 K maslaca (60 gr), omeksalog
2 jaja
1 K brasna
+ 3 kruske, oguljene, prepolovljene
2 K meda pomijesane sa 1 K vode
Pripremite posudu za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici, mijesajte brasno sa maslacem; dodajte sve ostale sastojke i mijesajte dok se ne pretvori u tijesto. Izvadite, mijesite jos malo. Razvaljajte na 28 cm krug. Prebacite ga u posudu, oblikujte prstima ivice 2 cm visoke.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za za punjenje u jednolicnu 'pastu'. Uspite preko tijesta.
Kruske isijecite na snite pa ih rasporedite po badem masi, premazite medenom tecnoscu. Pecite oko 30 min ili dok blago ne porumeni. Pospite secerom u prahu (po zelji).

18 June 2010

Wiener Poppy Seed Cake

Easy, gluten free, delicious!

6 eggs, separated
180 g sugar, caster
180 g butter, very soft
180 g almonds, ground
180 g poppy seed, ground
Dark and white chocolate, melted separately (with a bit of oil)

Preheat oven (180*C), prepare tin, or muffin pan.
First make a stiff foam out of egg whites and half of sugar, set aside.
In another bowl mix butter, the rest of sugar and egg yolks, until smooth. Switch the mixer off, add almonds and poppy seed - fold in.
To this mixture add egg whites, and fold gently.
Pour into baking dish, and bake for 30 min.
When ready, take out and let it cool.
After some time, turn the cake upside down, and glaze with melted chocolate - first dark, then white. Let it drip, for a decorating effect.
This recipe is suitable for baking in muffin tins; take care to not over bake them, as baking time should be shorter.

Becki kuglof sa makom i bademima

6 jaja, odvojena bjelanca od zumanaca
180 gr secera, sitnijeg
180 gr putera, veoma mekanog
180 gr badema, mljevenih
180 gr maka, mljevenog
tamna i bijela cokolada, odvojeno otopljene sa malo ulja.

Zagrijte rernu, pripremite zeljeni kalup.
Umutite bjelanca sa pola secera, ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi umutite preostali secer sa puterom i zumancima. Dodajte bademe i mak, sjedinite rucno mijesajuci, pa dodajte snijeg od bjelanaca, takodje rucno.
Sipajte u kalup i pecite 30-ak minuta na 180*C.
Izvadite, ostavite hladiti, pa onda okrenite na zdjelu u kojoj cete sluziti. Prelijte najprije tamnom cokoladom, a potom i bijelom. Pustite sa se 'sliju' jedna u drugu.
Ovaj kolac se moze peci u minijaturnim kalupima za mafine (kao slika gore), samo pazite na vrijeme pecenja koje mora biti znatno krace.
Bez glutena (ukoliko ne koristite brasno za posipanje kalupa).

16 June 2010

Greek Almond, Orange and Semolina cake with Honey Syrup

Rustic looking, but very aromatic and tasty!


1 big or 2 small oranges(250 g)
125 g almonds, ground
175 g butter, very soft
175 g sugar, caster
3 eggs, large, beaten
250 g semolina
4,5 teas baking powder
225 ml homey + 5 tbs water
5 tbs orange juice
1,5 tbs lemon juice
4 cm cinnamon stick

Preheat the oven to 180*C. Prepare a 22 cm cake tin.
Cut the oranges into chunks, remove pips only, and tip it into a food processor. Whiz to a thick puree.
Put all other ingredients into a large bowl, mix until smooth. Fold in the orange puree, and spoon mixture into the tin, smoothing the top.
Bake for 35-40 minutes.
For last 10 min of baking prepare syrup: Boil water, cinnamon and honey (gently) for 5 minutes, then stir in the citrus juices.
Take the cake out when ready (place it on a deep plate), pierce it with a skewer in a few places, then pour the syrup over it.
For final serving you can use Greek yogurt and honey (optional).

Grcki griz kolac sa bademima , narandzom i medenim sirupom

1 velika ili 2 male narandze (250 gr)
125 gr badema, mljevenih
175 gr putera, veoma omeksalog
175 gr secera
3 velika jajeta
250 gr griza
4,5 kasicice praska za pecivo
225 ml meda + 5 kasika vode
5 kasika soka narandze
1,5 kasika soka limuna
4 cm dug prutic cimeta
Zargij rernu na 180*C, pripremi 22 cm kalup za kolace.
Isjeci naranze na komade, povadi kospice, pa u elektricnoj sjeckalici samelji sve do konzistencije pirea.
U drugoj posudi pomijesaj sve satojke zajedno, pa dodaj i pire. Prebaci smjesu u kalup u zaravnaj povsinu.
Peci 35-40 minuta.
Za sirup: Zadnjih 10 minuta pecenja kolaca - prokuhaj vodu, med i cimet 5 minuta, pa dodaj sokove citrusa.
Izvadjeni kolac treba staviti u dublji tanjir, sa cackalicom izbosti povrsinu, pa preliti sirupom.
Za serviranje mozete upotrijebiti Grcki jogurt i med, ali nije neophodno.

23 May 2010


Australia is place where I feel 'at home'. I feel so close to the nature, people, culture... This sort of Friands are made only in Australia and NZ. (French have different kind of friands.)

1 1/2 cups sugar, powder
6 egg-whites
150 g butter, melted
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup plain flour
150 g berries, your choice
sugar powder, for decoration
- Preheat your oven to 180*C; spray Friand moulds with oil.
-Put egg whites in a bowl, and with a help of an electrical mixer, make a stiff foam.
Add sugar, spoon by spoon, and then mix in the butter.
-Switch the mixer off, add almond meal and flour to the bowl, and fold in.
-Spoon the mixture in the Friand moulds (or Muffin moulds) and add the berries to the top (if frozen - don't defrost).
-Bake 10-15 min, take out on a cooling rack, and dust with sugar powder.

1,5 solja secera u prahu
6 bjelanaca
150 gr putera, otopljenog
1 solja badema, blansiranih, mljevenih
1/2 solje brasna, obicnog
150 gr voca (sumsko, bobicavo…)
malo secera u prahu
- Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i nastavite mutiti jos par minuta.
- Ubacite topljeni puter, promijesajte.
- Iskljucite mikser pa dodajte bademe i brasno. Rucno promijesajte
- Uspite u nauljene kalupe, po povrsini pospite voce (svjeze ili iz zamrzivaca ) ; pecite 10-15 min.
- Prohladjene Friands pospite secerom u prahu.
Kalupi za ‘Muffins’ ce posluziti u zamjenu za originalne.
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