
Showing posts with the label tudor dress

Tudor/ Stuart Ruffs

Sources: ~ Six Wives Info: Tudor Ruff Think of Tudor dress. Do you think of the famous ruffs? Many people do, and I can tell you they are very impressive! One of the Kentwell gentlemen walks around in a slashed doublets, hose complete with a giant ruff! The ruffs were made famous by the Elizabethans but they were still fashionable in the Stuart era. Originally designed for practical use by the Spanish, the garment soon became a fashion statement, the bigger the ruff, the better the man/ woman! They were designed to stop the expensive fabrics of the clothing from getting spoilt.  Made out of starched linen, ruffs were pinned up to ears or held up by wire! Ruffs were crafted for the rich as the poor could not afford such fine linen and garments. The most exquisite and finest ruffs, like the ones worn by Elizabeth I, were created out of expensive lace. The slightly cheaper ones were made out of fine linen.  Here are some images of ruffs: