
Showing posts with the label bronze age

The Bog People

Bog bodies are the carcases of people who died hundreds of years ago but have been preserved in bogs due to certain traits that the peats have such as lack of oxygen, acidic water and low temperature. As a result, the people's bodies have still got their organs and skin intact. Bog people are generally found in Northern Europe.  A German scientist calculated that more than 1,850 bodies had been recovered from the bogs between the years of 1939 and 1965. However more recent studies have unfortunately proved this statistic to be unreliable. The earliest accounts of discoveries of bog people turned up in the 17th century. Then they would be given a swift reburial in the churchyard rather than being examined by archaeologists and scientists. Since the first discoveries, the corpses have seemed to turn up in previous various years.  Some of these bodies have been found with ropes around their necks, signifying that they were killed by strangulation although some have stab...