The Holocaust I cannot begin to describe how horrendous, embarrassing and outrageous the Holocaust was. The Holocaust was a terrible 12 years of genocide when 11, 000, 000 people were brutally killed by the Nazi party. The majority of targeted citizens were Jews and the majority of them went to the Concentration Camps and never came out. When the fascist came into power with Adolf Hitler as chancellor, they arrested a third of Jews alive during the 1930s-40s and murdered them, mainly in Concentration camps such as Auschwitz in Poland. In the Concentration camps, men were separated from women and the weak, mothers, pregnant women, old people and children were gassed in the notorious Gas Chambers. At least 1.1 million Jewish children were murdered. Concentration Camps were a large place were people were imprisoned and forced to work with little food, water and facilities. The Concentration Camps were horrific with 11 million people having died during the Holocaust. 6 ...