
Showing posts with the label Victorian Female Fashion

Victorian Female Fashions

During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837- 1901), the fashion trends were changing rapidly. And for those who could afford new outfits regularly, this was a way to show off their wealth. 1830s The ideal body for a lady in the 1830s was a long, slender torso, accompanied by wide hips. The slimness of the torso was achieved by wearing tightly laced corsets made out of whale bone or iron. Some women laced themselves so tightly that many fainted and some women even broke a few of their ribs. Over the corset, they would wear a tight fitting bodice with a low waist. Women would have a long flowing skirt to emphasise their hips, worn over a horsehair petticoats to create the fullness of the skirts.  1840s Low necklines, V shaped bodices and fuller skirts was popular along with dropped sleeves. The bodice stopped at the waist line ending in a V. The sleeves wear tied tightly at the top but they then expanded at the wrist and/ or elbow. Because this restricted movement, the mid- ...