Was Victorian London a 'Tale of Two Cities'?

At the time of the Industrial Revolution, London was significantly divided. In the Westend, the wealthy classes lived, with good, well paying and respectable occupations which resulted in them having enough money to be able to afford a nice home and other luxuries. On the other hand, the East end was home to the working class and below. The working classes had jobs which were usually harmful and for the majority of the time, did not pay enough for a sanitary abode and the necessary nutritious amount of food. Victorian Westend One of the reasons why London was known as 'Two Cities', although geographically, they were just one, was because of the clothing. The people in the Westend could afford multiple bright and unique outfits because it was (and still is) considered to be an awful thing to be wearing the same garments as your peers. However, the people in the East end could only afford one outfit, poor of quality- normally second hand- and in quite dark, dull and c...