Well, linking to Art Journal Journey proved very difficult with the quote set by Wendy for this week. The quote was "There's not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I'm not going to do" and the closest song I could come up with was by Chicago - "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?". A tenuous link but the best I could come up with for Alison's challenge which I really wanted to link with.
I did try several songs about laziness, idly lying about but when you examined the lyrics they were not at all suitable being drug related or even worse. So I settled on the song by Chicago, at least I could write a story.
"Patsy was a crafter. She was always busy making things, buying new products - you name it, her whole life was about crafting. She had a lovely dedicated large craftroom, filled with shelving and a huge table in the centre of the room. Dotted around the perimeter were also a couple of smaller tables where she could work on the different disciplines, such as her die cutting station, her 'dirty' area which was where the large old Butler's sink was for the messy projects she loved to do, and the clean area which housed her sewing machine and bales of fabric which she could not resist buying.
She had a TV mounted on the wall just beyond the doorway and that was linked to her computer so that she could watch You Tube demonstrations whilst she got on with her current project, whatever that may be. In short Patty was missing nothing in her life. Her husband was a quiet mannered soul who was quite happy to let her get on with all the things she enjoyed and he was quite happy to help with the housework as and when necessary. If truth be known he did most of the cooking these days and was becoming quite the accomplished chef.
"Oh I don't know" replied Patsy.
"Surely in that wealth of You Tube videos you have saved you must be able to find something" he answered.
"There's not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I'm not going to do" she replied, with a smile on her face..
Henry sighed, sometimes he wondered what on earth went on in Patsy's world. But he didn't say anything, he loved her so much he just wanted her world to be perfect."