Wednesday, 18 January 2023


 Thank you all for including my BIL's in your prayers, they are working as I have had some good news from Oz.  I really was getting stressed worrying as to what was happening with Rob but Karen has come up with some much better news.  The surgeon has returned from his holiday and sorted things out and now he thinks Rob will recover much quicker and better in his own home so he is now home.  I have believed in the power of prayer for such a long time and am so thankful to you all who included him in your prayer lists.

BIL on the other side (Chas' bro) is sounding stronger in his voice now and has been having physio on the parallel bars so they have obviously got him on his feet at times.  Spoke yesterday and he had not been down for a few days so they are not rushing him.  Just hope they can get him up on his feet safely.

My desk has not seen much action as yet.  I did the card for one of our club members and that went off but the long legged girls are being held up because my flesh coloured Copics' have run out - well the main one has - and I can't manage without it.  My Promarkers went long ago so which shall I get?  Must send for some new ones.

Here is my desk/table with work in progress, ie colouring

the two top left are the ones I cannot complete

My desk is unchanged more or less

This was Olive's card.  It's open with a piece of acetate across spelling her name.  The yellow is just the background it was stood against.  (apologies for the shadows)

That is it for this week.  Got an online workshop this weekend so hopefully will have something crafty to show you next week over at WOYWW with Julia and the Gang.  See you then and Thank You so much for the prayers.