So things had better get moving whether I feel like it or not - but not until this weekend is over. I am off to a workshop with my good friend and stamping buddy Lorraine again and this time we will be learning from Kate Crane. So exciting - and the week after I finally get to meet Eileen Goddard at another workshop so I had better be fit and well. (Both workshops booked and paid for well before I started being ill)
Anyway, here is my desk
Far right is one of my square journals. This is being prepped with Gesso on some pages in readiness for the KC workshop. Working round to the left is my big journal with a page already painted and awaiting 'Jeudi Journal' inspiration - will have to be quick with that one but am so stuck!
Next are two pencil cases that have been taken from my Tim Holtz bag because I want the bag but not all my pencils on Saturday. Next to the pencil cases is my little pink tote that I used on Sunday at Newark, still packed up. Then comes my TH bag with it's assortment of things inside, a brayer is next resting on top of my small Gelli Plate and finally my tin of various mediums (Gesso, Texture Paste etc).
Well, that is it from me, off to see Annie later this morning and then off to Llandudno for a couple of nights. Now where should I go, Betwsy, Conway, Caernarfon or where? So many lovely places around that area, you will just have to wait and see.
Just linking up to Julia now and hopefully next week will have something to show you all. Crafting at last????