Monday, 13 June 2011


Thank goodness for scheduling as I have been away for a short trip and with the help of blogger and a friend (Jo) I was able to keep going on my blog for a couple of entries.

We went over to Ireland to see some of Chas' relations, notably his auntie Kay who will be 90 next month.  We flew over and spent the first day with Catherine and auntie Kay catching up on all the news before making our way to the Guest House, close to Templeogue, where we had booked in.

One of the things I wanted to do was to visit the Japanese Gardens I had once read about and when we went there I was certainly not disappointed.  Chas opted for us to follow the trail depicted by the story in  the handout  - which I found rather difficult at times.

The story begins with the pilgrim  entering the garden through the Gate of Oblivion.  The Cave of Birth symbolises life's beginning. Within the cave (like a tunnel)the  he goes up the Hill of Learning. Coming down the hill he has choices and by following the rugged path of adventure he comes to the Parting of the Ways.

Here he has three choices, the smooth path of carefree life, the narrow path of bachelorhood or the stepping stones of exploration leading across the water to wedded life.  he chooses the latter and arrives at the Island of Joy and Wonder.  Here he meets his future wife and joins her at the Engagement Bridge.  Together they come to the symbolic table of the prenuptial feast before crossing the Marriage Bridge where they take the Honeymoon Path which is a much wider path enabling them to walk side by side.,  However, they meet an obstruction in the path and part company for a while but are soon reunited to climb the hill of ambition.  They now see the well of wisdom from which to drink but they way is hard and they suffer a disappointment finding themselves separated from it by water which they cannot cross.  Quarrels and disappointments are at hand, diverging paths up and down but they again become united and ascend together to the summit of the Hill of Ambition.  

Now in their declining years they descend together and pause at the waterfall to pray to the gods.  Crossing the bridge they reach the Tea House and the miniature village before arriving at the Well of Wisdom where they wish for enlightenment before crossing the Bridge of Life to the Garden of Peace and Contentment.  Here life is easier and they progress until they reach the hill or mourning.  With his wife seated in peace and comfort on the Chair of old Age he traces his faltering steps to the Hill of Mourning where he is laid to rest surrounded by weeping trees.  His soul then passes through the Gateway to Eternity and the story ends.

After leaving the Japanese Gardens we went for a drink and a piece of Rocky Road (yes, got Chas addicted to the sweet stuff) and it came on raining so everyone came running inside.  Then when it stopped we went on to St Fiachra's Garden.

And on to the Stud Farm

And the Museum

Shock as you walked round the corner

So that was our day out at the Irish national Stud - finishing off with a visit to see cousin Mary and then a hearty Irish Meal in the evening.  Perhaps I will have time to upload a few more photographs tomorrow.