Wednesday, 9 August 2017


OK so last week was not as short and sweet as Julia would have liked it - I do get carried away at times.  But this week it is going to be so - honestly.

This is a scheduled post and I am going to have to ask someone to link it for me as tomorrow morning (it is Sunday now) I am flying off for three days in Amsterdam.  Weather forecast not good - rain on Tuesday early evening and not stopping until we leave.  Story of my life/our lives.

Well my desk does not hold any great things.  Could have shown you my pages in my Butterfly Book that I have drawn ready for Amsterdam but hadn't really time to take photos so it is rather a barren desk but the Tweexy is there for you to see and you can see it is (ta da ....)

a holder for nail varnish when you are doing your own nails.  Now isn't that a clever little contraption?  Got it on a plane when I was flying somewhere - probably America in January.  Now I have no nails to paint - medication seems to be putting paid to any decent growth.

That is it - so off to see Julia now and link in with other desks - have a great time this morning, I will be joining the party a little late this week.  See you around!