Friday, 3 August 2012

Moaning Lizzie

Sorry, could not resist that.  It should be Mona Lisa and features that famous face painted by the one and only Leonardo da Vinci.  Have you seen it in the Louvre in Paris?

Well, Von decided that this was to be the title of our next Challenge over at Artful Times.  I have three stamps that I could have used but one has the Eiffel Tower on it as a collage stamp, one is a huge stamp that does not stamp very well so requires a lot of patience so it fell to the third.  What to do with it?

I played about quite a bit with it and came up with a couple of examples so here is my bookmark.  Just done in black Archival ink on white with a black mount underneath.  A Lynn Perrella top hat embossed so it is shiny, a bit of masking and that is it.

Not sure what any of you are going to think about it, not even sure what I think about it but I just wanted to do something totally different from my usual work.

I am looking forward to seeing what you all do for this challenge and just how many Mona Lisa stamps there are out there.  See you over at the Artful Times?