The quote for today is "I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit but I can't get the flaming top off the bottle". It was one of my choices that we put to one side until nearer the Christmas period - can't get much closer than this!
I had forgotten all about it until Wendy reminded me and so I then had to get my thinking cap on in good time to do it, so it is the day before Christmas Eve, and I have finished it. A scheduled post which will be going out shortly on what we Brits know as *"Boxing Day".
I chose a page I had already stamped some things on that I was not happy with and so I painted it all over black. Decided to put a load of bottles on the floor and put a figure kneeling on them with one between her knees. That's the one she is struggling with but there is one on the floor she has abandoned.
As it is Christmas and to make it appear a bit more festive I put a Dylusion Christmas tree to one side, its small so hopefully gives the appearance of being in the distance. The best head for this figure didn't have a top on so I used some bits from other figures to give her a Christmas hat. A garland of silver and gold metallic stars finished it off and made the page all sparkly but it doesn't show in the scan.
So here it is - my page for Christmas:
Bet those bottles are uncomfortable beneath her knees but once she gets into the Christmas spirit she will soon not care.
I am entering this into Art Journal Journey, did hope to get more done this month but life got busy and took over. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
*Boxing Day is celebrated on the day after Christmas, December 26th each year in various countries around the world, generally those that were settled by the British Commonwealth. It is believed that Boxing Day originated because the servants of wealthy families typically had to work on Christmas Day. For their services they were usually presented with gift boxes at the end of Christmas Day, and they were allowed to take the next day off work to spend with their own families. Another theory of the origin of Boxing Day is that churches opened donation boxes in December 26th and distributed the contents to the poor. In the church, December 26th is also the Feast of St. Stephen.