Showing posts with label teacher for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher for the day. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

End of School Sprint

Check out all of these fun and important things
we will do and learn the last few weeks of school---

Friday, May 13- STAAR PAARTY DAY.  Letters went home 5/11 to let you know about our STAAR PAARTY” celebration. We will enjoy a fun-filled day for a job well done. For Math class, students may bring a strategy board game to play with classmates. Please keep any electronic game devices (such as PSPs or iTouches) at home.  In Language Arts, we will have a “Read In”.  Students can bring a few favorite books from home as well as a pillow, blanket or sleeping bag in order to cozy up with some good books.

Monday, May 16- We will begin our study on Ancient Rome.  Fun times ahead during this WINDS OF TIME study at HCE.

Tuesday, May 17- AUCTION WINNERS will be TEACHER FOR THE DAY.  We have five lucky kids who will be helping us teach your child's classes for the day!

Wednesday, May 18- Last Cougar Club Meetings
This special time on Wednesday afternoons has allowed so many students to pursue interests and see how their passions match with their learning!  We are grateful to the parents and community volunteers who have made the time to help our students learn more about the world in which they live.

Thursday, May 19- We will have a special visit from a local meteorologist, Travis Herzog and also attend the 5th grade ihistory.

Friday, May 20- Thanks to our generous PTA, we will have a speaker come and share with us his knowledge and artifacts from Ancient Rome.

Monday, May 23- PUBLISHER's PICNIC, Please make plans to join your child in the third grade courtyard from 12:00-12:30.  They will share with you much of their work from this school year.  It's a great time to see the growth they have made this year and celebrate their success.  Because this is a school wide event, you will want to get here early.  
Tips on things to bring that will make the time more special:  smiles, a blanket or chairs to sit, a lunch with your child's favorite things, and plenty of water as it is to be hot and humid.
Tuesday, May 24- Students will participate in a school wide book swap. We hope they come home with a book that gets them excited about reading over the summer.

Wednesday, May 25- CHARIOT RACE DAY!   
Chariot races will take place on the field.  Parents and families are encouraged to attend.  Please make sure to get to school early to check in at the front office before heading to the field.  The race will begin at 8:30.  It’s a short but fun celebration, so don’t be late!
AND…We will also have a have a visit this day from author Liesl Shurtliff.  Please make sure you have those book orders in soon!

Thursday, May 26- Learning Adventures with Ancient Rome

Friday, May 27- Learning Adventures with Ancient Rome

Monday, May 30- SCHOOL HOLIDAY

Tuesday, May 31- Winds of Time Assembly at 8:30a.m.  You will want to make sure you get to school on time that day to get a good seat.  We will provide students with Roman costumes for this occasion.  They will either be dressed as a Roman Senator, Roman Soldier, or Roman Goddess.  Students parade to the hard top from our classrooms for our assembly.  Each grade level speaker will teach the audience about the civilization for which they spent the last weeks studying.  The ceremony closes with a song sung by the entire school.  Finally, we walk around the hallways of the school and back to our classroom.  It’s a great KODAK moment!

Wednesday, June 1-Virtual Raodtrip
Students will visit all five third grade classrooms this day to take a virtual field trip across the United States.  They will come home with a memory scrapbook and tales of wild adventures during our travels!

Thursday, June 2- Last Day of School
You are invited to join us from 11:30-12:00 as we end our year with a celebration in our classrooms.